Saturday, September 27, 2008

Calories In Vegetable Stir Fry

Burmese Communists do not intend to boycott the 2010 elections

site Burmese Mizzima News published in mid- last July a series of interviews with representatives of opposition political groups to the Burmese military junta. Among these was the spokesman of the Communist Party of Burma (CPB ) "Comrade " Po Than Jaung . The CPB was established in 1939 and throughout its history has relied on just three years of law, from 1945 to 1948. Schieratosi with the Chinese at the time of splitting the international communist movement, led a strong guerrilla movement until the early '90s, when the rebellion of minorities who constituted most of its guerrilla forces, has forced its leaders to refuge in China.

The Burmese regime announced that general elections would be held in 2010, the first since those in 1990 had given the victory of the democratic movement led by Aung San Suu Kyi . The democratic process was quickly interrupted by the intervention of the military which has since ruled the country through repression.

According to the spokesman of the Communist Party, the 2010 elections would be held within the framework of the recently approved constitution, "the council will use the elections to prolong its rule and maintain political power. The 2010 elections will not be comparable to those in 1990. In the 2010 elections, 25% of parliamentary seats will be reserved for the Armed Forces. The parties and the people can only fight for the remaining 75% of the seats. In addition, many key positions, and departments will likewise 'they reserved for representatives appointed by the Armed Forces. So the 2010 elections can not change the nature of the military regime in Burma. "

Despite this critical assessment, the Communists do not intend to boycott the elections." We must not let all these seats in Parliament without debate and give in to the manipulations of the military as they wish. "As for the possibility of direct participation of the CPB , Po Than Jaung recalled that the party is not allowed to operate legally, although this request has been made since the 1990 elections. The party would refuse to operate under a different name. "The CPB will occur only under his own name. We are not going to change the name of our party," said the communist leader to Mizzima.

Friday, September 26, 2008

247 Walk In Clinic Toronto

outlawed the Basque Lands PC

The English Supreme Court has decided to outlaw and dissolve the Partido Comunista de las Tierras Vascas (PCTV) because this party has become in the 'functional equivalent "of Batasuna, to be also an expression" of a strategy ETA terrorism, from which it took away, "and finally to" protect il sistema democratico".

La sentenza, come riferisce El Pais , spiega che la messa fuori legge di un partito politico può essere sia la conseguenza di un "appoggio diretto" a organizzazioni terroristiche, come di un "appoggio indiretto" alle stesse, attraverso altre entità che, a loro volta, agiscono in accordo con una organizzazione terroristica.

Per la messa fuori legge non è però necessario che questo partito sia diretto da un partito illegale o dal gruppo terrorista, o sia uno "strumento" di questi. Tutte le azioni che possono dar luogo alla dichiarazione di illegalità richiedono "il significato obbiettivo di essere un contributo al terrorismo".

The Supreme Court considered evidence that the PCTV has made available the equipment and infrastructure to Batasuna, in practice a home in the village of Usurbil, which the leaders of Batasuna could "freely available". In addition, the PCTV has absorbed in its political work a significant number of members of Batasuna and transferred money in the form of "pay" to members of the National Table of Batasuna.

The General Coordinator of Izquierda Unida, Gaspar Llamazares , expressed its respect for the Supreme Court's decision and asked the Basque left "is released by the violence if it wants to act in politics." Llamazares said che rispetta la sentenza nonostante IU continui ad essere critica sulla applicazione della Legge sui Partiti sulla base della quale è avvenuta la messa fuori legge del PCTV.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What Shoes Did Mr Roper Wear

The websites of the Colombian left

In questo post presento un quadro aggiornato dei siti web delle forze politiche della sinistra colombiana, avendo come base la pagina del sito Leftist Parties of the World di Nico Biver che risale al 22 aprile 2005.


Polo Democratico Alternativo (PDA): coalizione della sinistra moderata e alternativa, leader Cesar Gaviria.

Partito Comunista Colombiano (PCC): established in 1930-Soviet tradition, is part of the Polo, Jaime Caycedo leader.

Workers' Party of Colombia (PTC): Maoist moderate, founded in 2002 by a division of Moir, leader Marcelo Torres, is part of the Pole.

independent workers' movement and Revolutionary (Moira): Maoist moderate, founded in 1969, is part of the Pole.

and Independent Revolutionary Workers Movement - Francisco Mosquera (Moira - Francisco Mosquera): Maoist, a small split in the previous year.

Movement for the Defence of the People (MODEP)

Socialist Party Workers (PST): Trotskyist moraine, founded in 1977, adheres to the LIT.

Revolutionary Communist Group of Colombia (GCR): Maoist, founded in 1982.

Communist Workers' Union (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) : Founded in 1998, Maoist radical.

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) political-military organization, founded on the initiative of the Communist Party but now independent. His official site does not work anymore, but there are others that show the material and press releases.

National Liberation Army (ELN): organizzazione politico-militare di orientamento guevarista, fondata nel 1964.

Partido Comunista di Colombia (Marxista-leninista) PCdeC (ML): nato da una scissione del PCC, dirige una organizzazione armata l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione, prima filocinese poi filoalbanese. Questa pagina pubblica i suoi documenti .