The great parody or spirituality down
The establishment of the "counter-tradition" and his apparent momentary triumph, as he can understand without difficulty those who have followed so far our considerations, are properly the realm of what we call "spirituality down": it will of course only a parody of spirituality, or rather an imitation in the opposite direction, so that will have all the appearance of being the opposite of that spirituality. If we talked about appearance and not reality, it is because, whatever its pretensions, no symmetry or equivalence is possible in a field like that. At this point it is right to insist that many, fooled by appearances, they believe in the existence of two opposing principles that are competing for supremacy in the world: it is a misconception, which is similar to that commonly attributed to the bottom rightly or wrongly, the Manichean, and that, in theological language, Satan puts on a par with God, and there is no doubt present a number of people who, in this sense, is "Manichean" without suspecting, that suffers the effects of a "suggestion" of the most pernicious. This concept, in fact, tantamount to the affirmation of a radically principled irreducible duality, or, in other words, the denial of the Unit Supreme is beyond all opposition and all the rivalries, that a denial of the privilege is generally members of the "counter-initiation" is not surprising and it may even be true for people for whom the metaphysical field is tightly closed even more obvious is the need to spread and they have to impose this view, since it is only then that may be able to pass himself off as what they are not and can not be really, that is, for the representation of something that could be put in parallel with the spirituality and also finally getting the better of it.
This "spirituality down" to the truth-is only a false spirituality, false to the extreme limit of the conceivable, but one can also speak of a false spirituality as often as, for example, the psychic gets mistaken for the spiritual, even without necessarily go to this total subversion, so the term "spirituality down" is one that serves best to define it, provided of course to explain precisely how they must be understood. That is what is actually the "spiritual renewal" in certain, sometimes quite unconsciously, with emphasis announce the next coming, or even the "new era" in which you are trying by all means to introduce the present humanity (1) and that the condition d '"Waiting" general, created by the spread of the predictions we mentioned, may contribute effectively to hasten.
The attraction of the "phenomenon", which we have already mentioned as one of the determinants of mental and spiritual confusion, in this regard may also play a very important function, since it is through him that most men will be conquered and deceived at the time of "counter-tradition," as it is said that "false prophets" that will arise then "make great wonders and amazing things to lead astray, if possible, the same elected" (2). E 'especially in this respect that the manifestations of the "metapsychical" and various forms of "neospiritualismo" may already appear as a kind of "foreshadowing" of what will occur later, although they only provide a clue, at the bottom will always play the same subtle forces less, but at that time will be put into action with a power incomparably greater, and when you see how people are always willing to give your eyes closed the most complete confidence in all the ramblings of a simple "medium", because only validated by "phenomena" as the attraction will be surprised if almost general? E 'for this reason will not be repeated often enough as the "phenomena", in themselves, absolutely no evidence to nothing as to the truth of a doctrine od'un any teaching, and how this is precisely the area par excellence of the "great illusion", where everything seems to some people as a sign of "spirituality" can always be simulated and counterfeit from the game forces less concerned, this is also perhaps the only case in which the imitation can be really perfect, because they are exactly the same "phenomenon", seen in their specific meaning of appearances, which are produced in both cases: only difference lies in the nature of the causes which respectively involved in them, and since the vast majority of men is necessarily unable to determine these causes, the best thing to do is ultimately not to attribute the slightest importance to anything that is "phenomenon", rather than a priori to see a negative sign, but how do understand the mentality " test "of our contemporary mentality which, having been manipulated in terms of" scientistic "of the 'antitradizione", is finally becoming one of the factors that can contribute most effectively to the success of "counter-tradition? The
"neospiritualismo," and the "pseudo-initiation" which are derived a partial "foreshadowing" of "counter-tradition" from another point of view: we refer to the already reported use of elements authentically traditional in origin, but deviated from their true meaning and placed in a certain way in the service of error: this deviation is ultimately the way to the complete reversal that should characterize the "counter-tradition" (and which, moreover, we saw a significant example in the deliberate reversal of the symbols), although the counter-tradition is not only a matter of scattered and fragmentary evidence, the intention of its authors, in fact, it will give the illusion di qualcosa di simile o addirittura di equivalente a ciò che costituisce l’integralità di una tradizione vera, con tutte le applicazioni che le sono proprie nei vari campi. E’ da notare, a questo proposito, come la “contro-iniziazione”, pur inventando e diffondendo per i suoi fini tutte le idee moderne caratteristiche dell’ “antitradizione” negativa, sia perfettamente cosciente della falsità di tali idee, e sappia evidentemente anche troppo bene a cosa attenersi; ma ciò sta appunto ad indicare come, nella sua intenzione, questa sia soltanto una fase transitoria e preliminare, in quanto una simile organizzazione di menzogna cosciente non può come tale essere il vero ed unico scopo which it proposes, this is intended only to prepare for the next coming of something else, which in turn will appear as a result more "positive" and that will be precisely the "counter-tradition." E 'for this reason that, particularly in several productions of which he is undoubtedly the source ol'ispirazione "counter-initiation" is already apparent in the emerging idea of \u200b\u200ban organization that would like to return, and precisely because counterfeiting , of a traditional conception as that of the "Holy Roman Empire", an organization must be an expression of "counter-tradition" nell’ordine sociale; ed è anche per questa ragione che l’Anticristo, secondo la terminologia della tradizione indù, potrà esser denominato Chakravartî alla rovescia (3).
Il regno della “contro-tradizione”, in effetti, è, molto esattamente, ciò che è designato come il “regno dell’Anticristo”: questi, qualunque idea si possa averne, è comunque colui che concentrerà e sintetizzerà in sé stesso, in vista di tale opera finale, tute le potenze della “contro-iniziazione”, sia che lo si percepisca come un individuo, sia come una collettività; in un certo senso potrebbe essere ad un tempo l’uno e l’altra, in quanto dovrà esistere una collettività che rappresenti l’”esteriorizzazione” della organizzazione “contro-iniziatica” vera e propria venuta finalmente alla luce del giorno, e dovrà esistere altresì un personaggio, posto a capo di quella collettività, che sia l’espressione più completa e come l’“incarnazione” stessa di quel che essa rappresenterà, non foss’altro che a titolo di “supporto” di tutte quelle influenze malefiche le quali, dopo essersi concentrate in lui, dovranno da lui essere proiettate nel mondo (4). Evidentemente sarà un “impostore” ( significato del termine daggiâl con cui viene abitualmente called in Arabic) because of his kingdom there will be nothing but "great parody par excellence, an imitation, caricature and" satanic "of everything that is truly traditional and spiritual, and yet its formation is that, if so to speak, to be his really impossible not to perform that function. Certainly no longer the "reign of quantity" which was simply the culmination of the "antitradizione" On the contrary, a false pretext of "spiritual restoration" is a kind of reintroduction of quality in all things, but a quality outlet reverse of its legitimate value e normale (5). Dopo l’ “egualitarismo” dei nostri giorni ci sarà di nuovo una gerarchia invertita, ossia una “contro-gerarchia”, il cui vertice sarà occupato dall’essere che, in realtà, sarà più vicino di chiunque altro a toccare il fondo degli “abissi infernali”.
Quest’essere, anche se apparirà sotto forma di un personaggio determinato, sarà in realtà più un simbolo che un individuo, sarà cioè come la sintesi stessa di tutto il simbolismo invertito in uso presso la “contro-iniziazione”, simbolismo che troverà in lui la sua massima espressione proprio perché in questa funzione non avrà né predecessori or successors to express the false to a level so extreme, he must be, as it is completely "false" from all points of view, that is, as the embodiment of falsehood (6). Precisely for this, and for that extreme opposition to the truth in all its aspects, the Antichrist can take over the very symbols of the Messiah, of course in the opposite direction radically (7), given the predominance in these symbols the aspect of "evil" or, more precisely, replacing it with that "beneficial" to overthrow the double meaning of these symbols, is precisely his hallmark. Also can and must be a strange resemblance between the descriptions of the Messiah (Al-Masih in Arabic) and the Antichrist Messiah (Al-Masîkh) (8), but these are nothing but a deformation of the first, as represented the Antichrist is not in compliance in all more or less symbolic descriptions that give it, this thing also very significant. These descriptions, in fact, especially concentrate on body asymmetry, which implies that they are the visible mark of the very nature of which they are assigned, and actually similar asymmetries are always signs of some internal imbalance, the rest is for this reason that Such deformations represent the "qualifications" in terms of initiation, as is easily imaginable that can be "qualifying" in the opposite direction, ie against the "counter-initiation." In fact, since the latter has a goal opposite to that of initiation, it is clear that his journey proceeds in the direction of an increase in the imbalance of beings, and the closing date of this imbalance is the dissolution or the "disintegration "we mentioned, the Antichrist must obviously be as close as possible to this" disintegration ", so that its individuality, while a side will be developed so monstrous, it can be said, however, already almost annihilated, so as to achieve the reverse of the cancellation of the 'I' in front of the "self" or, in other words, to create confusion in the "chaos" instead Fusion Unity principled, and this state, represented by the same difference and disproportion of his bodily form, is really the lower limit of the possibilities of our individual state, so the top of the "counter-hierarchy" is just the place that agrees in that "world turned upside down" that will be his. Moreover, even from the standpoint of a purely symbolic and as a representative of the "counter-initiation", the Antichrist is not necessarily dissimilar: this in fact, as we said earlier, can only be a caricature of the tradition, and who says caricature is like telling differences, if not there would be no means of its exterior to distinguish the "counter-tradition" from the true tradition, and it is also necessary so that at least the "chosen" not to be seduced, that it carries within itself the "mark of the devil." Moreover, since the false is necessarily "artificial", the "controtradizione" can not miss, despite all, to have that character "mechanic" that is present in all the productions of the modern world: indeed it will become the latest product even more precisely, there will be anything like it in the automation of those "mentally dead" which we mentioned earlier, and the rest, like these, it will consist only of "waste" and artificially animated at the moment, which explains its absolute uncertainty, this cluster of "waste", as it were galvanized by a desire "infernal "may well give the most accurate idea of \u200b\u200bsomething that has come to the very boundaries of dissolution.
We believe that it is not appropriate to insist more on all these things at the bottom would be little point in detail how the research will consist of the "counter-tradition," and the rest of the previous general recommendations were already almost enough to those who would, on their own, applying them to more specific points, which is not part of our plans. However, we have reached with this at the end of the last anti-traditional that should lead this world to an end, after the reign of the passenger "counter-tradition" can no longer be there, to arrive at the last minute of the current cycle, the "rectification", which, instantly bringing all things to their normal place just as the subversion seemed complete, immediately prepare the 'golden age' of the future cycle.
Note 1 - It 's amazing how far the term "new era" has been widespread in recent times and repeated in all environments, even with apparently very different meanings, but all aimed ultimately at establish the same persuasion in public opinion.
2 - Matthew, XXIV, 24.
3 - On Chakravarti, or "universal monarch", see The Ésotérisme de Dante, cit., P. 76 and Le Roi du Monde, cit., pp. 17-18 (pp. 22-23 EDA. It..) Chakravarti is literally the "one who spins the wheel," which implies that it is placed at the very center of all things, whereas in fact the Antichrist will be the farthest from the center, but he will pretend to "run the wheel in the opposite direction to normal cyclical movement (which "foreshadowed" the rest unconsciously, by the modern idea of \u200b\u200b"progress"), quanro however, in reality, any change in rotation is impossible before the "reversal of the poles," that is, before the "rectification" that only the intervention of the tenth avatar will work, but giust'appunto, if the Antichrist is so designated, it is because, in his way, he parodierà quell'Avatâra end of the function itself, which in Christian tradition is represented as the "second coming of Christ."
4 - It can therefore be considered as the leader of the Awliya esh-Satan, and as will be the last to perform that function, which will feature him in his most important and obvious expression in the world, we can say, according to the Islamic esoteric terminology, that he will be like their "seal" (Khâtem), it is not hard to imagine to what extent can actually go a parody of the tradition in all its aspects.
5 - the same coin, or what will their place, will again have a qualitative nature of this type, as has been said that "nobody can buy or sell unless he has the character or the name of the beast or the number of his name "(Revelation, XIII, 17), so it is implied effective use of the symbols of the inverted" counter-tradition. "
6 - See also here the antithesis of Christ who says: "I am the Truth", or as wali al-Hallaj who also says: "Ana al-Haqq."
7 - "Perhaps not enough has been done if the analogy between real and false doctrine, St. Hippolytus, in his pamphlet on Antichrist, he gives a memorable example, although not surprising for those who have studied the sign: Messiah and the Antichrist are both the lion emblem "(P. Vulliaud, La cabala juive, 2 vols., Paris, 1923, vol. II, p. 373). From the perspective of cabalistic, the underlying reason for this lies in considerations relating to the two sides, light and dark, with Metatron, is for the same reason that the apocalyptic number 666, the "Number of the Beast", is also a number of solar (See Le Roi du Monde, cit., Pp. 29-30, pp. 35-36 Italian edition).
8 - Here we have a double sense untranslatable Masîkh can be taken as a deformation of Masih by simply adding one point to the last letter, but at the same time, this same word also means "deformed", which precisely expresses the character Antichrist.
[Excerpts from a chapter. XXXIX of The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - ed. Adelphi].