Occasionally, we would a digression from the issues that we intended to propose on this Blog. One of the features of this diary is to look after as little as possible of local events and disarticulation of that in a more or less suffer from the so-called area of \u200b\u200bthe radical right (in addition to the characters who assume the right of representation) land. Just consider that area to the right of a PDL and engulfs everything and everything in a minced meat loaf indigestible. The indications and prefigurations reported from this part last year are appearing one by one. Disintegration, internal strife, the presumption in wanting to be alone, returns Canossa in the PDL, retreats into the private sphere, are clear demonstration of how the militancy to be aware of when ideas are deeply felt, than the "good life" is seductive. Pearls before swine. The action of Aurhelio, faithful to the promise of many years ago, keeps the same style of conduct, even the refined, enriched with the values \u200b\u200bof the traditional doctrine.
result of sacrifice - body, soul and spirit - by making time and wallet, the action is pursued relentlessly. Those who now portrays the fighting line is not indifferent, is complicit.
"It 's important, it is essential that they constitute an elite which, in a collection intensity, defined according to a rigorous intellectual and absolute intransigence of the idea, according to which one must be united, and affirms this idea, especially in the form of the new man, the man of strength, straight man in the ruins. If you will be given to go beyond this period of crisis and order shaky and unrealistic, it will be the only man in the future. But even if the fate of the modern world was created, and is now overwhelming, should not be content, at such locations within the premises will be maintained: in any case what can be done will be done to that country and apparterremo , that no enemy will ever be neither occupied nor destroyed. "
Julius Evola - Orientamenti
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