Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Months After Bunion Surgery

Dal 22 al 24 Aprile 2009 vieni a Siracusa e goditi l'inquinamento!

Dal 22 al 24 Aprile nella città di Siracusa si svolgerà il g8 dell'ambiente,
dove tutti i grandi 8 (
Italia, Germania,Regno unito,
Stati uniti,Giappone,Canada and Russia).

will meet to discuss their profit impoverishing more underdeveloped countries ...; Making agreements and the third world war.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rugrats Wildlife Rescue Game Online

questions about Iceland: the crisis has increased the consent of the radical left

In Iceland, the economic crisis that has brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy has also resulted in a shift to the left of the political landscape. The party that collects the radical left, the Left Green Movement is growing fast in the polls. The elections will be held a fine aprile, intanto si è formato un governo provvisorio formato dalla socialdemocrazia e dalla sinistra radicale. Dal forum di Red Pepper, riprendo questa breve nota politica di fine febbraio.

Economic Crisis In Iceland and The Left Green Movement

The interim govt in Iceland is an allaince of the social democrats, progressive party and the left green movement. TLGM have at present 9 MP's out of 63, but opinion polls consistently put them in the lead in the run up to a general election in May this year. The are polling around 30%, so are unlikely to form a govt on their own, but could well be the largest party in any coalition govt post the election.

With Iceland's economy in ruins, following the ultra neo liberal policies of the previous govt (of which the social democrats were part) and the subsequent crash, this is very encouraging. If TLGM were to win the general election, it could send ripples right across Europe, and be a boast for green left politics. It could point the way out of neo liberalism and towards green socialism.

Some info on the The Left Green Movement

The party was founded on February 6th 1999 after a few months work, aiming to unite socialist and conservationist groups for the elections held on May 8th.

The prelude was a structural reorganisation on the left wing of Icelandic politics. On the one hand there were those who prepared the unification of three existing parties, The Social democrats (Alþýðuflokkur), The People's Alliance (Alþýðubandalagið) and The Women's Party (Samtök um kvennalista) in one social-democratic party. On the other side there were those who fought for the unification of social-, environmental and feminist politics into one party. These were to be found in the above mentioned parties, especially in the Peoples Alliance and the Women's Party and in an open leftwing forum newly founded, Stefna - a forum for left politics.

This movement joined forces with four MP's from The People's Alliance and The Women's Party who had the same views and had for some months formed an independent group within the parliament. In due time a new political party The Left-Green Movement was founded as a choice to the left of The Alliance (Samfylkingin).

The cornerstones of it´s policy are the following:

Conservation of the environment
All natural resources shall be public property and utilized without reducing them and in a careful manner. So-called green economics must be used to estimate the value of untouched nature and green taxes shall be applied to encourage protection of the environment. From our point of view, it is of great importance that Icelanders can produce all the energy they need in the future. We reject further building of power plants for the use of polluting large scale industry and demand conservation of the highland. We emphasize powerful, international co-operation and conventions concerning environmental matters.

Equality and social justice
All individuals shall have equal rights and no discrimination can be tolerated. We demand full equality concerning education, all social service, public information and freedom of speech. It is the duty of the Icelandic state to guarantee the welfare of every citizen, especially the elderly and the disabled.
The Left-Green Movement supports the strenghtening of the rural areas of Iceland by means of good social service, education, prosperous culture and various economy. Privatization in public areas is of great danger in these matters, since it usually leads to a more expensive service in rural areas.
It is a project of high priority to guarantee that wages paid for 40 hours' work a week will be sufficient for a normal cost of living.

Fair and prosperous economy
The Left-Green Movement is willing to strengthen the position of wage earners to influence the development of our society. The party is willing to support the development of Icelandic economy to a state of more diversity and encourage the use of environment-friendly technology. It is necessary to prevent monopoly and centralization of capital, enable the conventional industries of Iceland to develop themselves and make use of Iceland's special status to create jobs of all kinds for all the inhabitants.

Independent foreign policy
The Left-Green Movement fights for an independent, Icelandic foreign policy that maintains the sovereignty of Iceland and supports all means of establishing global peace. The party opposes participation in military organizations such as NATO and WEU. It also rejects participation in the European Union and emphasizes simple, bilateral treaties concerning trade and co-operation.
The Left-Green Movement is willing to strenghten the co-operation of all nations based on mutual respect for different opinons and different culture. The party supports and wants to strenghten the participation in democratical organizations such as the United Nations, the European Council and the Nordic Council. Iceland shall support the goals of the UN and the Declaration of Human Rights by making a contribution to the abolition of poverty and hunger, social injustice, unequal division of wealth, racial discrimination, violation of human rights and militarism.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Happens If You Swallow Mouthwash

Belgium. the Communist Party in this election with the program of the European Left

From the website of the Communist Party (PC) Belgium, which organizes the militants of the French part of the country (Wallonia and Brussels), I take a statement announcing the decision of the Political Bureau to come up with their own lists in the upcoming regional elezoni and Europe. The party maintains the goal of uniting all the Belgian and anti-capitalist alternative left but claims to have met with sectarianism and dogmatism. The PC claims the election program of the European Left which is a member.

Communiqué du 27 février 2009: Elections 2009, 100 jours pour ensemble mean "Passons à autre chose"
Bureau politique par écrit

At its last congress in October of last year, the Communist Party of Wallonia-Brussels has again clearly expressed its willingness to "participate in the construction of a new political force both plural and unitary, clear in its aims and means, "an anti-capitalist force, resolutely opponent of economic liberalism and market logic.

Particularly attentive and interested in the experiences in Germany and France:
- Die Linke party that brings together communists, socialists opposed to the social-liberal policy of the SPD, the alter-globalization environmentalists, trade unionists,
- that the Left Front for the European elections initiated by the French Communist Party which has responded positively the new Left Party created by Jean-Luc Melenchon,
the Communist Party also wants to engage in gathering of the left left in Wallonia and Brussels.

Our unit attempts in recent months have faced some sectarianism and dogmatism which we remain confident that they are sterile and cons same-productive to the left of left. We will however continue to send us a view of the forthcoming elections but also beyond these deadlines «à toutes celles et tous ceux qui prennent la mesure des impasses actuelles et partagent le besoin de s’engager dans la construction d’un projet de transformation sociale de gauche à contre-courant de l’ultralibéralisme. Les communistes font cette démarche « sans sectarisme, sans a priori, ni exclusives avec toutes celles et tous ceux qui ressentent le besoin de construire la force qui manque à la gauche ».

Pour les élections européennes et régionales, le Parti communiste déposera des listes Parti communiste - Gauche européenne (PC-GE) en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Adoubées par le Parti de la Gauche européenne, parti fort de 400.000 membres regroupant en son within socialist parties, communist, red-green and other parties of the Democratic Left, the lists of independent persons will count the number and quality. In addition, an agreement was reached with the Humanist Party that shares our particular struggle pacifist and anti NATO. Candidates of that party will appear on the lists. Other leftist parties have been arrested or have recently arrested.

These elections are an opportunity to offer all European projects, Wallonia and Brussels that liberate us from the logic of capitalism that sacrifices the interests of the vast majority of the population and the future the world to allow a tiny minority earn maximum profits. The political and economic leaders of the capitalist crisis can not be those that provide the solutions. Capitalism has shown that it is a stalemate. That's enough. Let's move on!

The Communist Party will continue in the coming weeks to build its programs through its regional workshops Left open to anyone wishing to bring their proposals and share their experiences.

The Communist Party calls on all to work together to create a dynamic political left can turn the tide of critical things. Nous demeurons ouverts à toute proposition de soutien sur les applications et de listes. Nous avons

100 jours pour montrer qu'un autre gauche pour une autre Europe et d'autres politiques régionales, c'est possible et même totalement nécessaire! Le 7 juin, votons PC-GE!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Message For A New Born

Luxembourg: Of Lenk celebrating ten years

The Left Party Luxembourg Dei Lenk, left, celebrated last February, the ten years since its foundation and prepares for the next European elections. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Left in Germany, Belgium and France.

10 ans gods Lenka - une fête d'anniversaire un peu différent


Hw.- Le Grand-Duc ne se trouvait pas parmi les invités ni aucun autre dignitaire du régime. Pas d’officiels, pas de cérémoniel, pas d’encens. Le dixième anniversaire était une fête entre amis.

“Dix ans deja? Non, dix ans seulement, car ce n’est qu’un début.” André Hoffmann n’avait pas envie d’énumérer les mérites de l’organisation qu’il a contribuée à fonder. “Je n’ai pas besoin de montrer combien souvent nous avions raison. En matière d’analyse nous n’avons pourtant pas à rougir devant les experts de la haute finance et de la politique.”

D’abord deux messages écrits: celui d’Antoni Montserrat, président du CLAE, au nom de tous les étrangers vivant au Luxembourg et celui de Lothar Bisky, président du Parti de la Gauche Européenne, au nom des 600.000 militants de 30 partis. Ensuite 4 messages d’amis et voisins.

Roger Tirlicien, pour les communistes de Lorraine (“Par ma présence au 10e anniversaire de la création de Déi Lénk je suis venu dire dans un contexte de crise mondiale l’engagement du PCF pour une autre Europe. Nous avons la responsabilité d’entendre la colère des peuples d’Europe qui en ont assez de souffrir des politiques libérales au service du capitalisme globalized. "), Pierre Eyben, Liege, Belgium for communsites (" It is not easy to unite the left of the left. We believe that the Communists must now take part in a left front). Heinz Bierbaum, Die Linke Saar, brought greetings from Rolf PNSP and Oskar Lafontaine ("The crisis is not a blip, this crisis is the crisis of capitalism and sign the failure of neoliberal policies. ") Katrin Werner, Trier, Vice-President of Rheinland-Pfalz Linke (" Dei Lenk can be proud of doing politics from left to center of the financial center. We know his courage and professionalism. ")

Two speakers: Mark Baum, a student at the time of the founding of Dei Lenk, representing the younger generation, to review retrospective (" Dei Lenk was founded as a gathering of different currents in order to oppose a united front to the doctrinaire capitalism and give structure to movement consider the overcoming of capitalism not as an end in itself but as a way for a freer society ") . Jean-Luc Melenchon, senator, former Socialist minister, chairman of the Left Party founded two weeks ago, pour montrer les alternatives face aux bouleversements sociaux qui s’annoncent (“Pour la première fois je me trouve hors de France en tant que président du Parti de Gauche. Considérez ma présence ici comme la forme d’un nouvel internationalisme”).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kentucky Hunting Orange Card

IU confema Meyer leaders and seeks agreement for the European

Il sito di Izquierda unida riferisce della decisione della coalizione di confermare Willy Meyer, parlamentare europeo uscente, come capolista per le prossime elezioni di giugno. Informa inoltra dei contatti avviati con altre forze di sinistra per verificare la possibilità di presentarsi unitariamente alle elezioni europee.

La Presidencia Federal de IU proclama a Willy Meyer as head of the list for European elections

The governing body of the United Left reviews progress in talks with other political forces to agree on a solid left-wing candidate in the elections of June

Madrid February 21, 2009

The Federal Presidency of Izquierda Unida has officially proclaimed today as a candidate of this organization to the next European elections of June to the current MEP and coordinator of International Relations, Willy Meyer. The decision was made after reading about the proposed head of the list held on 7 February by the Federal Political Council and once proven the failure to file ningún candidato alternativo a Meyer.

La Presidencia valoró mayoritariamente el trabajo como eurodiputado realizado por Meyer los últimos cinco años. Al tiempo, la valoración compartida por este órgano de dirección es que la gravedad de la crisis económica obliga a IU a no distraer ni un momento la responsabilidad y el acuerdo plural con los que se están tomando las decisiones en los últimos meses para, así, dedicar todos los esfuerzos a buscar alternativas económicas, hacer propuestas de acción y exponerlas a la sociedad.

Este punto se trató al comienzo de la reunión de la Presidencia, que se está centrando en un análisis amplio y compartido internamente sobre the economic crisis. Also previously discussed the development of the dialogue opened by IU in recent weeks for possible electoral agreements with other political forces.

Reneses Miguel, secretary of organization and responsibility of the negotiating committee established for that purpose, held detailed meetings with ICV, Republican Left, the Confederation of the Greens and ERC. In all cases highlighted "the warmth, the good relations with all political forces and the considerable overlap in the analysis of the current economic crisis and proposals for European policies."

In the coming weeks there will be further meetings with some of these formations to advance a definitive agreement. At the time, internally, Izquierda Unida create a plural commission with representation from all their sensitivities to decide the order of the rest of the list in terms of IU leaders that will be part of it.

The proposed final list to the European elections should be finally ratified in the near Federal Political Council, the highest governing body of IU, which also review the agreements reached in the coming weeks with other political groupings.