IU confema Meyer leaders and seeks agreement for the European
Il sito di Izquierda unida riferisce della decisione della coalizione di confermare Willy Meyer, parlamentare europeo uscente, come capolista per le prossime elezioni di giugno. Informa inoltra dei contatti avviati con altre forze di sinistra per verificare la possibilità di presentarsi unitariamente alle elezioni europee.
La Presidencia Federal de IU proclama a Willy Meyer as head of the list for European elections
The governing body of the United Left reviews progress in talks with other political forces to agree on a solid left-wing candidate in the elections of June
Madrid February 21, 2009
The Federal Presidency of Izquierda Unida has officially proclaimed today as a candidate of this organization to the next European elections of June to the current MEP and coordinator of International Relations, Willy Meyer. The decision was made after reading about the proposed head of the list held on 7 February by the Federal Political Council and once proven the failure to file ningún candidato alternativo a Meyer.
La Presidencia valoró mayoritariamente el trabajo como eurodiputado realizado por Meyer los últimos cinco años. Al tiempo, la valoración compartida por este órgano de dirección es que la gravedad de la crisis económica obliga a IU a no distraer ni un momento la responsabilidad y el acuerdo plural con los que se están tomando las decisiones en los últimos meses para, así, dedicar todos los esfuerzos a buscar alternativas económicas, hacer propuestas de acción y exponerlas a la sociedad.
Este punto se trató al comienzo de la reunión de la Presidencia, que se está centrando en un análisis amplio y compartido internamente sobre the economic crisis. Also previously discussed the development of the dialogue opened by IU in recent weeks for possible electoral agreements with other political forces.
Reneses Miguel, secretary of organization and responsibility of the negotiating committee established for that purpose, held detailed meetings with ICV, Republican Left, the Confederation of the Greens and ERC. In all cases highlighted "the warmth, the good relations with all political forces and the considerable overlap in the analysis of the current economic crisis and proposals for European policies."
In the coming weeks there will be further meetings with some of these formations to advance a definitive agreement. At the time, internally, Izquierda Unida create a plural commission with representation from all their sensitivities to decide the order of the rest of the list in terms of IU leaders that will be part of it.
The proposed final list to the European elections should be finally ratified in the near Federal Political Council, the highest governing body of IU, which also review the agreements reached in the coming weeks with other political groupings.
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