GCG Sea> Quota30
Project to give children a month's sea of \u200b\u200bBig Yellow House, VT
The "Big Yellow House" is a structure, in Viterbo, which hosts children who need alternative family placement, at least in a part of their lives.
This is covered in Minor Projects alternativi alla detenzione carceraria, minori vittime di abusi e minori che hanno ottenuto l’asilo per la precaria e pericolosa situazione nei loro paesi di origine o minori stranieri non accompagnati.
L’equipe si occupa dell’analisi e soluzione delle loro più elementari necessità oltre a quelle più complesse, come il disagio psicologico, reperimento documenti e avviamento al lavoro.
I ragazzi frequentano regolarmente la scuola, studiano, praticano sport e, visto che se lo sono meritati, si vuole mandarli un mese al mare. Tale volontà purtroppo può rimanere tale, vista la mancanza di fondi. Il Centro Studi Aurhelio, sulla scia dell’attività inaugurata con il convegno su droga and youth problems, concrete steps for action, promoting the project GCG Sea> Quota30.
The initiative is to find, at least, 30 underwriters for a share of € 10 each, the total of which will ensure the kids a month of the sea at a beach in Marina Velca which has already provided a significant contribution to ensure the minimum necessary ( deckchairs, sun beds and umbrellas).
For each of us will be a small effort, but the result will be great.
convey the idea that the fruits are obtained only with the commitment and sacrifice.
Research Center Aurhelio - ideas become actions
Contact: @ gmail.com cst.aurhelio
Who would directly support the project GCG Sea> Quota30, we can do it without going through a bank transfer to
Black Spot Coop Sociale, Via Salaria, 6e, 01016 Tarquinia
Reason: GCG-Mare Quota30
Bank of Tuscia
Branch Monte Romano (VT) Iban
: IT23T0706773170000000020392
Research Center Aurhelio
GCG Sea> Quota30
Project to give children a month's sea of \u200b\u200bBig Yellow House, VT
From June 21 to 29, contact the Center
Studies Aurhelio
or directly on the CCB's Big Yellow House
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