Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Lo spirito legionario - Orientamenti

Here this piece from the opera "Guidelines" of Julius Evola, to stress again - we will never stop repeating it, the work we consider it essential from what is accessory.

...[...]... legionnaire spirit. And 'the habit of those who knew how to choose the hardest life, who knew how to fight even knowing that the battle was lost physically, those who knew how to validate the words of the ancient saga "Faithfulness is stronger than fire," and through which affirmed the traditional idea, which is the sense of honor or alder, - no small measures taken by small moral - that which creates a substantial difference, existential fra gli esseri, quasi come fra una razza e un'altra razza. D'altra parte, vi è la realizzazione propria a coloro in cui ciò che era fine apparve ormai come mezzo, in essi il riconoscimento del carattere illusorio di miti molteplici lasciando intatto ciò che seppero conseguire per se stessi, sulle frontiere fra vita e mor¬te, al di là del mondo della contingenza.
Queste forme dello spirito possono essere le basi di una nuova unità. L'essenziale è di assumerle, di applicarle e di estenderle dal tempo di guerra al tempo di pace, di questa pace soprattutto, che è solo una battuta di arresto e un disordine malamente contenuto — a che si determini una discriminazione e un nuovo schieramento. Ciò deve avvenire in termini much more essential than that which is not a 'party', which can only be an instrument in view of dates contingent political struggles, in terms even more essential that not simply as a "movement", if the 'movement' means only a phenomenon of the masses and aggregation, a phenomenon more quantitative and qualitative, based more on emotional factors rather than strict, adherence to a clear idea. E 'rather than a quiet revolution, processing depth, which must be propitiated, that are created in the first and the individual circumstances of that order, which will then establish themselves on the outside, replacing a flash, at the right time, forms and forces a world of subversion. The "style" that should gain prominence is that of someone who held positions in fidelity to himself is an idea, a collection intensity, in a revulsion to any compromise, in a total commitment that must be manifested not only in political struggle, but also in every area of \u200b\u200bexistence, in factories, laboratories, universities, roads, the same personal life of the affections. Should we go to the point, that the type of which we speak, and which must be the substance of our mobile deployment, is easily recognizable, unique, differentiated, and may say: "And 'one who acts like a man of the movement." This
, which was already delivery of the forces who dream, for Europe, a new order, but in its implementation was hampered and often diverted by multiple factors today. be resumed. And today, after all, conditions are better, because there are no misunderstandings and just look around, from the square to the Parliament, that vocations are put to the test and have, net, the measure of what we should not be . Faced with a world of mush whose principle is: "Who do you I do," or "First comes the stomach, the skin (the Malaparte" skin "!) And then the moral 'or' These are not times when we can afford the luxury of having a character, "or, finally," I have family 'You know say no and stop; "We can not do otherwise, this is our way, this is our being." What positive can be reached today or tomorrow, it will not be through the ability of politicians and agitators, but by the natural prestige and recognition of men as well as yesterday, either, and even more, the new generation, who now and are capable of giving this guarantee for their idea.


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