La vicenda fu segnalata all'attuale papa nel 1996.
Il vaticano: mai proibite denunce di abusi
Un sacerdote americano negli anni '50 violentò almeno 200 bambini sordi: non fu mai sanzionato né punito
Un sacerdote americano negli anni '50 violentò at least 200 deaf children: it was never sanctioned or punished
Benedict XVI (AFP) |
the story in the '50s - The case is that of an American priest, Father Lawrence C. Murphy, who worked in a renowned school for the deaf between 1950 and 1974. In 1996 Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, did not answer two letters sent by the archbishop of Milwaukee on the matter Rembert G. Weakland. After eight months, his deputy, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, now secretary of state, instructed the bishops of Wisconsin to begin a canonical process secret that could lead to removal of Father Murphy. But Bertone, according to the newspaper, stopped the process after that Father Murphy personally wrote to Cardinal Ratzinger explained that he should not be put on trial because they repented and in poor health: "I just want to live what I have left in the dignity of my priesthood , "wrote Father Murphy, close to death. The newspaper obtained the documents, including letters between bishops and the Vatican, lawyers representing the five men who have launched lawsuits against four different the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Father Murphy never received any punishment or sanctions, but was transferred in secret in various parishes and Catholic schools and died in 1998.
"vulnerable victims" - Interviewed by the New York Times , Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the poor health of Father Murphy and the lack of new charges against him were key determinants in the decision not to punish him. It is "a tragic event - added Lombardi - which involved particularly vulnerable victims who have suffered terribly for what he did. Sexual abuse of children who were impaired hearing, Father Murphy had violated the law and, more importantly, the sacred trust that the victims had placed in him. " "During the 70s - even the Vatican spokesman said - some of the victims of Father Murphy reported his abuse to civil authorities, who investigated him at that time, however, according to news reports, that investigation was left fall. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith were not informed of the facts up to twenty years later. "
'COMPLAINTS NEVER PROHIBITED "- On why Father Murphy was never punished by reducing it to the lay state, the spokesman replied that" canon law does not provide for automatic penalties, but recommends that conducted an opinion not excluding even the largest ecclesiastical penalty, reduced to the lay state. " But, points out, the rules of the Church does not have "never prohibited the reporting of child abuse to legal authorities." "It has been suggested - Father Lombardi continues the statement - that there is a relationship between the application of Crimen Sollicitationis (the Holy Office 1962 document that established the procedure to be followed in cases of sexual harassment in the confession, ed ) and the fact of not having reported this case of sexual abuse to civil authorities. " "Actually - he explains - this report does not exist. Contrary to some statements circulated in the press, nor the Crimen Sollicitationis neither the Code of Canon Law has never prohibited the reporting of child abuse to legal authorities. " Father Lombardi noted that "in the late 90s, after more than two decades had passed since the abuse had been reported to diocesan officials and the police, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was involved for the first time the issue of how to treat the case canonically Murphy. The Congregation - he added - was informed of the matter because it involved the solicitation in the confessional, which is a violation of the sacrament of penance. It is important to note that the canonical question submitted to the Congregation was not related to any potential civil or criminal proceedings against Father Murphy. "
"He died four months after" - "In the light of the fact that Father Murphy was old and very fragile health, and lived in isolation and without further allegations of abuse reported in more than twenty years, the Congregation for the Doctrine of faith suggested that the Archbishop of Milwaukee assessment as to address the situation, such as limiting the prosecution of Father Murphy and demanding that he accepts full responsibility for the gravity of his actions, "says Father Lombardi still -. Father Murphy died about four months later, without much happening. "
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