Monday, May 31, 2010

Gloryhole Theatre Orange County


Incredible chase between police and a woman driver who does not give up and ...

selection VIDEOGULP YouTube VIDEO!

Non Rated Ots Chances

[starttext] WEBBER VETTEL

05/30/2010 - Turkish Grand Prix - when they were 1 and 2, Webber and Vettel touch with the consequent withdrawal of Vettel pitted x replacement nose to finish the race Webber 3rd.

Selection YouTube video

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do Dvr's Count Towards Show Ratings

Conference in Civitavecchia

Youth by burn?

Suggestions for reflection on drugs and youth distress.

Civitavecchia May 28, 2010, Aula Calamatta, 17.30


The Department of Sport and youth problems of the municipality of Civitavecchia
Dr. Fulvia Fanciulli

social services of the City CivitavecchiaDott.ssa of Chiara Guidoni

Dr Mario Tuti,
Operator Community Volunteer New World, agriculture experts
With a talk on "What future for our youth?"

Dr. Cesare Foschi, educators and leaders of
structure. With
a talk on "the banality of all, the foundations of discomfort."

will moderate Robert Vignola Press Officer of the municipality of Civitavecchia

Introduction by the President of the Centro Studi Aurhelio

operators are invited to participate in politics, volunteering,
information and institutions.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Vote Of Thanks After A Wedding Reception

Routes al femminile [Novità]

The woman from the beginning to the present

Documents for the Front of the Tradition - dossier prepared by the Women's Cuib Raido

Written by: Mario Polia, Sonia Michelacci, Auxiliary SAF



cuib female Raido, who had long been thought to give rise to a number of initiatives that were going to fill in so-called right environment, that void on the role of the woman who has rarely been dealt with and that often has been framed in a very key marginal.
Over the years, in addition to unfold organically in our community work militant Raido, we felt more strongly the need to provide some assistance, without claiming to be comprehensive, addressing a women's militancy.
With the booklet "The courage to be a woman" - a collection of articles published in the journal Raido - we launched the first signal, receiving also the interest of many girls, militant or not, with which it was possible to create profitable and subsequent initiatives.
So here come the "Paths to Women", a series of four conferences on women from the beginning to the present, a historical overview, which was drawn an imaginary line, or rather has been mapped out a path for the woman who wants to take the first steps towards a knowledge and self-awareness.
A road of research and discovered that, as in the case of humans, has many pitfalls and difficulties, but it is no less compelling and fascinating. Within this file, which is the counterpart of the above editorial, we collected, the actions of the guests who participated, while maintaining the logical development of the conference. In other words: verba volant, scripta manent!
The first two are written by the prof. Mario Polia who, in "Mater et Domina," Mother and Lady, evidendenzia the dual aspect of women through observation, according to a new perspective on its merits and complexity: the Aphrodite Urania (Venus, star of ' dawn), the pandemic Aphrodite (the goddess of the people), the woman Roman and the Greek woman, passing to the female figure in the Inca tradition.
With "Whatever the lady," however, the absolute protagonist is a woman at the time of knights, the lady whose daunting task is to support research of the way of justice and his Knights of the Light.

Taking a leap of several centuries, wrote the third table shows that the contribution of the auxiliary of the Women's Auxiliary Service - SAF - Nadia Hall Mirri and Velia, one of the major feminine virtues: fidelity. Who better than them in the recent past, has managed to incarnate and, with absolute spirit of dedication, to make himself available to help save the country hardest hour and dramatic? As was the case in the past and in other conferences as long, thanks to the friendship and cooperation che ci è stata concessa, abbiamo avuto la fortuna di ascoltare ed in questo scritto riportare le loro testimonianze, le parole di chi, compiuta la Scelta, ancora oggi vi mantiene fede.
Infine l’ultimo scritto, dal titolo “La Donna fra Tradizione e Rivoluzione. Il ruolo femminile tra avanguardia e nuove schiavitù” è stato curato dall’Avv. Sonia Michelacci.
Analizzare la donna oggi, avendo però in vista la donna di Sparta o Evita Peron, districarsi nei perigliosi sentieri del mondo moderno tra femminismo, post femminismo e falsi miti, è un’opera complessa e grazie all’intervento della Michelacci si cerca di capire quali tra alcuni insegnamenti del passato possono essere attualizzati Today, in their daily lives.
All this is "Pathways to Women", in the hope that it can serve as a stimulus for a renewed sense of activism for women which, as with their male counterparts, is nothing but a regain something that has been lost for too long and femininity.
The feminine nature that, within a community guided by traditional values, is organically a valuable resource.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monthly Cycle After Chicken Pox

Terza Edizione Quaderno 1 - “Il Mondo della Tradizione”


been a few years since, shortly after Christmas in Rome in 1997, abbiamo dato vita a questo scritto. Erano i primi anni di Raido, si organizzavano le prime iniziative culturali e l’entusiasmo che permeava ogni attività militante era palpabile: un fuoco che necessitava di manifestarsi. Il quaderno n. 1 della collana La formazione del Militante della Tradizione nasceva all’insegna di questo clima, con l’esigenza di essere uno strumento in grado di offrire al giovane militante più di un momento di riflessione. Lo scopo prefissato era risvegliare l’interesse per la Tradizione e favorire, attraverso un’introduzione alla dottrina, quel processo di conoscenza necessario alla crescita personale. Da sempre, infatti, abbiamo precisato come l’approfondimento culturale sia indispensabile within the path of formal training, study that, far from being a useless academic exercise, is capable of giving informed awareness and militant action. The latter, we will never tire of repeating, remains the main yardstick, as is the style and titles, studies, or simply the words, to characterize a man and his conduct in life.
Compared to yesterday, today nothing has changed in that respect. Surely the years of past activities and experiences have enabled us to consolidate and improve the work to the front of the Tradition and the desire to fight in the light of Truth and Justice, the fire which then burned in our hearts, that fire that gave life to the community of militant Raido more than fifteen years ago, today it is very strong and intense.
Changes, however, and could not be otherwise, took place in the modern society, or rather we have witnessed accelerated at a dizzying rate aimed at consolidation of the worldview of individualism, materialism and desacralized. And that has made all the more evident that the modern world, with its terribly unstable equilibrium, is now directed to an end. This, however, do not be fooled, suggest that things will improve in a "natural". Quite the contrary: the effort to live a straight final phase of this era, will require more will power and courage to resist the swirling currents of the decline will require the "line of most resistance" indicates that evolved to form a "character" to guide their lives toward a genuine spiritual renewal. How then is the virtue necessary for a man remains standing in a ruined world, by virtue enliven daily through the militancy, while it is important to have firm and fixed points of reference, a compass that points to the "north" of the own path. For us, now as then, Tradition is the reference, the pole star that lets you navigate in the dark night and the book No 1, now in its third edition, unpretentious wants an introduction to his doctrine, the starting point of a journey of discovery and knowledge fascinating and challenging. This publication, we believe, is a contribution available to those who believe a life can be different from "modern", an existence governed by the values \u200b\u200bof Truth and Justice, Honor and Loyalty, where he still makes sense to the word and the ability to give up their interests for a common good, where is the false and hypocritical sentimentality to regulate relationships tra gli uomini, ma l’Amore virile di chi considera la vita un dono prezioso che non deve essere sprecato.

Uno scritto, quindi, diretto a chi sente il bisogno di ribellarsi all’ingiustizia ed alla menzogna e che “apre” la collana La formazione del militante della Tradizione la quale comprende altri tre quaderni, di cui il secondo già disponibile mentre gli altri lo saranno a breve. Scopo della collana, lo accenniamo, è di esporre un metodo operativo che aiuti a formare il singolo secondo i principi tradizionali, un metodo che conferisce particolare importanza sia al ruolo della comunità e sia agli aspetti che devono caratterizzare la vita di ogni militante nella sua completezza. La comunità, infatti - As a group of men who have a common feeling of living in harmony, serenity and balance - is the place where it carries out the comparison constructive means by which each one, removing the mask of their own prejudices, reviewing aspects of his character, claiming who was wrong and wants to redeem himself, helps to create a single project in which to prevail is not the personal inclination or opinion, but the action that the group decided to do. The aspects that should characterize the life of every militant, however, are delineated by the constant attention that must be taken in any business conduct, attention is quite explicit that the intention ed illumina il gesto, è lo sforzo richiesto nell’affermare sempre, indipendentemente dal contesto in cui il militante si trova (lavoro, famiglia, sezione o associazione, amici, ecc.), uno stile retto, ventiquattrore al giorno e 365 giorni l’anno; un modo concreto per imparare ad essere coerenti, per ridurre la distanza tra ciò che si dice di essere e ciò che si fa nell’esistenza quotidiana. D’altronde l’adesione ai valori della Tradizione per essere reale e tangibile, deve essere vissuta in maniera integrale e totale 1 .
In conclusione, è giusto esprimere un ringraziamento nei confronti di chi, confermandoci simpatia ed entusiasmo, ha ritenuto opportuno utilizzare questo written as a handbook in study groups of young militants and those who have labored for years in its spread, allowing numerous translations and editions, even outside national borders. E 'further confirmation of the goodness of this work 2.

Lift up your hearts!

Rome, Spring Equinox 2010


1 We have hinted at what is right to establish a true methods of operation within the community of Raido, particularly in-depth method book No 3 where, in addition to the above mentioned, are highlighted other features. Among these, without being exhaustive, include: the need for qualification in the militant (excelling in something, even according to their skills and expertise) to respect the hierarchy (hierarchy that is based on the greater or lesser adherence to traditional values, as witnessed by the membership of the militant lifestyle : everyone is placed in the rightful place on the basis of this principle. Another thing is the hierarchy, which of course does not belong), constancy in the military (daily, weekly, monthly and there are no commitments brought forward as a momentary flare-ups, but there is constancy of militancy inexorable, relentless, a "Chinese drop" that lets you work on your character. Militancy understood as held at the time), and the commitment we took the fixed term (to take commitments and carry them out without compliance with a deadline on the training plan is useless, the time limit requires effort and commitment to be men of honor, who to act on what they say in the work), the principle of accountability (to play the game forever, take action as if it is responsible for all activities undertaken and not simply a performer. Ability to be available then, to give themselves, the all'anteporre 'common interest in the personal, a global view to a partial), and more for the reading of which refer to the specific book.

2 E 'likely that the linguistic form is adopted, especially in certain paragraphs, may be difficult to understand. In this regard, we invite all readers who consider it appropriate to send us their valuable impressions and / or suggestions which will account for future editions.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Acetaminophen Heartburn How Long

Domenica 9 Maggio - Santa Marinella