Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Feminine External Itching

A capodanno: American Hardcore, docvideo sulla storia dell'HC in U.S.A.

Watch it exclusively on: AnarchoTVProject.tk

With a ferocious soundtrack and unreleased films unavailable this documentary is the definitive account for fans of the genre and curious to all the American punk scene. An explosive phenomenon that has influenced the grunge, the metalcore el'emo coming bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Beastie Boys.


But it was not just the hardcore punk music, but a form of protest against the conservative regime of U.S. President Ronald Reagan, that here is told from the voice of the members of punk band the most important and famous artists such as Moby and Matthew Barney. A scene that was a real slap in the face of multinationals and the music mainstream. Thanks to DO IT YOURSELF, is wildly popular in a few months in the United States is the new American underground.

"I kept bottled up inside per anni,

invece di lottare o di piangere.

Adesso è tempo di lasciarla uscire,

il mio punto d’ebollizione sta per arrivare.

Descrizione tratta da : www.shake.it


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tooth Infection Causing Memory Problems

Web sites

Partendo dal sito Broadleft, curato da Nico Biver ma non più aggiornato dal 2005, ho costruito una lista di siti web di organizzazioni politiche della sinistra marxista Austria. Compared to the site Biver I excluded the social democrats, greens and anarchists and organizations no longer active.

Austrian Communist Party (KPOe) is the old Communist Party, founded in 1918, joined the European Left Party.

Communist Initiative (IK): a small Orthodox group, left the KPOe in 2005 and based in Vienna.

Initiative for the Construction of a Revolutionary Communist Party (Austria - IA RKP): Stalinist group that has taken this designation in December 2007, formerly called Action Communist (Marxist-Leninist) Komaki-ML was founded in 2002.

Marxist-Leninist Party of Austria (MLPOe): cleavage of filocinese KPOe, built in 1967.

Socialist Left Party (SLP): Trotskyist section of the Committee for a Workers' International (led by Peter Taaffe). He created a coalition called the election " Left." Founded in 2000, formerly called Forward Socialist Offensive (SOV).

La Scintilla : Trotskyist scissosi the former in 1994, the practice entryism in the Social Democratic Party (SPOe), is the section of the IMT (Wizard by Alan Woods).

Socialist Alternative (Soal): Trotskyist section of the Fourth International (formerly the United Secretariat).

Socialist Revolutionary Organization (RSO): Trotskyist, founded in 2007 by the merger of the Antifascist Left (AL) and the Marxist Workers' Group (AGM).

Group Policy for a Revolutionary Marxist Workers (GRA): Trotskyist group founded in 2007 by the merger for a Workers' Revolutionary Politics (GRA) and the Group's New Deal (DNK).

Permanent Revolution: Austrian COREP group of supporters, Collective Permanent Revolution, including some small Trotskyist groups in different countries.

League of Socialist Revolution (LSR): Trotskyist Austrian section of the League for the Fifth International. Founded in 1985 as Group Workers' Perspective (AST).

Turn Left : Trotskyist group, is part of the International Socialist Tendency (led by Alex Callinicos).

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Costs For Rolladen Shudders

06/12/08 Alexis Grigoropoulos - Un ribelle ucciso da un servo...

Atene, Grecia: ragazzo di 16 anni ucciso dalla polizia. Azioni in tutta la Grecia

Sabato 6 Dicembre intorno alle 22.00, due poliziotti greci erano di pattuglia in una via centrale vicino a Piazza Exarchia, nel centro di Atene. Hanno avuto uno scontro verbale con alcuni giovani che si trovavano lì. Durante the clash, one of the officers pulled his gun and fired twice at a boy of 16 years. The victim was taken Evangelismos Hospital where she was recognized as dead. According to eyewitnesses, the cop was abusing the boy, showing his genitals, and shoot.

In a spontaneous response, thousands of people gathered in the centers of most Greek cities. In Athens, people are gathering outside the Evangelismos Hospital, so that the police entered the building. Shortly after the police attacked on a street near Exarchia and one person was arrested. The evening in Athens has evolved with spontaneous assembly at the Polytechnic, many riots across the middle Athens, including attacks on police stations and banks, until the early hours of the morning. Meanwhile, a spontaneous demonstration took place, but was tackled by police with tear gas. Three other University buildings - including the faculties of law and economics - have been employed.

events, direct action and riots took place across the country. A Thessaloniki (Salonika) a big spontaneous demonstration took place, two police stations were attacked, many bank branches have been burned and Via Egnatia - the main street - was blocked for hours with bins on fire. Were also posted reports on the actions to Yannena, IraklioChania, Komotini, Mitilini, Xanthi, Serres, Sparta, Alexandroupolis and Volos.

events in all cities of Greece have been announced in recent days.

[Image 1 and paradoxes of a movement born in the late 60s, who has gone through ska, punk, political extremism, lies, racism and anti racism. During the journey we meet Laurel Aitken, Buster Bloodvessel, the photographer Gavin Watson, Jimmy Pursey that shed light on the origins of the movement. Then came the turn of white power, which is responsible for this bastardization of the scene is all Ian Stuart of Skrewdriver. From here begins a journey through an invisible international network that brings us into a community Nazis in Sweden, Germany, between the voices of terrorists and revolutionaries of C18 in the U.S. between KKK and Aryan minorities who think they want to preserve the white race. In contrast to everything Roddy Moreno of the Oppressed, and video in environments with SHARP Stage Bottles, Los Scrapy and Fastidios, who perform at a concert in Krakow, where the police cause the kids who are going to the concert and to stop charging them. The journey ends in the desert of Las Vegas where he killed two years ago were anti-racist skinhead (a boy and a white color) from local neo-Nazi leaders. The price is expensive and the gap is huge when there are lives in the middle, all for fucking frustration, alienation, ignorance, poverty ...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Is There A Condom For Herpes

The Austrian left Swedish allies in the elections of 2010

The Swedish newspapers have announced that the opposition parties to the current center-right government reached an agreement to form a coalition that aims to win the general election of 2010.

"We hope to be able to offer a correct policy for the elections of 2010. We worked together a long time and we are strengthened by this joint work, "said the Social Democrat leader Mona Sahlin to the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet." Now we are a coalition Fortec he can fight against the government's center-right ".

While the Social Democrats , the Green Party and Left Party intend to compete and to campaign separately for the forthcoming parliamentary elections, have also reached an agreement to form a coalition government of the municipality in case of victory.

progress in the effort of the three parties to work together were initially made difficult by the refusal of the Left Party to accept the budget constraints. According to the joint press conference held last Saturday that the Left attest, under threat of exclusion from a future coalition, would accept the necessary compromises required by other partners.

"We are excited to offer an alternative to the government led by the Moderate Party, said the Left leader Lars Ohly, who stressed that the differences between the three parties remain, but these disagreements are no longer an obstacle to work together. "We have not changed our point of view but this is a price we are willing to pay," Ohly said the decision of his party to accept that the state budget remains in surplus and that there is a ceiling on public expenditure, as well as maintaining the independence of the central bank of Sweden.

The three leftist parties have announced they will create five working groups before the end of the year with the aim to report its findings by Spring 2010. The working groups will focus on the work and the economy, environment, welfare, urban policies to combat segregation, and management of foreign policy and security. In the joint press conference

parties have also made a package of proposals designed to reduce youth unemployment and to suppress all forms of subordination and discrimination against women. The latest poll

della Demoskop, pubblicato dal quotidiano Expressan, indica una crescita del Partito della Sinistra che si attesta quale terzo partito del paese. I socialdemocratici avrebbero il 39,7%, la Sinistra il 7,7% e i Verdi il 6,3%. Complessivamente le tre forze sopravanzano i partiti de centro-destra di dieci punti percentuali.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Broken Blood Vessels On Breasts

FilmDoc - Dal 1 Dicembre, Skinhead Attitude [sott ita]

Miriam Makeba, the great South African singer, symbol the fight against apartheid and all forms of racism in this world died yesterday, suddenly, at Castel Volturno, anticamorra after a concert, dedicated to the writer Roberto Saviano.

E 'was cut short by an illness whose causes are currently unknown. was born in Johannesburg in 1932 and had his whole life devoted to work so that the conscience of humanity to take any form of injustice and violation of human rights. Miriam was a woman of great human, cultural and artistico.Non is no man or woman in the world who do not recognize him.
The music world has lost a lot, the common people of any village in Africa has seen the disappearance but a spokesman instances of its top spot in the corridors of power, where the last of the earth there are hardly allowed.

Having lived many years abroad (USA-Guinea-Europe) just came back in '90 in South Africa. In fact in 1963 the South African government had been banned his music, considering it sovversiva.E otherwise, even if not in extreme form, it had happened when the United States, married civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael, the artististica his career suffered some setbacks. Art knows no obstacles, however, and soon returned to Miriam Makeba limestone scenes in theaters all over the world, leading to more people, even to his people, messages of peace and brotherhood. His death saddens us deeply but we are happy, if I may say so, because he ended his earthly experience consistently. The applause of the audience in the theater of Green Bay, Castel Volturno, have welcomed just as worthy for a "real" fighter on the ground.
also leave in the "final" Miriam was great.