Monday, December 8, 2008

Is There A Condom For Herpes

The Austrian left Swedish allies in the elections of 2010

The Swedish newspapers have announced that the opposition parties to the current center-right government reached an agreement to form a coalition that aims to win the general election of 2010.

"We hope to be able to offer a correct policy for the elections of 2010. We worked together a long time and we are strengthened by this joint work, "said the Social Democrat leader Mona Sahlin to the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet." Now we are a coalition Fortec he can fight against the government's center-right ".

While the Social Democrats , the Green Party and Left Party intend to compete and to campaign separately for the forthcoming parliamentary elections, have also reached an agreement to form a coalition government of the municipality in case of victory.

progress in the effort of the three parties to work together were initially made difficult by the refusal of the Left Party to accept the budget constraints. According to the joint press conference held last Saturday that the Left attest, under threat of exclusion from a future coalition, would accept the necessary compromises required by other partners.

"We are excited to offer an alternative to the government led by the Moderate Party, said the Left leader Lars Ohly, who stressed that the differences between the three parties remain, but these disagreements are no longer an obstacle to work together. "We have not changed our point of view but this is a price we are willing to pay," Ohly said the decision of his party to accept that the state budget remains in surplus and that there is a ceiling on public expenditure, as well as maintaining the independence of the central bank of Sweden.

The three leftist parties have announced they will create five working groups before the end of the year with the aim to report its findings by Spring 2010. The working groups will focus on the work and the economy, environment, welfare, urban policies to combat segregation, and management of foreign policy and security. In the joint press conference

parties have also made a package of proposals designed to reduce youth unemployment and to suppress all forms of subordination and discrimination against women. The latest poll

della Demoskop, pubblicato dal quotidiano Expressan, indica una crescita del Partito della Sinistra che si attesta quale terzo partito del paese. I socialdemocratici avrebbero il 39,7%, la Sinistra il 7,7% e i Verdi il 6,3%. Complessivamente le tre forze sopravanzano i partiti de centro-destra di dieci punti percentuali.


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