Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Color Rug Should I Get For Bathroom

set in stone!

"Life is a moment of transition,

transit where man

must carry out the mission entrusted by God



Advantages Of Heavy Slowpitch Bats

called them ... Brigands!

A delegation of the CS Aurhelio was invited at the opening of Santa Marinella film festival, the day when it was shown the film by Pasquale Squitieri "Briganti called them ..." . We consider necessary for the signaling function of revisionist film about the process of unification of the nation state, on the occasion of the anniversary of 150 years after that event. Many insist on justifying the revival as a function of coincidence with the unification of Italy. On the contrary there seems to be underlined as was Julius Evola was specifically stated that: '... the resurgence was not by accident that a national movement, it is within the revolutionary movement determinatisi around a group of states as a result of the importation of ideas from the Jacobin revolution. The '4 ... 8 and '49, for example, had an identical face in Italian movements and those who came on in Prague, Hungary, Germany, Habsburg Vienna in the same, according to a single password. Here there were just one indication of how many columns in front International, controlled by ideology liberal and Masonic, which also had his face masked officers. "

review by Emmanuel Little

film not politically correct, but criticized the director level ever does is describe the truth. I would urge the film critics to read the history of Italy before we criticize a genre film "historic" as the story into film is neither more nor less than that of Carmine Crocco, the most famous and great robber post-unification. To invent, in there is very little biographical and historical films in Squires. Sorry but certainly not surprising that has had more luck with the theme and the perspective from which we look at the processes occurring in Italian unification is still capable of easy and simplistic judgments. From a technical standpoint the film is essential and direct, perhaps limited to just being too tied to the vicissitudes of Crocco, but at the cultural level is a sort of Italian Dances with Wolves, shows us another angle on a story historical still cumbersome, this should be seen and distributed ...[..]...!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Resorts In Ecr Chennai

Raido: A Handbook of Traditional Living

After the original edition in Italiano e la traduzione in Tedesco, ora i Quaderni della Comunità Militante RAIDO sono tradotti anche in Inglese...

This book consists of two texts originally published by the Italian cultural organisation Raido, translated here for the first time: The World of Tradition and The Front of Tradition. The first is a comprehensive summary of the principal ideas of Julius Evola. The esoteric history of the world, the nature of the Primordial Tradition, and the crisis of the modern world are discussed. The second, while also steeped in the Evolian worldview, presents a more practical guide for living as a traditionalist. Guidelines for life as an individual living in detachment from modernity, as well as for developing and being a member of an organisation dedicated to the restoration of Tradition, are outlined. This book argues that ideology and strategy are not enough by themselves. The individual who desires a revolt against the modern world must first internalise and conduct all of one’s actions in accordance with the way of life of Tradition. Also included are methods for doing this.

Whether the reader is an Evolian, a traditionalist or is merely seeking a means for survival in a degraded age, this handbook will be inspiring to them all.

Translator’s Foreword
A Note from the Editor
From the Preface to the Second Italian Edition

1. From the Origins to the Modern World
2. Tradition & the Sacred
3. Metaphysics
4. The States of Being: Archetype-Soul-Spirit-Body
5. Esotericism & Exotericism
6. Authority
7. Castes
8. Civilisation
9. Holy War: Vita est militia super terram
10. Decadence & Subversion
11. Initiation
12. Contemplation & Action
13. Law
14. Rite
15. Myth
16. Symbolism
Appendix I: The Symbolism of the Cross
Appendix II: The Symbolism of the Sun

1. Ignis Fatuus
2. Each in His Place
3. Interiorising the Doctrine
4. Beyond Ideology
5. Lifestyle
6. Firm Foundations
7. The New Man: Existential Guidelines for Members of an Operating Unit
8. A Fighting Vanguard
9. The Rectification of the Individual
10. Action
11. The Community
12. The Operative Unit
13. Before the Movement
14. The Future is Now

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tech Dechs Wooden Collector Sieries

to seek the good life ........

present anew an old article that appeared last summer on this blog, given the situation prevailing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coast north of Rome, there seems to be repeated.

Occasionally, we would a digression from the issues that we intended to propose on this Blog. One of the features of this diary is to look after as little as possible of local events and disarticulation of that in a more or less suffer from the so-called area of \u200b\u200bthe radical right (in addition to the characters who assume the right of representation) land. Just consider that area to the right of a PDL and engulfs everything and everything in a minced meat loaf indigestible. The indications and prefigurations reported from this part last year are appearing one by one. Disintegration, internal strife, the presumption in wanting to be alone, returns Canossa in the PDL, retreats into the private sphere, are clear demonstration of how the militancy to be aware of when ideas are deeply felt, than the "good life" is seductive. Pearls before swine. The action of Aurhelio, faithful to the promise of many years ago, keeps the same style of conduct, even the refined, enriched with the values \u200b\u200bof the traditional doctrine.
result of sacrifice - body, soul and spirit - by making time and wallet, the action is pursued relentlessly. Those who now portrays the fighting line is not indifferent, is complicit.

"It 's important, it is essential that they constitute an elite which, in a collection intensity, defined according to a rigorous intellectual and absolute intransigence of the idea, according to which one must be united, and affirms this idea, especially in the form of the new man, the man of strength, straight man in the ruins. If you will be given to go beyond this period of crisis and order shaky and unrealistic, it will be the only man in the future. But even if the fate of the modern world was created, and is now overwhelming, should not be content, at such locations within the premises will be maintained: in any case what can be done will be done to that country and apparterremo , that no enemy will ever be neither occupied nor destroyed. "

Julius Evola - Orientamenti

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Birthdaytitle For Facebook

Viola Berard, the Diocletian Gardens

Il brigantaggio nella Marsica e nel Cicolano.

Rapporti con il sanguinario Candido Vulpiani. La lotta contro il brigantaggio.

Berardo Viola (brigante) statura bassa, corporatura giusta, capelli castani, ciglia castane, occhi castani. Il brigantaggio, senza scendere nei minimi dettagli, ha avuto in Abruzzo due fasi: la prima sotto la dominazione spagnola nel XVI sec. , e la seconda negli anni dell'unità d'Italia nel XIX sec. L'Abruzzo era per sito geografico il più idoneo per il proliferare del brigantaggio, infatti il suo aspetto aspro e montuoso, il confinare direttamente con lo Stato Pontificio, permetteva more easily move from one place to another depending on the situation.

Our people chose the road banditry MicrosoftMicrosoft forced by poor living conditions where they were, and political reasons, disliked those who had delivered them (the Piedmont) and were in favor of someone who always had oppressed them (the Bourbons), and then sided with the Restoration and in this aspiration were supported by the faithful Bourbon and even if not openly, the Papal States that he preferred the Piedmontese Bourbons (who preached the unity of Italy, and the abolition of the Papal State). Historians have given many interpretations of the reasons for and because of banditry, I stop here, and I tell you with the help of documents the story of one of these many robbers who operated in the circulation and in Marsica: Berardo Viola. The character of the novel "Fontamara" Ignazio Silone, Berardo Viola, was none other than the grandson of the robber.

Berardo's mother, the novel is about an old family curse, "God wants robber. It 's the fate of Viola." Among the peasants Fontamara was heard: "What will end up like his grandfather, the famous bandit Viola, Viola Berado So not only existed in the imagination of the writer pescinese, but also in reality or Berardino Berardo Viola Viola Taglieti, born November 24, 1838 Vallesecca at the border between the Marsi and Cicolano, by Father Angelo guard and customs from the mother spinner Marianna Rossetti. Young enlisted among the National Guards, and was made a 'brutal repression in Fiamignano, where the people rebelled because of hunger and injustice, he deserted and went with the rebels. Thus began a career as a robber of our Berardino who was so involved in the new "job" which quickly became one of the "best". In 1862, the robber stabbed to death Berardino Colombo, later participated in the looting of Pagliara, he took as a trophy of the "triumph" the head of a caretaker Vallecupola skewered on a crude spear. In the months that followed established a relationship "work" with the bloodthirsty bandit Candido Vulpiani, the association led to many killings and robberies in the Cicada, and the Marsi in the bush. Soon, however, this relationship ended, our Berardino fact during one of the many quarrels with the Vulpiani wounded him to death.

Berardo In 1865 he was arrested but was not executed, because he had become the first-repentant robber. On February 26, 1866 is locked up in prison in Tivoli, with colleague Micarelli Achilles, so we read in an extradition request from the Attorney General of the Court of Appeal of Aquila, a few months later, on 23 September 1866 the application for extradition is dismissed from the Papal State. In a manifesto of the Prefecture of the province of Abruzzo Additional 2nd (L'Aquila), the ruler G. Coffaro dated November 26, 1866, published the results in the fight against banditry, listing the robbers arrested were set up and also checked with their respective sizes, among the names there is also Viola Berard, listed as prisoners awaiting trial . Del18 with a letter in May 1867, the Minister of the Interior, informed the Prefect of the Eagle that the steamer "Earl Boniacchi" were arrested in April in Marseille, along with the ringleaders Antonio Cozzolino said Pilone, Mary Carmine Crocco and Donatello said Berardino Viola, other individuals with papal passport under the name of Firicano Dominic Spera Giovanni, Satalmi Nicola, Pasca Antonio, Pizzoni Ferdinando, Piccirilli Luigi e Mazzero Giuseppe. Quindi se Berardino il 26 Febbraio 1866 risulta rinchiuso nel carcere di Tivoli e il 18 maggio 1867 si attesta che è stato arrestato in aprile, risulta evidente che era stato scarcerato oppure era evaso.

Nuove incursioni sanguinarie in Avezzano, Petrella Salto, nel Rovetano e nella Marsica segnano i periodi di libertà tra un'arresto ed una scarcerazione (o evasione). Viene nuovamente arrestato nel maggio del 1868 e in una lettera del 29 luglio che il Prefetto dell'Aquila invia al Ministero dell'Interno, Segretariato generale di Firenze, così si legge, insieme al numero dei componenti della banda Viola (N06 cells) to describe the characteristics of the head band Berardino Viola, age 29, stature, body fair, brown hair, brown eyebrows, brown eyes. In its reply of 23 August 1868, the Minister announced that the "Viola racking presently detained for charges of robbery, in the prisons of the Baths of Diocletian and the other two Crocco Pilone, we know only that the Pontifical decanting. The Government is working to obtain the extradition, but has reason to doubt the outcome in favor of its practices, at least for now, having no right to demand otherwise than in official channels, since the three-band leaders such as these are considered political compromises. " The letter concludes with the provisions to be adopted at the borders of the kingdom with the Papal States to stop the robbers in the case of entry. The sub-prefect of Cittaducale a letter to the Prefect of the Eagle 23. 11. 1868 states that as the attached letter from the mayor of Petrella Salto, the notorious gang leader Viola, currently in prison in Rome to ask to form our authorities. In response, the Prefect approved the request on a personal level, but does not guarantee ere be borrowed at the constitutional level, however, undertakes to grant him safe conduct to the process and then prepare a report to the Government asking for clemency for the sovereign Viola, but perhaps not persuaded by Berardo response.

On March 6, 1869, together with Antonio Cozzolino said Pilone escapes from prison in Rome, do! The letter, the Prefect of Naples to the Prefects of the Eagle, Grosseto, Perugia, the official in Avezzano and Cittaducale informs Viola that he was injured during the escape . Robbery, murder, harassment, assault mark this flight. Was arrested again and imprisoned in the Papal States March 30, 1869, his friend managed to escape even if Prop with a broken leg. Among denials, affirmations and visions of the Viola, you know for sure until the end of 1869 and 1870 is locked up in prison Pontifical Palermo. This year we lose track of Berardino Viola in official documents. You will enter the history written in the news historians and everything is easily debatable.

Of course I can also say that Berardino Viola has been and will remain a robber "Good" (although in some circumstances, it was cruel and barbaric, it was the "job" or the "Company"). Since its first appearance (as deserter) helps the people against their oppressors, tyrants and this will always be grateful to him (hiding and helping).

Wipe the bowl or a robber of the people by the people. He in his raids and robberies, he liked to sign his "work" with a flower "viola" and a holy card with the image of S. Berard (Berard Viola). And so I leave it to remember: Brigante - Death and destruction the viola - and death nature santina - repentance and desire to change their lives.

REFERENCES 1) State Archives-Eagle Envelopes various acts of the Cabinet and various issues on banditry.
2) Archive Diocletian Gardens Pescina-Folder No. 5 and various issues on the robber Berardo Viola.
3) L. Braccili-robbers stories abrurzesi-Ed.M. Ferri-AQ-1983.
4) Ignazio Silone-Fontamara-Ed. Rizzoli Bur-May 1989.
5) The Way We Were - 180011900 - The Centre - additional files.

Adapted from RADAR ABRUZZO

Fulvio D'Amore

Il libro di Fulvio D’Amore, che segue una estesa letteratura sull’argomento “brigantaggio”, giunge in un momento storico in cui l’autore riesce ad individuare con una linea di interpretazione “forte” una più profonda verità su vicende già largamente note. Gli avvenimenti sono pressoché sconosciuti e rievocano, con dovizia di particolari inediti, le imprese memorabili di Berardino Viola, massimo rappresentante di quel ribellismo postunitario che la storia dei vincitori condannò alla criminalizzazione.

Brossura, pag. 254

Stampato da Controcorrente

order to

Friday, July 2, 2010

Used Treestands For Sale

Objective achieved! Project GCG> Quota30

The infamous to give a share 30 months of sea
children to Big Yellow House has been reached and exceeded!

A concrete action that follows the laudable initiatives undertaken recently by the Research Center Aurhelio and culminated in the conference "Youth from burning?" Held in Palazzo del Pincio.
We are confident that you will not be the first nor the last of initiatives to be taken to reaffirm never quite remember the motto: be an example! Today more than ever necessary for the formation of self, the only way I know to send the value of tradition.