Here are excerpts from an article published, sul tema dell'equinozio di autunno a firma di Tradizione Solare. Un ottimo spunto di riflessione sui tempi a venire.
La morte annuale della natura e il risveglio delle forze interiori di volontà si bilanciano nell’equinozio d’autunno. Esso segna un’inversione di polarità nella manifestazione delle forze divine, che nei mesi precedenti si erano espresse principalmente nelle forme della natura, nella luce trionfante del giorno e che ora incominciano a pervadere la volontà dell’uomo. Quando la luce del mondo declina, l’uomo inizia a percepire sé stesso come portatore di una luce invisibile, non soggetta a tramonto. In tal senso il “dramma spirituale” dell’equinozio summarizes and synthesizes the story of Earth history: the end of the golden age, darkening of the divine in nature, rise of self, individual sense of cosmic loneliness and responsibility.
That feeling of melancholy, as suggested by the leaves that turn yellow and fall, must be firmly banished. The nostalgia of the past, the complaint does not befit the noble man (to the 'Aryan'): he knows that in the cosmos that is offset declines and dies in justice that arises from and is affirmed. Autumn equinox is celebrated on the assertion of the will, the ability to "Faust" to set their own goals and pursue them.
alchemical element of autumn is the iron: the iron material that has forged our techno-industrial civilization must be the iron will of the spiritual, practical - and rationally - exercised.
Gods bless the concrete action, the will states that in well-defined projects, or that he turns to self-formation (Bildung to ).
Solar Tradition
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In transit from ninth to tenth - new signs of my way to other German Pillar
3:00 to 6:00 my Doric column
the historical dimension - energy gap
real opportunity - to prove myself
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