Signature "ATHEIST NO!"
Ciao a tutti,
la campagna "ATEO NO!" sta andando avanti, riscuotendo approvazioni e appoggio tra singoli e associazioni.
Proprio per questo abbiamo deciso di aprire una petizione online. Vogliamo presentare le firme alla autorità competenti, alla stampa, e alla casa di produzione, in modo far vedere che la nostra battaglia è espressione di una larga parte della società civile.
La petizione si trova all'indirizzo
Vi chiediamo appoggio by signing and dissemination of the campaign. Thanks
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Parts Inside The Car Names
ATHEIST NO! Campaign against Religiolus
We are pleased to introduce our new campaign. The subject is dear to us of true freedom of expression, which can only be obtained through the comparison.
We ask you all possible support through the publication of the anti-poster (at right) on your blogs or sites, the publication of our press release (below), the publication of the banners of support (bottom), the ' group membership on Facebook.
After the posters of ' UAAR buses di Genova, un'altra minaccia alla fede giunge, dopo pochi giorni, dal mondo del cinema.
Una locandina ridicolizza in una sola immagine, in un'estrema sintesi, le tre religioni abramitiche, Cristianesimo, Ebraismo, Islam, nello scopo di promuovere un film in uscita nelle prossime settimane che ha come tema proprio la religione.
La rappresentazione più che ridicolizzante è oltraggiante, nei confronti delle massime figure “istituzionali” (rappresentate in veste di primati), nei confronti di tutti i credenti, e infine nei confronti dei valori che sottendono i rispettivi credi.
Possiamo solo supporre che il poster in questione sia solo una leggera anticipazione dei contenuti e dei toni della pellicola Religiolus .
We believe that an event of this kind, under the eyes of all, offended many. We therefore call for the abolition of that first image. Secondly, we urge the relevant authorities to ensure the contents of the film in question to ensure that messages conveyed are wicked or amoral.

We ask you all possible support through the publication of the anti-poster (at right) on your blogs or sites, the publication of our press release (below), the publication of the banners of support (bottom), the ' group membership on Facebook.
After the posters of ' UAAR buses di Genova, un'altra minaccia alla fede giunge, dopo pochi giorni, dal mondo del cinema.
Una locandina ridicolizza in una sola immagine, in un'estrema sintesi, le tre religioni abramitiche, Cristianesimo, Ebraismo, Islam, nello scopo di promuovere un film in uscita nelle prossime settimane che ha come tema proprio la religione.
La rappresentazione più che ridicolizzante è oltraggiante, nei confronti delle massime figure “istituzionali” (rappresentate in veste di primati), nei confronti di tutti i credenti, e infine nei confronti dei valori che sottendono i rispettivi credi.
Possiamo solo supporre che il poster in questione sia solo una leggera anticipazione dei contenuti e dei toni della pellicola Religiolus .
We believe that an event of this kind, under the eyes of all, offended many. We therefore call for the abolition of that first image. Secondly, we urge the relevant authorities to ensure the contents of the film in question to ensure that messages conveyed are wicked or amoral.
Ass VeraLibertà
Saturday, January 24, 2009
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Attack AU
After blocking of the posters in Genoa, UAAR not digest and counterattacks . Report illegal posting of some manifesti dei CristianoRiformisti sui muri di Roma.
Sicuramente è difficile difendere un "attacchinaggio selvaggio", probabilmente avvenuto all'insaputa del partito promotore.
Bisogna però sottolineare che è strano (per usare un eufemismo) che l'UAAR batta su questo episodio pochi giorni dopo la bocciatura dei propri manifesti. Ma soprattutto è strano che attacchi proprio un messaggio ( DIO ESISTE...e anche gli atei lo sanno ) che esplicitamente fa riferimento alla loro campagna.
Abbiamo una domanda per l'UAAR: siete così civili da segnalare agli organi competenti tutti i manifesti affissi fuorilegge che incontrate sul vostro cammino?
Se è così we bow down in front of your citizenship.
After blocking of the posters in Genoa, UAAR not digest and counterattacks . Report illegal posting of some manifesti dei CristianoRiformisti sui muri di Roma.
Sicuramente è difficile difendere un "attacchinaggio selvaggio", probabilmente avvenuto all'insaputa del partito promotore.
Bisogna però sottolineare che è strano (per usare un eufemismo) che l'UAAR batta su questo episodio pochi giorni dopo la bocciatura dei propri manifesti. Ma soprattutto è strano che attacchi proprio un messaggio ( DIO ESISTE...e anche gli atei lo sanno ) che esplicitamente fa riferimento alla loro campagna.
Abbiamo una domanda per l'UAAR: siete così civili da segnalare agli organi competenti tutti i manifesti affissi fuorilegge che incontrate sul vostro cammino?
Se è così we bow down in front of your citizenship.
Friday, January 23, 2009
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The Church on YouTube
The Catholic Church decided today to communicate through YouTube, sensitive to the role of new media in today's society.
From today all the activities of the Holy See will be seen on YouTube, with four new channels in Italian, English, English, German.
said on Tuesday the Pope Benedict XVI at the 43rd World Day of Social Communications , demanding that all technologies are available to all and that the network is attentive to the content it offers: violence, pornography and pedophilia.
strongly support the Pope's call for a control more about Internet content that is often overlooked due to a vicious circle of "buck-passing" between the competent authorities.
The Catholic Church decided today to communicate through YouTube, sensitive to the role of new media in today's society.
From today all the activities of the Holy See will be seen on YouTube, with four new channels in Italian, English, English, German.
said on Tuesday the Pope Benedict XVI at the 43rd World Day of Social Communications , demanding that all technologies are available to all and that the network is attentive to the content it offers: violence, pornography and pedophilia.
strongly support the Pope's call for a control more about Internet content that is often overlooked due to a vicious circle of "buck-passing" between the competent authorities.
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Milingo, the cinema is wrong
E 'fortunately passed in silence the news of the presentation of the documentary film about Milingo took place on Wednesday evening.
Clearly, this presentation was the former bishop and his wife.
blatantly the meeting took place a few steps from the Vatican. First sign of a little respect.
second aspect, more seriously, the film titled "I, the Church and the Devil" portrays a positive Milingo, stressing his experience charities in Africa.
We hope that the movie industry, in When you want to involve religion in the future, please do so by choosing the lesser misunderstandings.
E 'fortunately passed in silence the news of the presentation of the documentary film about Milingo took place on Wednesday evening.
Clearly, this presentation was the former bishop and his wife.
blatantly the meeting took place a few steps from the Vatican. First sign of a little respect.
second aspect, more seriously, the film titled "I, the Church and the Devil" portrays a positive Milingo, stressing his experience charities in Africa.
We hope that the movie industry, in When you want to involve religion in the future, please do so by choosing the lesser misunderstandings.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
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Media impacting!
media, tv, movies, video games, have a real impact on the behavior of young people?
The results of the study "Watching sex on television can lead to teen pregnancy?" Conducted by the Rand Corporation, and "longitudinal effects of violent video games on aggression in Japan and the United States," Craig A. Anderson, director of the Center for the Study of Violence of the State University of Iowa, prove so.
In an interesting interview with Kristen Fyfe, editor of the Culture and Media Institute, truth to come out of some already known, but for many unknown, ignored, or worse, denied.
The negative influence of the media on young minds is greater than you might think. And this is especially noticeable over many years. Some messages are sediment and model the behavior with growth.
Researcher launches a real appeal to parents: "These studies do nothing but reinforce my belief that God has given us the responsibility of guiding our children through a minefield at the cultural level that seeks to undermine the best of God for them. "
Please read the full interview on Zenit .
media, tv, movies, video games, have a real impact on the behavior of young people?
The results of the study "Watching sex on television can lead to teen pregnancy?" Conducted by the Rand Corporation, and "longitudinal effects of violent video games on aggression in Japan and the United States," Craig A. Anderson, director of the Center for the Study of Violence of the State University of Iowa, prove so.
In an interesting interview with Kristen Fyfe, editor of the Culture and Media Institute, truth to come out of some already known, but for many unknown, ignored, or worse, denied.
The negative influence of the media on young minds is greater than you might think. And this is especially noticeable over many years. Some messages are sediment and model the behavior with growth.
Researcher launches a real appeal to parents: "These studies do nothing but reinforce my belief that God has given us the responsibility of guiding our children through a minefield at the cultural level that seeks to undermine the best of God for them. "
Please read the full interview on Zenit .
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Is It Ok To Use Acrylic Tapers For Ears
Yesterday ended the two-day event dedicated to the relationship between technology and morality.
Unfortunately, what could be an opportunity for discussion and debate has been transformed into a web of controversies and gossips.
For those who have not read, we refer to the charge of obscurantism threatened by some media. ( an example for all )
We've been there. And we will ensure that the principles underlying the intervention were those shared with rigor and control in accordance with the rules of good moral core.
not demonize the Internet as a tool, but we offer guides for its content and use of the same. For those wishing to
live eun'esperienza indirect days, please read the article of're in the desert.
Yesterday ended the two-day event dedicated to the relationship between technology and morality.
Unfortunately, what could be an opportunity for discussion and debate has been transformed into a web of controversies and gossips.
For those who have not read, we refer to the charge of obscurantism threatened by some media. ( an example for all )
We've been there. And we will ensure that the principles underlying the intervention were those shared with rigor and control in accordance with the rules of good moral core.
not demonize the Internet as a tool, but we offer guides for its content and use of the same. For those wishing to
live eun'esperienza indirect days, please read the article of're in the desert.
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Freedom Church in sport
Football, national sport. Sport that unites families, couples, groups of friends, work colleagues. Italian sport. Yet
increscente sport tainted by a controversy still alive but revived in recent days by the coach of our national team coach Marcello Lippi: the blasphemy in the field.
cursing God the Father in the field is allowed, apologized tacitly urged.
The problem is huge when you go to meet today's communications needs two elements:
1. the popularity of soccer players, recruited to the role of idol
2. the televising and detailed close-up that leaves no doubt about that lip-
The speech, in short, is summed up thus: "if Totti can swear on live TV in front of millions of people ... because I can not do ? , asked the teenager.
What we want is freedom for families to be able to watch a sports event without the belief to be offended, and without their children are induced to curse under the influence of a phenomenon of emulation and desire for the champions.
Of these hours is the acute response of Monsignor Gianfranco Ravasi, please read the interview .
Football, national sport. Sport that unites families, couples, groups of friends, work colleagues. Italian sport. Yet
increscente sport tainted by a controversy still alive but revived in recent days by the coach of our national team coach Marcello Lippi: the blasphemy in the field.
cursing God the Father in the field is allowed, apologized tacitly urged.
The problem is huge when you go to meet today's communications needs two elements:
1. the popularity of soccer players, recruited to the role of idol
2. the televising and detailed close-up that leaves no doubt about that lip-
The speech, in short, is summed up thus: "if Totti can swear on live TV in front of millions of people ... because I can not do ? , asked the teenager.
What we want is freedom for families to be able to watch a sports event without the belief to be offended, and without their children are induced to curse under the influence of a phenomenon of emulation and desire for the champions.
Of these hours is the acute response of Monsignor Gianfranco Ravasi, please read the interview .
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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Vittoria in Genoa: a step towards Freedom
now the news is known: the shameful campaign for atheism in Genoa, there will be. Thanks
everywhere flocked to the protests in our country, in the end the good taste and sense of limits, for once, had the upper hand on woes of leadership of this or that 'common'.
As citizens, even before that as Catholics, we can only welcome this good news and it is surely only right to feel relieved and satisfied with the outcome on the protests around the Catholic world, compact and inclusive, has been able to raise against the destruction of those slogans.
But it would be a serious mistake to pretend that one victory exempt us from continuing to engage fervently for the defense of our values.
The story of the campaign for atheism in fact proves one thing: we must take care, must be heard.
Just look around to realize how every day, every hour, the media are offensive and euphonium of ambiguous messages.
There are days when everything is clear. Today is one of those days: a victory for Genoa shows us the way forward and we intend to follow it with faith and civic passion.
why we are here. So we decided to continue our struggle for freedom.
for further
now the news is known: the shameful campaign for atheism in Genoa, there will be. Thanks
everywhere flocked to the protests in our country, in the end the good taste and sense of limits, for once, had the upper hand on woes of leadership of this or that 'common'.
As citizens, even before that as Catholics, we can only welcome this good news and it is surely only right to feel relieved and satisfied with the outcome on the protests around the Catholic world, compact and inclusive, has been able to raise against the destruction of those slogans.
But it would be a serious mistake to pretend that one victory exempt us from continuing to engage fervently for the defense of our values.
The story of the campaign for atheism in fact proves one thing: we must take care, must be heard.
Just look around to realize how every day, every hour, the media are offensive and euphonium of ambiguous messages.
There are days when everything is clear. Today is one of those days: a victory for Genoa shows us the way forward and we intend to follow it with faith and civic passion.
why we are here. So we decided to continue our struggle for freedom.
for further
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True Freedom - Manifesto
"Freedom is not an end in itself, it is true only
when asked about the service of truth, solidarity and peace. "
In the name of moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bwhich underpin our society, we demand real freedom.
true freedom to express themselves and take advantage of the highest arts without feeling offended.
True freedom to roam our cities, to read magazines, go to the movies, without which our eyes are injured.
true freedom to raise our children without their hearts are corrupt and their deviant thoughts.
rid of corruption, cynicism, bad faith, falsehood.
Because true freedom is given by the Liberation.
"True freedom is not to say no, but
conform his will to the divine."
conform his will to the divine."
Benedict XVI
"Freedom is not an end in itself, it is true only
when asked about the service of truth, solidarity and peace. "
John Paul II
In the name of moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bwhich underpin our society, we demand real freedom.
true freedom to express themselves and take advantage of the highest arts without feeling offended.
True freedom to roam our cities, to read magazines, go to the movies, without which our eyes are injured.
true freedom to raise our children without their hearts are corrupt and their deviant thoughts.
rid of corruption, cynicism, bad faith, falsehood.
Because true freedom is given by the Liberation.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Put These Words In A Paragraph
the Cuban revolution to anti-globalization movement
international Trotskyist currents from 1963 to today
international Trotskyist currents from 1963 to today
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Wards Lab 8 What Is Ideal Population
St. Paul's meeting of the Communist Parties of the left
was held a novembre nella città brasiliana di San Paolo, il 10° incontro internazionale dei Partiti Comunisti, organizzato dal Partido Comunista do Brasil , che attualmente è al governo nella coalizione diretta dal Presidente Lula . I precedenti incontri si erano svolti in Bielorussia nel 2007, in Portogallo nel 2006 e in Grecia, in tutti gli anni precedenti.
Sorti per iniziativa del Partito Comunista Greco ( KKE ), e voluti soprattutto dai PC più tradizionalisti, all'inizio questi meeting internazionali avevano una forma seminariale e di basso profilo politico. Solo negli ultimi anni, con la formazione di un gruppo di lavoro che ne prepara l'organizzazione consists of a dozen parties, and the identification of different sites, aspiring to become part of a process of reconstruction of the "International Communist Movement" in continuity with the existing structure until the collapse of the socialist bloc.
In Sao Paulo there were 66 parties from 55 countries. The breakdown by continent is: Europe 31 (including 12 former socialist bloc), 8 Asia, Middle East, 9, 17 America, Africa 1. From the perspective of the political role: 5 are in power in terms of political monopoly (Cuba, China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam), 12 are in government or support coalitions of government playing a role more or less important (Belarus, Bolivia, Brasile PCdoB , Cipro, Ecuador, Nepal, Paraguay, Sud Africa, Siria SCP e CPS , Uruguay , Venezuela); 13 hanno una rappresentanza parlamentare (Bulgaria, Colombia, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Grecia, India CPI e CPM , Iraq, Lettonia, Palestina PPP , Portogallo, Russia PCFR , Ucraina PCU ). Gli altri 36 partiti non hanno rappresentanza parlamentare (uno è illegale).
Dal punto di vista dell'origine ideologica: 35 sono partiti già presenti all'interno dell' MCI egemonizzato dall'Unione Sovietica; 9 derivano da scissioni di partiti che avevano autonomist positions taken against the CPSU since the '70s, or that after the collapse of the socialist bloc have become non-Communist parties, parties arising from the current 6 filocinese 60s, 12 parties are formed in Eastern Europe after the collapse of socialism, four parties are from different traditions.
A number of communist parties has never participated in these international meetings, and some participants will always have attributed little significance. Among those absent several smaller parties in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Switzerland), the Communist Party of Moldova, in Asia the Japanese Communist Party, the Communist Party del Nepal (Maoista), le due principali organizzazioni comuniste filippine ( PCP , PM ), in America Latina l' FMLN del Salvador, l' URNG del Guatemala, il PT messicano, il PCEml dell'Ecuador. Assenti anche le principali formazioni della sinistra radicale al potere in America Latina: il PSUV venezuelano e il MAS boliviano, escluse dalla discriminante ideologica e non politica che sta alla base di questi incontri.
Il seminario, come quelli precedenti, non ha prodotto un vero e proprio documento politico, ma solo un appello dal tono propagandistico e dal contenuto dogmatico. L'attuale economic and financial crisis, probably the most serious from '29, is an expression of deep intrinsic limits of capitalism and could provide the basis for the development of authoritarian and militaristic tendencies. Powerful ideological campaigns are implemented to hide the real reasons for the crisis. The parties argue that capital accept the dogmas of the "Washington Consensus ," Social Democracy, to hide its transformation into a pillar of imperialism, trying to revive the forms of regulation neo-Keynesian to try to prevent the success of revolutionary alternative. Therefore, it requires the "revolutionary overthrow of capitalism" and the alternative is socialism, or a new society free from class exploitation and oppression. Meanwhile, we outline the conditions for a broad movement against capitalist policies.
addition to this document have been submitted several motions, which commit the parties that the only sign. The differences between the lists of signatories are relevant and give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe considerable differences policies that exist between the various parties present.
Motion in support of the Palestinian people: 44 signatories
Motion for the 200 years of independence in Latin America and the Caribbean : 38 signatories
motion against the blockade of Cuba: 45 signatories
Motion of support for North Korea: 29 Motion
signatories against U.S. policy in Colombia: 44 signatories
Motion for freedom of Cuban 5: 49 Motion of petitioners
criticism of pro-US policy of Georgia: 34 signatories
motion against the independence of Kosovo : 19 signatories
motion in favor of a policy dialogue between the U.S. and Iran: 60 signatories
Twenty participants have signed a motion or only the latter have not signed any. Unlike the behavior of the two Italian delegations: the PRC has signed until the motion for the Cuban 5 and to overcome the politics of confrontation between the U.S. and Iran, which also contains a condemnation of the repressive policies of the Islamic regime; il PdCI ha firmato tutte le mozioni tranne quella sulla Georgia, che contiene anche un elogio del "compagno Stalin".
Interessanti anche i comportamenti dei cinque partiti al potere: i laotiani hanno firmato tutte le mozioni tranne quelle in favore della Corea e contro l'indipendenza del Kosovo, i cubani hanno firmato solo le due mozioni che li riguardano direttamente (blocco, 5 cubani); i coreani hanno sottoscritto solo la mozione che difende la Corea; i cinesi e i vietnamiti non hanno firmato nessuna mozione.
was held a novembre nella città brasiliana di San Paolo, il 10° incontro internazionale dei Partiti Comunisti, organizzato dal Partido Comunista do Brasil , che attualmente è al governo nella coalizione diretta dal Presidente Lula . I precedenti incontri si erano svolti in Bielorussia nel 2007, in Portogallo nel 2006 e in Grecia, in tutti gli anni precedenti.
Sorti per iniziativa del Partito Comunista Greco ( KKE ), e voluti soprattutto dai PC più tradizionalisti, all'inizio questi meeting internazionali avevano una forma seminariale e di basso profilo politico. Solo negli ultimi anni, con la formazione di un gruppo di lavoro che ne prepara l'organizzazione consists of a dozen parties, and the identification of different sites, aspiring to become part of a process of reconstruction of the "International Communist Movement" in continuity with the existing structure until the collapse of the socialist bloc.
In Sao Paulo there were 66 parties from 55 countries. The breakdown by continent is: Europe 31 (including 12 former socialist bloc), 8 Asia, Middle East, 9, 17 America, Africa 1. From the perspective of the political role: 5 are in power in terms of political monopoly (Cuba, China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam), 12 are in government or support coalitions of government playing a role more or less important (Belarus, Bolivia, Brasile PCdoB , Cipro, Ecuador, Nepal, Paraguay, Sud Africa, Siria SCP e CPS , Uruguay , Venezuela); 13 hanno una rappresentanza parlamentare (Bulgaria, Colombia, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Grecia, India CPI e CPM , Iraq, Lettonia, Palestina PPP , Portogallo, Russia PCFR , Ucraina PCU ). Gli altri 36 partiti non hanno rappresentanza parlamentare (uno è illegale).
Dal punto di vista dell'origine ideologica: 35 sono partiti già presenti all'interno dell' MCI egemonizzato dall'Unione Sovietica; 9 derivano da scissioni di partiti che avevano autonomist positions taken against the CPSU since the '70s, or that after the collapse of the socialist bloc have become non-Communist parties, parties arising from the current 6 filocinese 60s, 12 parties are formed in Eastern Europe after the collapse of socialism, four parties are from different traditions.
A number of communist parties has never participated in these international meetings, and some participants will always have attributed little significance. Among those absent several smaller parties in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Switzerland), the Communist Party of Moldova, in Asia the Japanese Communist Party, the Communist Party del Nepal (Maoista), le due principali organizzazioni comuniste filippine ( PCP , PM ), in America Latina l' FMLN del Salvador, l' URNG del Guatemala, il PT messicano, il PCEml dell'Ecuador. Assenti anche le principali formazioni della sinistra radicale al potere in America Latina: il PSUV venezuelano e il MAS boliviano, escluse dalla discriminante ideologica e non politica che sta alla base di questi incontri.
Il seminario, come quelli precedenti, non ha prodotto un vero e proprio documento politico, ma solo un appello dal tono propagandistico e dal contenuto dogmatico. L'attuale economic and financial crisis, probably the most serious from '29, is an expression of deep intrinsic limits of capitalism and could provide the basis for the development of authoritarian and militaristic tendencies. Powerful ideological campaigns are implemented to hide the real reasons for the crisis. The parties argue that capital accept the dogmas of the "Washington Consensus ," Social Democracy, to hide its transformation into a pillar of imperialism, trying to revive the forms of regulation neo-Keynesian to try to prevent the success of revolutionary alternative. Therefore, it requires the "revolutionary overthrow of capitalism" and the alternative is socialism, or a new society free from class exploitation and oppression. Meanwhile, we outline the conditions for a broad movement against capitalist policies.
addition to this document have been submitted several motions, which commit the parties that the only sign. The differences between the lists of signatories are relevant and give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe considerable differences policies that exist between the various parties present.
Motion in support of the Palestinian people: 44 signatories
Motion for the 200 years of independence in Latin America and the Caribbean : 38 signatories
motion against the blockade of Cuba: 45 signatories
Motion of support for North Korea: 29 Motion
signatories against U.S. policy in Colombia: 44 signatories
Motion for freedom of Cuban 5: 49 Motion of petitioners
criticism of pro-US policy of Georgia: 34 signatories
motion against the independence of Kosovo : 19 signatories
motion in favor of a policy dialogue between the U.S. and Iran: 60 signatories
Twenty participants have signed a motion or only the latter have not signed any. Unlike the behavior of the two Italian delegations: the PRC has signed until the motion for the Cuban 5 and to overcome the politics of confrontation between the U.S. and Iran, which also contains a condemnation of the repressive policies of the Islamic regime; il PdCI ha firmato tutte le mozioni tranne quella sulla Georgia, che contiene anche un elogio del "compagno Stalin".
Interessanti anche i comportamenti dei cinque partiti al potere: i laotiani hanno firmato tutte le mozioni tranne quelle in favore della Corea e contro l'indipendenza del Kosovo, i cubani hanno firmato solo le due mozioni che li riguardano direttamente (blocco, 5 cubani); i coreani hanno sottoscritto solo la mozione che difende la Corea; i cinesi e i vietnamiti non hanno firmato nessuna mozione.
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