Sunday, November 9, 2008

Why Do Green Beans Spark In Microwave Oven?

possible left turn The left Izquierda Unida

La coalizione della sinistra alternativa spagnola, Izquierda Unida (IU), terrà la sua IX assemblea nazionale il 15 e 16 novembre a Rivas (Madrid). Il coordinatore Gaspar Llamazares ha annunciato nei giorni scorsi le sue dimissioni, anche se in ogni caso non si sarebbe ripresentato per un nuovo mandato alla guida di IU.

La conclusione della leadership di Llamazares avviene in una fase di profonda crisi della coalizione che ha ottenuto nelle elezioni di quest'anno il peggior risultato della sua storia. Dispone ormai di un solo deputato, mentre un secondo parlamentare è stato eletto in alleanza con la Sinistra Verde catalana.

Da tempo il Partito Comunista (PCE), guidato da Francisco Frutos, principale forza organizzata all'interno IU, è in aperto dissenso con la politica condotta dal Coordinatore regionale, considerato troppo accomodante con il PSOE e poco attento a dare voce alle spinte anticapitalistiche.

Al dibattito dei militanti sono stati sottoposti tre documenti contrapposti, quello della maggioranza del gruppo dirigente uscente guidato da Llamazares, quello della cosidetta terza via o "Nacional II" (dal nome della strada che collega Madrid a Barcellona, perché è in questi territori che raccoglie soprattutto le sue forze), e il terzo sostenuto dai comunisti e da altri gruppi minori di sinistra e appoggiato dall'ex coordinatore generale Julia Anguita.

I reali rapporti di forza si verificheranno all'Assemblea nazionale ma i primi dati ufficiosi sembrano indicare una sconfitta della direzione uscente che raccoglierebbe tra il 26 e il 30% dei delegati. Alla mozione della terza via andrebbe il 20%. Il documento presentato dal PCE raccoglierebbe il 46%. Un altro 5% sarebbe formato da indipendenti, trotskisti, sindacalisti della CUT.

Sarà necessario formare una alleanza interna per definire una direzione in grado di guidare la coalizione. Non sembra facile una gestione unitaria. Il PCE propone che anziché eleggere un coordinatore regionale ci si limiti a votare una direzione collegiale composta da una decina di membri.

La stampa riporta anche la possibilità di una uscita da IU di esponenti della linea più moderata, come il Sindaco di Cordoba Rosa Aguilar che ha dichiarato di attendere l'esito dell'Assemblea per decidere che cosa fare.

L'esito dello scontro interno sembra comunque indicare una radicalizzazione della politica di IU nel prossimo periodo.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How Much Is Membership For Weymouth Club?

of U.S. and Obama

Le elezioni presidenziali americane sono ormai imminenti. Le previsioni indicano un successo del candidato democratico Barack Obama, anche se solo il voto e la sua suddivisione in the different States, will confirm this possibility.

It is expected that closes the loop ultra-liberal and militarist of the Bush presidency, but much more difficult to predict whether and how the change will be profound. Certainly very limited in the case of McCain victory is more pronounced in the case of successful black leaders, especially if this is happening thanks to a "landslide, avalanche, indicating a profound shift opinion of American voters.

front of the Obama candidacy held the positions of the American left, socialist or communist orientation are different. , Be aware that this represents only a small part of the "radical" which lies mostly in the networks of movement, trade union, intellectual areas, magazines and research centers.

The Communist Party of the United States (CPUs) following its traditional policy of support for electoral candidates to Democrats. At the beginning of the primaries in the 2008 elections saw a "tremendous opportunity" to end the policy of the Republican right and move the country in a progressive direction. This election may be the beginning of a turnaround. Among the candidates in the primary, the Communists had not taken a position, but Obama still considered that he had sent the clearest message of unity and change and able to win the November election.

last editorial in the Communist weekly People's Weekly World we invite readers to do their best to win even if Obama is not a leftist candidate, because he can still change American politics. The editor, Marc Brodin, considers that the conditions exist for a significant success of the Democratic candidate. The article called it "The coming landslide," the avalanche to come.

The Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism , consisting of executives have left the Communist Party in the early nineties, including Angela Davis, invites you to "vote for change. "In a paper published in August, the organization calls on all progressive and left forces to commit forces to beat the warmongering, neo-conservative and right who support McCain.

The Committee invited its members and sympathizers to support the coalition " Progressives for Obama (P4O)" to influence the political platform of the candidate and counteract the weight of the more moderate Democratic Party. Among the promoters and supporters of the coalition include Barbara Ehrenreich, Tom Hayden, Cornel West, Jane Fonda, etc..

in favor of Obama has also deployed the "Working Families Party (WFP), founded in New York a decade ago, union activists and community organizations engaged in social work. Not very interested to ideological, action-oriented instead of to win concrete results for working class New Yorkers through liberal use of the voting system in this State that allows candidates to be presented simultaneously by multiple parties. In this way, can bring tens of thousands of votes to the candidates (usually Democrats) who support and who are committed to promote the program.

The " Workers World Party (WWP)", is a small political force, especially very active in the antiwar movement, with a singular path. E 'born from a split in the American Trotskyist party, the Socialist Workers Party in the late '50s, but over time has dropped any reference to the ideas of Trotsky approximate positions of Marxist-Leninist-Soviet, especially on the international stage. From reading the latest edition of his newspaper, Workers World no clear electoral position. Obama is not criticized directly, but it is stressed however that alone will not change the political and social situation of the United States, even erase racism. But they are attacked for their reactionary positions, the Republican candidates McCain and Sarah Palin and the danger of being terminated electoral fraud in their favor as in 2000. From

site of the party that the WWP has chosen to support the candidacy of Cynthia McKinney , African-American Democratic former congressman who had assumed a very polemic against Bush, to the point of giving credit entries on the assassination plot dele Twin Towers. This has led her to be ostracized from the party that has abandoned the presidential candidate for the nomination by the Greens. The Party for Socialism and Liberation , born of a split in the WWP, decided to submit its own militant, Gloria La Riva, the candidacy of President degli Stati Uniti.

Il Partito Socialista degli Stati Uniti è quanto rimane di una forza politica nata all'inizio del '900 e che avuto almeno fino agli anni venti del secolo scorso un radicamento di massa e un seguito elettorale significativo. Attualmente è un piccolo gruppo, abbastanza marginale nel panorama politico americano. Mantiene una linea politica di contrapposizione al bipartitismo e si rifiuta di appoggiare i candidati democratici. Anche nelle elezioni d quest'anno ha deciso di presentare una propria candidatura, quella di Brian Moore , che sarà sulle schede elettorali solo in alcuni Stati. Improbabile che riesca ad avere un risultato anche minimamente significativo.

Under the current socialist, a more moderate trend of the previous but with a greater influence is that it brings together in Democratic Socialist of America . It adheres to the Socialist International, and was created by the confluence of a component with a traditional socialist sector of the radical movement of the '60s. Traditionally work within the Democratic Party. His site calls on all progressives to mobilize for Obama, noting that the vote is not granted.

Who takes sides openly against voting for Obama is the main U.S. Trotskyist organization, the International Socialist Organization . As for the Socialist Party, this group refused to support the Democratic Party for being a capitalist party like the Republicans. Instead, it always supported left-wing candidates, including Ralph Nader when it became the flagship of the Greens, seeking the construction of a third political party actually left. This was the perspective given by Trotsky in his time already.

writes one of the historic leaders of the group, Lance Selfa , Obama is not a liberal, but rather a "centrist" and its policy will not represent a real breakthrough for the country. His politics may resemble that of Roosevelt in the 30s, but also, Second Self, served only to "save capitalism".

Other left-wing candidates for election are: *
Ralph Nader supported by small groups of dissidents ecologists and pacifists, but whose consent was achieved after declining the relative success of 2000 (when he was accused of losing Al Gore the election, paving the way for the Bush presidency jargon). *
Roger Calero the Socialist Workers Party, a Trotskyist organization valuable time now reduced to a small sect.