The symbolic value of Rome-and origin-consists in the attempt to restore the unity of origin, through a masculine spirituality and dominatrix who knows how to stop the process of spiritual decadence that characterizes humanity.
Rome is the place weird, glowing with light-sensitive expression of the Centre, in origin, from which all things. It 's the place where the trends are in harmony contrary, neutralizing them in perfect balance. The task of Rome is to restore order (cosmos) in a world in the throes of disorder (chaos).
dawn the ancient empires Mesopotamia, the kingdom of Egypt, the Persian and ended the brief and exhilarating epic of Alexander the Great, the world was devoid of a sacred center and radiating military order values, heroism, manhood, Will, Hierarchy, Aristocracy and Empire. In this hierarchical reordering of existence, have been won, by-the Roman legions, the Latin population, Etruscan, Carthaginian, Gallic, Greek and Semitic.
Rome reported the light of a masculine spirituality, she "could not rise to such power if he had not, somehow divine origin, to offer to men's eyes, something big and inexplicable" (Plutarch) .
The divine origin of the City is reflected in the myth of Romulus and Remus. Virgil Aeneas identifies the ancestor of the Romans. Aeneas escaped the burning of Troy arrived, after seven years at sea, off the coast of Lazio, where he marries the daughter of King Latinus, Lavinia. After the death of Aeneas's son Ascanius founded on the Alban Hills a new city, Alba Longa, where 19 of his descendants will reign. The last of these, Numitore, is ousted by brother Amulio, that, to ensure the throne to his descendants, forced the only daughter of Numitore, Rhea Silvia, to become a priestess of Vesta. Rhea Silvia is chosen from Mars to continue the lineage of Aeneas, which was founded CITY ' ETERNAL. The union of God and the young virgin born Romulus and Remus. The birth does not go unnoticed on the perfidious Amulio ripping the twins in the womb, to throw them into the Tiber and ordered to be walled alive Rhea Silvia. The nurse to whom children are entrusted not bring himself to kill them, and places them in a basket that leaves the waters of the Tiber and the will of the gods. The basket is carried ashore, the twins find refuge at the fig tree "rumen" (1) and are weaned by a wolf, only to be raised by a couple of shepherds (Faustolo and Acca Larentia). Once adults Romulus and Remus, aware of their origins are placed at the head of an army, kill Amulius and his followers and resettled Numitore, which gives them recognition for founding a city. To determine which of the two brothers were to draw the sacred groove and give the city its name, the twins consult the flight of birds: Remo saw six vultures from the Aventino hill, the Palatine Romulus sees twelve. Two white oxen yoked (2) is traced the perimeter of Rome, is made sacrifices to the gods and a sacred fire is lit. Remo surprised to jump to ridicule the sacred groove, was killed by Romulus. It was April 21 753 BC Birth of Rome.
II Myth of Romulus and Remus in Rome witnesses the sacred origin and Indo-Roman, restorers of the sacred order of Tradition. Rome was born under the sign of the warrior god Mars, and this seals the authorship of the Roman martial and warlike character. The combination of Mars, the expression male fertilizing the appearance of existence, and a vestal virgin, an expression of the feminine generative existence testifies to the renewed balance between the two polar opposites but complementary male-and female-el ' beginning of a new order that will founder as a divine hero: Romulus. The birth of a hero divine union between a god and a mortal applicant is a myth in Indo-European peoples: Zeus and Leto generate Apollo, Zeus and Alcmene Hercules generating, etc.. The abandonment of the twins (3) water and the their survival reproduce the symbol of "Saved by the waters." This represents the overcoming of the stream of becoming that overwhelms and drowns the weak, but it does not matter to him who overcomes his mortal nature. He is the hero, the messenger of Tradition, which has the task of restoring order in the world.The Divine! fig "rumen" in which the twins shelter symbolizes "the tree of the World", an expression of universal life from which they draw nourishment Gods and Heroes (Odin, Heracles, Gilgamesh). The Wolf represents the elemental force of nature and wild but the simplicity, the harshness, the virile strength of the conquerors: is the power which regenerates the world.The twins represent the struggle between the principle officer - Romulus - and chaos - Remo. (4) The Gods of the 12 vultures flying through the evidence of the description of Romulus as the founder of Rome. The flight of birds is the primordial language of humanity, the voice of the Gods. Moreover, the number 12 is significant, because the applicant in different centers that have embodied the tradition and widespread solar solar adityva 12 of the Hindu tradition, the 12 steps on the path of God-hero Gilgamesh, the 12 labors of Hercules, the 12 disciples of Lao -Tze, the 12 greek gods, the 12 rods of the fasces, the 12 Knights of the Round Table, the 12 apostles, etc. The ritual followed by Romulus in tracing the boundaries of the Orbe, the sacrifices offered to the gods show that the Roman had respect for the laws that govern the universe. Remo mocking the sacred groove presumptuously challenge the gods and believes it can overcome the limitations and powers that are typical of an ordinary mortal. Romulus expression of the Olympic principle is opposed to abuse of titanic Remo, killing the latter and ensure compliance with the Order.
NOTE 1: This name refers to the idea of \u200b\u200bfeeding: attribute Ruminus reported to Jupiter in the ancient Latin language of your designated as "nurturing" 2 "II Duce (Romulus) ... ritual starts to draw the line, making sure the inside, from the city, and the cow, an image of fertility and out, from the campaign, the ox, the emblem of strength. " From "The breed of Rome" by M. Scaliger, p.. 81.3: The theme of the Twins or the Brothers can be found in many traditions, such as those in Egypt or in the Jewish-Christian. And 'the theme of a single principle from which it differs represented an antithesis of the antagonism between the two. One embodies the light output of the Sun, the other the principle obscure. In reference to Romulus and Remus, the first is the one who draws the line and thus establishes a limit, the Authority, the Law. The second is the one who insults the limit, and this is ucciso.4 "Remo, which symbolizes the element antihierarchical, right in the decadent period of matriarchy, violates the inviolability of the groove and Romulus punishes him. Does this mean the inviolability of that which is ritually anointed warrior spirit and success of the nascent Olympic antiegualitario, orgiastic spirit of the old, communist, anarchist and is the first act of justice inexorable sense of absolute subordination to a higher ideal in from that moment will be the living manifestation Civitas. " From "The breed of Rome" by M. Scaliger, p.. 78. Adapted from
Rome is the place weird, glowing with light-sensitive expression of the Centre, in origin, from which all things. It 's the place where the trends are in harmony contrary, neutralizing them in perfect balance. The task of Rome is to restore order (cosmos) in a world in the throes of disorder (chaos).
dawn the ancient empires Mesopotamia, the kingdom of Egypt, the Persian and ended the brief and exhilarating epic of Alexander the Great, the world was devoid of a sacred center and radiating military order values, heroism, manhood, Will, Hierarchy, Aristocracy and Empire. In this hierarchical reordering of existence, have been won, by-the Roman legions, the Latin population, Etruscan, Carthaginian, Gallic, Greek and Semitic.
Rome reported the light of a masculine spirituality, she "could not rise to such power if he had not, somehow divine origin, to offer to men's eyes, something big and inexplicable" (Plutarch) .
The divine origin of the City is reflected in the myth of Romulus and Remus. Virgil Aeneas identifies the ancestor of the Romans. Aeneas escaped the burning of Troy arrived, after seven years at sea, off the coast of Lazio, where he marries the daughter of King Latinus, Lavinia. After the death of Aeneas's son Ascanius founded on the Alban Hills a new city, Alba Longa, where 19 of his descendants will reign. The last of these, Numitore, is ousted by brother Amulio, that, to ensure the throne to his descendants, forced the only daughter of Numitore, Rhea Silvia, to become a priestess of Vesta. Rhea Silvia is chosen from Mars to continue the lineage of Aeneas, which was founded CITY ' ETERNAL. The union of God and the young virgin born Romulus and Remus. The birth does not go unnoticed on the perfidious Amulio ripping the twins in the womb, to throw them into the Tiber and ordered to be walled alive Rhea Silvia. The nurse to whom children are entrusted not bring himself to kill them, and places them in a basket that leaves the waters of the Tiber and the will of the gods. The basket is carried ashore, the twins find refuge at the fig tree "rumen" (1) and are weaned by a wolf, only to be raised by a couple of shepherds (Faustolo and Acca Larentia). Once adults Romulus and Remus, aware of their origins are placed at the head of an army, kill Amulius and his followers and resettled Numitore, which gives them recognition for founding a city. To determine which of the two brothers were to draw the sacred groove and give the city its name, the twins consult the flight of birds: Remo saw six vultures from the Aventino hill, the Palatine Romulus sees twelve. Two white oxen yoked (2) is traced the perimeter of Rome, is made sacrifices to the gods and a sacred fire is lit. Remo surprised to jump to ridicule the sacred groove, was killed by Romulus. It was April 21 753 BC Birth of Rome.
II Myth of Romulus and Remus in Rome witnesses the sacred origin and Indo-Roman, restorers of the sacred order of Tradition. Rome was born under the sign of the warrior god Mars, and this seals the authorship of the Roman martial and warlike character. The combination of Mars, the expression male fertilizing the appearance of existence, and a vestal virgin, an expression of the feminine generative existence testifies to the renewed balance between the two polar opposites but complementary male-and female-el ' beginning of a new order that will founder as a divine hero: Romulus. The birth of a hero divine union between a god and a mortal applicant is a myth in Indo-European peoples: Zeus and Leto generate Apollo, Zeus and Alcmene Hercules generating, etc.. The abandonment of the twins (3) water and the their survival reproduce the symbol of "Saved by the waters." This represents the overcoming of the stream of becoming that overwhelms and drowns the weak, but it does not matter to him who overcomes his mortal nature. He is the hero, the messenger of Tradition, which has the task of restoring order in the world.The Divine! fig "rumen" in which the twins shelter symbolizes "the tree of the World", an expression of universal life from which they draw nourishment Gods and Heroes (Odin, Heracles, Gilgamesh). The Wolf represents the elemental force of nature and wild but the simplicity, the harshness, the virile strength of the conquerors: is the power which regenerates the world.The twins represent the struggle between the principle officer - Romulus - and chaos - Remo. (4) The Gods of the 12 vultures flying through the evidence of the description of Romulus as the founder of Rome. The flight of birds is the primordial language of humanity, the voice of the Gods. Moreover, the number 12 is significant, because the applicant in different centers that have embodied the tradition and widespread solar solar adityva 12 of the Hindu tradition, the 12 steps on the path of God-hero Gilgamesh, the 12 labors of Hercules, the 12 disciples of Lao -Tze, the 12 greek gods, the 12 rods of the fasces, the 12 Knights of the Round Table, the 12 apostles, etc. The ritual followed by Romulus in tracing the boundaries of the Orbe, the sacrifices offered to the gods show that the Roman had respect for the laws that govern the universe. Remo mocking the sacred groove presumptuously challenge the gods and believes it can overcome the limitations and powers that are typical of an ordinary mortal. Romulus expression of the Olympic principle is opposed to abuse of titanic Remo, killing the latter and ensure compliance with the Order.
NOTE 1: This name refers to the idea of \u200b\u200bfeeding: attribute Ruminus reported to Jupiter in the ancient Latin language of your designated as "nurturing" 2 "II Duce (Romulus) ... ritual starts to draw the line, making sure the inside, from the city, and the cow, an image of fertility and out, from the campaign, the ox, the emblem of strength. " From "The breed of Rome" by M. Scaliger, p.. 81.3: The theme of the Twins or the Brothers can be found in many traditions, such as those in Egypt or in the Jewish-Christian. And 'the theme of a single principle from which it differs represented an antithesis of the antagonism between the two. One embodies the light output of the Sun, the other the principle obscure. In reference to Romulus and Remus, the first is the one who draws the line and thus establishes a limit, the Authority, the Law. The second is the one who insults the limit, and this is ucciso.4 "Remo, which symbolizes the element antihierarchical, right in the decadent period of matriarchy, violates the inviolability of the groove and Romulus punishes him. Does this mean the inviolability of that which is ritually anointed warrior spirit and success of the nascent Olympic antiegualitario, orgiastic spirit of the old, communist, anarchist and is the first act of justice inexorable sense of absolute subordination to a higher ideal in from that moment will be the living manifestation Civitas. " From "The breed of Rome" by M. Scaliger, p.. 78. Adapted from
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