The only thought that guides the efforts of "aprons" is profit
A superficial examination, the interconnection between Italy and masonry may appear absurd and inextricable. First, when Italy was un'espessione purely geographical, Freemasonry gave you great lengths to help her become a nation, then, became a nation, gave even more to be done to destroy it and return it to geographical expression. But still: What the hell they want, with this apron? I do not even know them?
This may wonder, examiners surface. There is still a category below to examiners superficiali: quelli che non esaminano per niente, e non sanno che ripetere come pappagalli adulti quello che hanno loro inculcato da pulcini. Per loro, non c’è alcun problema. La Massoneria ha prima liberato l’Italia dalla tirannide straniera, e poi l’ha liberata da quella nazifascista: evviva la libertà! Ma rimettiamo il ciuccetto in bocca a costoro e rivolgiamoci ai superficiali, che almeno pensano!
Considerazione generale: nella realtà non esistono contraddizioni. Se uno ce le vede, deve solo tirare fuori il fazzoletto e pulirsi gli occhiali. Fatto?
La Massoneria non è che la versione iniziatica dell’illuminismo e, come quello, è fondata sull’idolatria della Ragione eretta a deity. It is therefore a sworn enemy of all authority based on something other than convenience, and its emergence was facilitated by the fact that all authorities of the genre (ie "the thrones and altars) showed in many ways the rope. but that's another story. There is no need to recall the role that its lodges dressed in the bourgeois revolutions of the late eighteenth century: the French and American. Freemasons were the drafters of the Paris Declaration of Human Rights and directors of the fraud with which it was passed off as approved by the people, and masked by white Masons were the Indians who came out of the lodge of Boston to board the ship and unload crates of tea at sea. Was therefore quite obvious that the Big East for the London reserved for the first proponents of the unification of Italy. Not that that was swept away by sudden love for the boot-shaped peninsula: one was that the formation of the Italian State would be a blow for the empire of the Hapsburgs (and its dependencies Tuscany and Emilia Romagna), and for the kingdom Naples, for the Sardinian, and for the papal throne and altar that was a whole. Moreover, we had already tried several times Napoleon (of the same Enlightenment that represented the military version), and Italian fans rebels wore a cockade of the three colors of which were short-lived republics Francophile e massoniche. Per chi mai avrebbero dovuto “tifare” i fratelli col grembiulino: per il cardinale Ruffo?
Giunti però alla conclusione della prima Guerra Mondiale, con piena soddisfazione dell’autorità massonica, avvenne qualcosa di orribile (dal suo punto di vista). Avvenne che in due nazioni, l’una vincitrice ma tradita dalla pace e l’altra sconfitta ma mai militarmente battuta, lo spirito riprese i suoi diritti e giunsero al potere uomini e idee che, ricollegandosi alle autentiche tradizioni dei due popoli, osarono proclamare la preminenza della fedeltà ad esse sulla gretta “convenienza” economica.
Non che non vi fossero state anche in passato voci in tal senso, rimaste inascoltate. But the fact was that serious, come these "utopias" in power, not only had not been denied by the economy sovereign, but had also achieved economic success so glaring peacefully conquer ever larger sectors of the peoples of which the thought of Freemasonry have held the balance. But there was worse this time were not in front of the fallen waste and emptied of ancient caste, but young and disruptive energies, turned towards the future.
The threat of untimely death of the "immortal principles" walked like an icy terror throughout the land still governed by the emissaries of the Great Wear, disguised as "democratic", all together, as a single control, struck with horror that the "dictatorship" to repress the aspirations of freedom of their peoples.
had no relevance to them that the evil tyrants shalt recover bits of popular consensus that none of them Democrats had ever dreamed, even in the grip of drugs. For those who are in bad faith, in fact, the evidence may not be relevant. It was the great conspiracy against the Tripartite Pact which could result in the second (and much worse) World War II. Where on earth could be placed, given the history, Freemasonry unless one of the most fervent advocates of the conspiracy? And what other measures could be given to their followers in Italy, present and well camouflaged in any environment, including the military high command, but to boycott the Italian defenses in every way, becoming a full service of "anti-fascist powers"?
And this, with absolute consistency, it said, maneuvering vile carrion gallon poltronizzate capable of murder to treason, with their "valuable" information, thousands of young people of their mandates deliberately into the fray. These are the "Article 16" which Dante would have no hesitation in Cocytus stuck between the teeth of Satan. But put yourself in the shoes of the top and Masonic aprons.
Who should use for that infamous necessary, perhaps to gentlemen of exemplary virtue? If then there is no doubt that the abettor of italioti dollaresco novus ordo seclorum rightly deserve to be lined up to decorate the ramparts, turkish impaled use, it is also certain that their fraternal and high hierarchies have always behaved with linear, relentless consistency , always faithful to their declared principles, without altering even a line. It would not be the case that even us to do the same?
Rutilio Sermonti
Article published on year XIII line number 225