Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jcpenney Styling Salon

Il Capo di Cuib

Wars are won by those who have been able to attract from above, from the skies, the mysterious forces of the invisible world and make the competition of these forces . These mysterious forces are the spirits of our ancestors [...] [...] Before becoming a political movement [...] the legionnaire movement is a spiritual school where a man comes out of it a hero [... ] Look for programs? [...] [...] It would be better to men - do not you feel the need for programs in the country, but of men and will [...] Our legionnaire movement reveals essentially the character of a great school spirit. It tends to provoke unexpected faiths, it seeks to transform, to revolutionize the souls. Shout everywhere that evil, misery, and ruin are the soul. The soul is a cardinal point on which you should do in the present moment. The soul of the individual soul of the people. " What the
Outdated, and the durability of this booklet - breviary of orthodoxy and ortoetica that stretched from the Codreanu for Legionnaires 'Iron Guard', came to Nae Jonescu compared to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola - it is the intention of bringing souls. To the soul the person who leads the human contemplation and regulates the concentration and understanding: the garrison from which to monitor the movements of the body of the story. Over time, the rush of the decline would sink all - spiritual essences, lifestyle, aesthetic features - and then drag it towards dissolution. So based on what time, which precedes and dominates, to rise up and wait for the story to the passage to purge and purify it. Ben Codreanu granted by the canons of ethics, the tools of the souls of legionnaires attempted this work, and if, immediately, their voices could not stifle the sound of time, the vibration that remains the focus and tone builds up the anticipation for the Order - in man and his community - by those who do not yield to economic history.

Author: CZ Codreanu

Publisher: Ar

Pages: 134

Year: 2009, latest edition

Collection: Time inauguration of fascism

Price: € 12


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cheat Chicken Invader 3

Clergy and Church pedophile scandal: Mud on the Vatican after Father Murphy

E' un dato di fatto. 
Per ragioni oscure, nel clero il numero di pedofili è clamorosamente alto. Forse perché il demonio sceglie di tentare chi piu' "è vicino" a Dio, o forse perché molte vocazioni sono tutt'altro che autentiche, o forse per qualche altra ragione che sfugge a qualsiasi logica umana.
E' bene ricordare le sconcertanti dichiarazioni dell’osservatore permanente presso le agenzie dell’Onu a Ginevra, monsignor Silvano Tomasi, che nel settembre 2009 ebbe a dire, testuali parole, che " solo tra l'1,5 ed il 5% del clero cattolico appears to have been involved in cases of child abuse . "Alone? 5%? One in twenty?
If we applied a similar percentage of the entire Italian population, we should conclude that today in Italy counts some three million pedophiles, what Fortunately, that seems rather unrealistic.
It 's hard to hold her child by a priest when he knows there is a 5% chance of getting it into the hands of a pedophile.

Also in Geneva, before the Council Human Rights United Nations, the Vatican spokesman was able 'to declare that, however, in most cases of abuse on the Catholic clergy, there is no question of pedophiles, but only with some homosexual attraction to adolescents.
Today, as then, the Vatican seems more 'committed to downplay the seriousness of pedophilia in the Church, to fight it with determination and courage necessary. A clear indication of this attitude is the tendency to remember that the majority of cases of child abuse occur in families, and that even in non-Catholic Churches there is the problem of pedophilia.
Finally, the case of "father," Murphy, a serial rapist capable of abusing 200 children. It has never been punished. The Vatican, according to the reconstruction of the New York Times, said Murphy, al momento in cui il suo caso è stato valutato dalla Chiesa, era ormai molto malato e che tanto tempo era trascorso dai quei fatti, ragione per la quale è stato deciso di non retrocederlo allo stato laicale né punirlo in altro modo.
Lo stesso quotidiano americano accusa oggi il Pontefice Ratzinger ed il Segretario di Stato Bertone di essere stati tra coloro che decisero di non agire contro "padre" Murphy. Il Vaticano ed in particolare l'Osservatore Romano parlano di accuse ignobili ed infondate, negano qualsiasi insabbiamento, ma non contestano la ricostruzione del New York Times sulla scelta della Chiesa di non punire Murphy con le sanzioni previste dal diritto canonico per i tanti abusi di cui era stato artefice.
Fonte: Sostenibile

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hiv Rash Does It Crust Or Scab?

Pedophilia, the U.S. charges against Ratzinger

La vicenda fu segnalata all'attuale papa nel 1996.

Il vaticano: mai proibite denunce di abusi

Un sacerdote americano negli anni '50 violentò almeno 200 bambini sordi: non fu mai sanzionato né punito

Un sacerdote americano negli anni '50 violentò at least 200 deaf children: it was never sanctioned or punished

Benedetto XVI (Afp)
Benedict XVI (AFP)
LONDON - The church hierarchy did not take measures against a cleric of Wisconsin who had been sexually abusing some 200 children of a prestigious institute for the deaf, and this despite the American bishops to the Holy See had repeatedly warned that the story could have created serious embarrassment to the Church. This is shown by documents published by the Church in possession New York Times . From the internal correspondence of the bishops of Wisconsin to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI, is - the newspaper - that the church authorities, while discussing whether the priest should be desecrated, had as a 'major concern is to protect the Church from scandal' ( all relevant documents on the Nyt ). The rules of the Church have "never prohibited the reporting of child abuse to the courts" is the position expressed by the Vatican on the case, by Father Federico Lombardi. L'Osservatore Romano defends his part the Pope, calling allegations of New York Times a "shameful attempt to hit" Benedict XVI. "As you can deduce from reading the reconstruction made by the New York Times , the case of Father Murphy there was no cover-up," says the newspaper close to the Holy See.
the story in the '50s - The case is that of an American priest, Father Lawrence C. Murphy, who worked in a renowned school for the deaf between 1950 and 1974. In 1996 Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, did not answer two letters sent by the archbishop of Milwaukee on the matter Rembert G. Weakland. After eight months, his deputy, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, now secretary of state, instructed the bishops of Wisconsin to begin a canonical process secret that could lead to removal of Father Murphy. But Bertone, according to the newspaper, stopped the process after that Father Murphy personally wrote to Cardinal Ratzinger explained that he should not be put on trial because they repented and in poor health: "I just want to live what I have left in the dignity of my priesthood , "wrote Father Murphy, close to death. The newspaper obtained the documents, including letters between bishops and the Vatican, lawyers representing the five men who have launched lawsuits against four different the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Father Murphy never received any punishment or sanctions, but was transferred in secret in various parishes and Catholic schools and died in 1998.
"vulnerable victims" - Interviewed by the New York Times , Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the poor health of Father Murphy and the lack of new charges against him were key determinants in the decision not to punish him. It is "a tragic event - added Lombardi - which involved particularly vulnerable victims who have suffered terribly for what he did. Sexual abuse of children who were impaired hearing, Father Murphy had violated the law and, more importantly, the sacred trust that the victims had placed in him. " "During the 70s - even the Vatican spokesman said - some of the victims of Father Murphy reported his abuse to civil authorities, who investigated him at that time, however, according to news reports, that investigation was left fall. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith were not informed of the facts up to twenty years later. "
'COMPLAINTS NEVER PROHIBITED "- On why Father Murphy was never punished by reducing it to the lay state, the spokesman replied that" canon law does not provide for automatic penalties, but recommends that conducted an opinion not excluding even the largest ecclesiastical penalty, reduced to the lay state. " But, points out, the rules of the Church does not have "never prohibited the reporting of child abuse to legal authorities." "It has been suggested - Father Lombardi continues the statement - that there is a relationship between the application of Crimen Sollicitationis (the Holy Office 1962 document that established the procedure to be followed in cases of sexual harassment in the confession, ed ) and the fact of not having reported this case of sexual abuse to civil authorities. " "Actually - he explains - this report does not exist. Contrary to some statements circulated in the press, nor the Crimen Sollicitationis neither the Code of Canon Law has never prohibited the reporting of child abuse to legal authorities. " Father Lombardi noted that "in the late 90s, after more than two decades had passed since the abuse had been reported to diocesan officials and the police, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was involved for the first time the issue of how to treat the case canonically Murphy. The Congregation - he added - was informed of the matter because it involved the solicitation in the confessional, which is a violation of the sacrament of penance. It is important to note that the canonical question submitted to the Congregation was not related to any potential civil or criminal proceedings against Father Murphy. "
"He died four months after" - "In the light of the fact that Father Murphy was old and very fragile health, and lived in isolation and without further allegations of abuse reported in more than twenty years, the Congregation for the Doctrine of faith suggested that the Archbishop of Milwaukee assessment as to address the situation, such as limiting the prosecution of Father Murphy and demanding that he accepts full responsibility for the gravity of his actions, "says Father Lombardi still -. Father Murphy died about four months later, without much happening. "

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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tapir and Rossoneri at Balotelli! Tempted by Milan? Gianluca

Blitz di Staffelli di "Striscia la notizia". Sulle mancate convocazioni: «Non lo so, saranno più forti gli altri»

«Dovete chiedere a chi sta più in alto di me. Non lo so, saranno più forti gli altri». Così Mario Balotelli ha risposto all'inviato di Striscia la notizia Valerio Staffelli che gli chiedeva delle mancate convocazioni contro il Chelsea e il Palermo. L'occasione per strappare un commento a Supermario è stata la consegna del Tapiro d'oro, andata in onda lunedì. L'attaccante interista ha negato di avere cantato l'inno del Milan negli spogliatoi ma l'inviato del tg satirico gli ha comunque consegnato una riproduzione fedelissima della sua maglia in versione rossonera. Maglia subito indossata dal bomber. Infine, a Staffelli che gli chiedeva se l'esclusione con il Chelsea avesse rappresentato una vittoria per Mourinho, si è limitato a replicare: «Chi è che ha vinto? Macché Mourinho, ha vinto la squadra».

L'AGENTE: «È UNO SCHERZO» - Polemico Mino Raiola, agente di Balotelli, che si è detto «molto deluso» dal livello della trasmissione e auspicando «un po' di pace attorno al ragazzo». «Tutto è born of a joke, they do not understand that they are doing something bigger than what it is - said Raiola -. I am very disappointed by the level of Striscia la Notizia. I hope the fans understand that it is all a joke. He wants to improve relations, but both sides need to improve it. Can not do it alone, "the prosecutor added. And the relationship with Moratti? "I have confidence in the president - said Raiola - is not a vain person chatting. I can not accuse him of saying one thing and doing another. The same goes for his part in me. Mario Moratti sees a boy who wants to grow at Inter. " As for the exclusion of Balotelli, the agent wants to enter nel merito, «ma non credo - afferma - che ci sia una situazione come dite voi. Speriamo che il tempo risolva tutto».
Qui di segito il video della consegna del tapiro

Monday, March 22, 2010

How To Build A Shower Out Of Cinder Block

Falduto pedophile and a fugitive ... On Facebook ... This is the '

Il mio ex marito l’ho sbattuto fuori di casa nel 2003 e cioè quando ho compreso, con molto dolore e rabbia, che aveva ripetutamente abusato della nostra bimba di 3 anni ”. E’ una storia sad, of great suffering and injustice in many ways so absurd that of a young mother in the province of Monza. A woman who has borne with courage and strength 35 interminable hearings, through all three levels of courts, led to the sentence to 6 years and 2 months of a parent-child sex fugitive at the time. In the process, she points out, the judges were very meticulous and have invited several experts to make the child the necessary psychological and psychiatric evaluations. Unfortunately, the Italian justice has once again shown its huge and amazing holes. First sentence seems far too mild (initially for 8 years and 3 months but then portata a 6 anni e 2 mesi visto che, la fedina penale del pedofilo, risultava pulita). In secundis perché, il padre-orco, dopo la denuncia della propria ex moglie, l’ha più volte minacciata di morte. Il nome dell’uomo è Gianluca Falduto e, a quanto è stato successivamente scoperto dalla ex compagna, l’ex imprenditore edile di origine calabrese aveva anche fondato un gruppo su facebook (probabilmente con scopi di lucro). Il gruppo in questione si chiama “ Regala un click ad un bimbo sordo ” e, al momento, ha oltre 200.000 iscritti. Il “caso” ha voluto che, dopo gli articoli dettagliati usciti su giornali come il Corriere della Sera e Visto e dopo l’intervista che la signora ha rilasciato alla trasmissione Rai “I fatti vostri”, il suo amministratore unico (e cioè il sig. Falduto) si cancellasse dal noto social network. Incredibilmente, la polizia postale, non è riuscita a scoprire nulla e al momento il pedofilo  circola indisturbato. Condannato in via definitiva dalla corte di Cassazione il 29 ottobre scorso, Falduto si è infatti reso fin da subito irreperibile alle autorità; concedendosi anche il lusso di frequentare facebook fino allo scorso 27 febbraio (giorno della cancellazione del suo account). Proprio nel mese di febbraio, la madre della piccola che subì gli abusi nel 2002-2003, ha stampato diversi manifesti con nome, cognome fugitive ex-husband and photography.
" When I realized that it also acted on that social network and therefore could lure other children I said I had to do something to warn all other potential victims " has in fact told the woman.

Chilling Thrilling the interceptions that reveal the cynical and brutal confession of man. Speaking of his crime, Falduto comments with phrases like "Eh but it's not dead no " and " Children do not write the script of his life up to 11 years . Then other justifications as absurd: "We must make them understand the difference between the sexes" and allegations that the wife of the type " but you did not come to bed with me ever . Established a pedophile and convicted by the Supreme Court last October is still free and can ruin the lives of other innocent children. The appeal of the former wife is very simple: "Help me find to do justice and to prevent other children are victims of his perversions .

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Long To File A Claim Insurance Alberta

Lo spirito legionario - Orientamenti

Here this piece from the opera "Guidelines" of Julius Evola, to stress again - we will never stop repeating it, the work we consider it essential from what is accessory.

...[...]... legionnaire spirit. And 'the habit of those who knew how to choose the hardest life, who knew how to fight even knowing that the battle was lost physically, those who knew how to validate the words of the ancient saga "Faithfulness is stronger than fire," and through which affirmed the traditional idea, which is the sense of honor or alder, - no small measures taken by small moral - that which creates a substantial difference, existential fra gli esseri, quasi come fra una razza e un'altra razza. D'altra parte, vi è la realizzazione propria a coloro in cui ciò che era fine apparve ormai come mezzo, in essi il riconoscimento del carattere illusorio di miti molteplici lasciando intatto ciò che seppero conseguire per se stessi, sulle frontiere fra vita e mor¬te, al di là del mondo della contingenza.
Queste forme dello spirito possono essere le basi di una nuova unità. L'essenziale è di assumerle, di applicarle e di estenderle dal tempo di guerra al tempo di pace, di questa pace soprattutto, che è solo una battuta di arresto e un disordine malamente contenuto — a che si determini una discriminazione e un nuovo schieramento. Ciò deve avvenire in termini much more essential than that which is not a 'party', which can only be an instrument in view of dates contingent political struggles, in terms even more essential that not simply as a "movement", if the 'movement' means only a phenomenon of the masses and aggregation, a phenomenon more quantitative and qualitative, based more on emotional factors rather than strict, adherence to a clear idea. E 'rather than a quiet revolution, processing depth, which must be propitiated, that are created in the first and the individual circumstances of that order, which will then establish themselves on the outside, replacing a flash, at the right time, forms and forces a world of subversion. The "style" that should gain prominence is that of someone who held positions in fidelity to himself is an idea, a collection intensity, in a revulsion to any compromise, in a total commitment that must be manifested not only in political struggle, but also in every area of \u200b\u200bexistence, in factories, laboratories, universities, roads, the same personal life of the affections. Should we go to the point, that the type of which we speak, and which must be the substance of our mobile deployment, is easily recognizable, unique, differentiated, and may say: "And 'one who acts like a man of the movement." This
, which was already delivery of the forces who dream, for Europe, a new order, but in its implementation was hampered and often diverted by multiple factors today. be resumed. And today, after all, conditions are better, because there are no misunderstandings and just look around, from the square to the Parliament, that vocations are put to the test and have, net, the measure of what we should not be . Faced with a world of mush whose principle is: "Who do you I do," or "First comes the stomach, the skin (the Malaparte" skin "!) And then the moral 'or' These are not times when we can afford the luxury of having a character, "or, finally," I have family 'You know say no and stop; "We can not do otherwise, this is our way, this is our being." What positive can be reached today or tomorrow, it will not be through the ability of politicians and agitators, but by the natural prestige and recognition of men as well as yesterday, either, and even more, the new generation, who now and are capable of giving this guarantee for their idea.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Or Breakthrough Period

La nuova sfida è appena cominciata....

... males with weak and confused, unaccustomed to the camaraderie and with little inclination to fight. We have had enough! start again from scratch, from a point zero, to reconstruct a human tissue and activist who, in fact, the radical right has deserted.

... As guests stone, which do not allow anything in this world, we want to remain impassive to the lure of subversion, obscure dispute between merchants and commoners. What then is must be distinguished style, have a character, an inner discipline, through training, qualification and stress, for reaffirming and clarifying a solar existence. This is the radicalism of our reconstruction, out of any incapacitating and every nostalgic myth, which finds its fulcrum in the Tradition and its legitimacy, its action on. The torch, remains high and with determination, continuing to shed light. This world of darkness does not frighten us, this present civilization will be wiped out by a traditional civilization.