Belgium. the Communist Party in this election with the program of the European Left
From the website of the Communist Party (PC) Belgium, which organizes the militants of the French part of the country (Wallonia and Brussels), I take a statement announcing the decision of the Political Bureau to come up with their own lists in the upcoming regional elezoni and Europe. The party maintains the goal of uniting all the Belgian and anti-capitalist alternative left but claims to have met with sectarianism and dogmatism. The PC claims the election program of the European Left which is a member.
Communiqué du 27 février 2009: Elections 2009, 100 jours pour ensemble mean "Passons à autre chose"
Bureau politique par écrit
At its last congress in October of last year, the Communist Party of Wallonia-Brussels has again clearly expressed its willingness to "participate in the construction of a new political force both plural and unitary, clear in its aims and means, "an anti-capitalist force, resolutely opponent of economic liberalism and market logic.
Particularly attentive and interested in the experiences in Germany and France:
- Die Linke party that brings together communists, socialists opposed to the social-liberal policy of the SPD, the alter-globalization environmentalists, trade unionists,
- that the Left Front for the European elections initiated by the French Communist Party which has responded positively the new Left Party created by Jean-Luc Melenchon,
the Communist Party also wants to engage in gathering of the left left in Wallonia and Brussels.
Our unit attempts in recent months have faced some sectarianism and dogmatism which we remain confident that they are sterile and cons same-productive to the left of left. We will however continue to send us a view of the forthcoming elections but also beyond these deadlines «à toutes celles et tous ceux qui prennent la mesure des impasses actuelles et partagent le besoin de s’engager dans la construction d’un projet de transformation sociale de gauche à contre-courant de l’ultralibéralisme. Les communistes font cette démarche « sans sectarisme, sans a priori, ni exclusives avec toutes celles et tous ceux qui ressentent le besoin de construire la force qui manque à la gauche ».
Pour les élections européennes et régionales, le Parti communiste déposera des listes Parti communiste - Gauche européenne (PC-GE) en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Adoubées par le Parti de la Gauche européenne, parti fort de 400.000 membres regroupant en son within socialist parties, communist, red-green and other parties of the Democratic Left, the lists of independent persons will count the number and quality. In addition, an agreement was reached with the Humanist Party that shares our particular struggle pacifist and anti NATO. Candidates of that party will appear on the lists. Other leftist parties have been arrested or have recently arrested.
These elections are an opportunity to offer all European projects, Wallonia and Brussels that liberate us from the logic of capitalism that sacrifices the interests of the vast majority of the population and the future the world to allow a tiny minority earn maximum profits. The political and economic leaders of the capitalist crisis can not be those that provide the solutions. Capitalism has shown that it is a stalemate. That's enough. Let's move on!
The Communist Party will continue in the coming weeks to build its programs through its regional workshops Left open to anyone wishing to bring their proposals and share their experiences.
The Communist Party calls on all to work together to create a dynamic political left can turn the tide of critical things. Nous demeurons ouverts à toute proposition de soutien sur les applications et de listes. Nous avons
100 jours pour montrer qu'un autre gauche pour une autre Europe et d'autres politiques régionales, c'est possible et même totalement nécessaire! Le 7 juin, votons PC-GE!
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