Monday, December 20, 2010

Restaurant With Paper Bag Hats

Waiting for a rebirth - the Winter Solstice

Camminando per strada in questi giorni non possiamo che notare quel particolare clima gioioso che, come tutti gli anni, precede il Natale. Sempre più spesso però, nell’immaginario moderno, questa festa è vissuta esclusivamente sotto l’aspetto commerciale e materialistico che essa has assumed in our society, with inevitably into the background - even when unconsciously bringing us to live - its true meaning.

First, it is necessary in our opinion as of yet further: namely the fact that, with the shift away from nature, we are becoming increasingly indifferent to his cycle and its many manifestations . The vast majority of people nowadays live the succession of the seasons only for the fact that notices of change of temperature and, if it is still used to do so, note the nature of cambiamenti evidenti.

Ma quale nesso si pone dunque in essere tra il mondo naturale con la sua ciclicità e una festa apparentemente legata al costume popolare e alla religione?

Ebbene l’aspetto più rilevante, e tutt’altro che casuale, del Natale è che esso si festeggia in prossimità di un altro avvenimento molto importante, ossia quello del solstizio d’inverno, che cade il 21 dicembre. Il solstizio d’inverno è un avvenimento di particolare rilevanza perché è il giorno più corto dell’anno, durante il quale la Terra si trova nel punto più lontano dal sole nel suo ciclico girare attorno ad esso.

Per tutti i popoli antichi, questo periodo dell’anno riveste un fondamentale aspetto simbolico, di carattere esoterico. Infatti, a partire dal giorno seguente il solstizio, le giornate ricominciano impercettibilmente ad allungarsi, simboleggiando la vittoria del sole sulle tenebre e il ritorno di un periodo di luce, che troverà il suo apice nel solstizio d’estate, giorno più lungo dell’anno.

Durante la notte più lunga dell’anno dunque, dove la luce pare abbia lasciato definitivamente spazio alle tenebre, ecco che anticamente si accendevano dei fuochi per propiziare questa victory and rebirth. This event, however, was not only experienced as outside of nature, but it was a time in which to stop and think about us and our actions, making sincere introspective criticism, followed by the celebration of this rebirth of light in ourselves .

The victory of light over darkness, therefore, provides a renewed (and renewed) state of being, that after dealing with and leave behind the darkest aspects that harbored it, is ready to get back on their way to a brighter world refreshed with freshness.

With these few lines we hope to have contributed little to keep alive the sense and meaning of what is perhaps the most significant moment of the year, with the hope that this awareness will grow and undermine the materialism inherent to it and now with the certainty that a man who wants to consider himself in tune with nature can not fail to recognize it.

A good solstice to all!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Antisocial Personality Disorder People

The great parody or spirituality down

The establishment of the "counter-tradition" and his apparent momentary triumph, as he can understand without difficulty those who have followed so far our considerations, are properly the realm of what we call "spirituality down": it will of course only a parody of spirituality, or rather an imitation in the opposite direction, so that will have all the appearance of being the opposite of that spirituality. If we talked about appearance and not reality, it is because, whatever its pretensions, no symmetry or equivalence is possible in a field like that. At this point it is right to insist that many, fooled by appearances, they believe in the existence of two opposing principles that are competing for supremacy in the world: it is a misconception, which is similar to that commonly attributed to the bottom rightly or wrongly, the Manichean, and that, in theological language, Satan puts on a par with God, and there is no doubt present a number of people who, in this sense, is "Manichean" without suspecting, that suffers the effects of a "suggestion" of the most pernicious. This concept, in fact, tantamount to the affirmation of a radically principled irreducible duality, or, in other words, the denial of the Unit Supreme is beyond all opposition and all the rivalries, that a denial of the privilege is generally members of the "counter-initiation" is not surprising and it may even be true for people for whom the metaphysical field is tightly closed even more obvious is the need to spread and they have to impose this view, since it is only then that may be able to pass himself off as what they are not and can not be really, that is, for the representation of something that could be put in parallel with the spirituality and also finally getting the better of it.

This "spirituality down" to the truth-is only a false spirituality, false to the extreme limit of the conceivable, but one can also speak of a false spirituality as often as, for example, the psychic gets mistaken for the spiritual, even without necessarily go to this total subversion, so the term "spirituality down" is one that serves best to define it, provided of course to explain precisely how they must be understood. That is what is actually the "spiritual renewal" in certain, sometimes quite unconsciously, with emphasis announce the next coming, or even the "new era" in which you are trying by all means to introduce the present humanity (1) and that the condition d '"Waiting" general, created by the spread of the predictions we mentioned, may contribute effectively to hasten.
The attraction of the "phenomenon", which we have already mentioned as one of the determinants of mental and spiritual confusion, in this regard may also play a very important function, since it is through him that most men will be conquered and deceived at the time of "counter-tradition," as it is said that "false prophets" that will arise then "make great wonders and amazing things to lead astray, if possible, the same elected" (2). E 'especially in this respect that the manifestations of the "metapsychical" and various forms of "neospiritualismo" may already appear as a kind of "foreshadowing" of what will occur later, although they only provide a clue, at the bottom will always play the same subtle forces less, but at that time will be put into action with a power incomparably greater, and when you see how people are always willing to give your eyes closed the most complete confidence in all the ramblings of a simple "medium", because only validated by "phenomena" as the attraction will be surprised if almost general? E 'for this reason will not be repeated often enough as the "phenomena", in themselves, absolutely no evidence to nothing as to the truth of a doctrine od'un any teaching, and how this is precisely the area par excellence of the "great illusion", where everything seems to some people as a sign of "spirituality" can always be simulated and counterfeit from the game forces less concerned, this is also perhaps the only case in which the imitation can be really perfect, because they are exactly the same "phenomenon", seen in their specific meaning of appearances, which are produced in both cases: only difference lies in the nature of the causes which respectively involved in them, and since the vast majority of men is necessarily unable to determine these causes, the best thing to do is ultimately not to attribute the slightest importance to anything that is "phenomenon", rather than a priori to see a negative sign, but how do understand the mentality " test "of our contemporary mentality which, having been manipulated in terms of" scientistic "of the 'antitradizione", is finally becoming one of the factors that can contribute most effectively to the success of "counter-tradition? The
"neospiritualismo," and the "pseudo-initiation" which are derived a partial "foreshadowing" of "counter-tradition" from another point of view: we refer to the already reported use of elements authentically traditional in origin, but deviated from their true meaning and placed in a certain way in the service of error: this deviation is ultimately the way to the complete reversal that should characterize the "counter-tradition" (and which, moreover, we saw a significant example in the deliberate reversal of the symbols), although the counter-tradition is not only a matter of scattered and fragmentary evidence, the intention of its authors, in fact, it will give the illusion di qualcosa di simile o addirittura di equivalente a ciò che costituisce l’integralità di una tradizione vera, con tutte le applicazioni che le sono proprie nei vari campi. E’ da notare, a questo proposito, come la “contro-iniziazione”, pur inventando e diffondendo per i suoi fini tutte le idee moderne caratteristiche dell’ “antitradizione” negativa, sia perfettamente cosciente della falsità di tali idee, e sappia evidentemente anche troppo bene a cosa attenersi; ma ciò sta appunto ad indicare come, nella sua intenzione, questa sia soltanto una fase transitoria e preliminare, in quanto una simile organizzazione di menzogna cosciente non può come tale essere il vero ed unico scopo which it proposes, this is intended only to prepare for the next coming of something else, which in turn will appear as a result more "positive" and that will be precisely the "counter-tradition." E 'for this reason that, particularly in several productions of which he is undoubtedly the source ol'ispirazione "counter-initiation" is already apparent in the emerging idea of \u200b\u200ban organization that would like to return, and precisely because counterfeiting , of a traditional conception as that of the "Holy Roman Empire", an organization must be an expression of "counter-tradition" nell’ordine sociale; ed è anche per questa ragione che l’Anticristo, secondo la terminologia della tradizione indù, potrà esser denominato Chakravartî alla rovescia (3).
Il regno della “contro-tradizione”, in effetti, è, molto esattamente, ciò che è designato come il “regno dell’Anticristo”: questi, qualunque idea si possa averne, è comunque colui che concentrerà e sintetizzerà in sé stesso, in vista di tale opera finale, tute le potenze della “contro-iniziazione”, sia che lo si percepisca come un individuo, sia come una collettività; in un certo senso potrebbe essere ad un tempo l’uno e l’altra, in quanto dovrà esistere una collettività che rappresenti l’”esteriorizzazione” della organizzazione “contro-iniziatica” vera e propria venuta finalmente alla luce del giorno, e dovrà esistere altresì un personaggio, posto a capo di quella collettività, che sia l’espressione più completa e come l’“incarnazione” stessa di quel che essa rappresenterà, non foss’altro che a titolo di “supporto” di tutte quelle influenze malefiche le quali, dopo essersi concentrate in lui, dovranno da lui essere proiettate nel mondo (4). Evidentemente sarà un “impostore” ( significato del termine daggiâl con cui viene abitualmente called in Arabic) because of his kingdom there will be nothing but "great parody par excellence, an imitation, caricature and" satanic "of everything that is truly traditional and spiritual, and yet its formation is that, if so to speak, to be his really impossible not to perform that function. Certainly no longer the "reign of quantity" which was simply the culmination of the "antitradizione" On the contrary, a false pretext of "spiritual restoration" is a kind of reintroduction of quality in all things, but a quality outlet reverse of its legitimate value e normale (5). Dopo l’ “egualitarismo” dei nostri giorni ci sarà di nuovo una gerarchia invertita, ossia una “contro-gerarchia”, il cui vertice sarà occupato dall’essere che, in realtà, sarà più vicino di chiunque altro a toccare il fondo degli “abissi infernali”.
Quest’essere, anche se apparirà sotto forma di un personaggio determinato, sarà in realtà più un simbolo che un individuo, sarà cioè come la sintesi stessa di tutto il simbolismo invertito in uso presso la “contro-iniziazione”, simbolismo che troverà in lui la sua massima espressione proprio perché in questa funzione non avrà né predecessori or successors to express the false to a level so extreme, he must be, as it is completely "false" from all points of view, that is, as the embodiment of falsehood (6). Precisely for this, and for that extreme opposition to the truth in all its aspects, the Antichrist can take over the very symbols of the Messiah, of course in the opposite direction radically (7), given the predominance in these symbols the aspect of "evil" or, more precisely, replacing it with that "beneficial" to overthrow the double meaning of these symbols, is precisely his hallmark. Also can and must be a strange resemblance between the descriptions of the Messiah (Al-Masih in Arabic) and the Antichrist Messiah (Al-Masîkh) (8), but these are nothing but a deformation of the first, as represented the Antichrist is not in compliance in all more or less symbolic descriptions that give it, this thing also very significant. These descriptions, in fact, especially concentrate on body asymmetry, which implies that they are the visible mark of the very nature of which they are assigned, and actually similar asymmetries are always signs of some internal imbalance, the rest is for this reason that Such deformations represent the "qualifications" in terms of initiation, as is easily imaginable that can be "qualifying" in the opposite direction, ie against the "counter-initiation." In fact, since the latter has a goal opposite to that of initiation, it is clear that his journey proceeds in the direction of an increase in the imbalance of beings, and the closing date of this imbalance is the dissolution or the "disintegration "we mentioned, the Antichrist must obviously be as close as possible to this" disintegration ", so that its individuality, while a side will be developed so monstrous, it can be said, however, already almost annihilated, so as to achieve the reverse of the cancellation of the 'I' in front of the "self" or, in other words, to create confusion in the "chaos" instead Fusion Unity principled, and this state, represented by the same difference and disproportion of his bodily form, is really the lower limit of the possibilities of our individual state, so the top of the "counter-hierarchy" is just the place that agrees in that "world turned upside down" that will be his. Moreover, even from the standpoint of a purely symbolic and as a representative of the "counter-initiation", the Antichrist is not necessarily dissimilar: this in fact, as we said earlier, can only be a caricature of the tradition, and who says caricature is like telling differences, if not there would be no means of its exterior to distinguish the "counter-tradition" from the true tradition, and it is also necessary so that at least the "chosen" not to be seduced, that it carries within itself the "mark of the devil." Moreover, since the false is necessarily "artificial", the "controtradizione" can not miss, despite all, to have that character "mechanic" that is present in all the productions of the modern world: indeed it will become the latest product even more precisely, there will be anything like it in the automation of those "mentally dead" which we mentioned earlier, and the rest, like these, it will consist only of "waste" and artificially animated at the moment, which explains its absolute uncertainty, this cluster of "waste", as it were galvanized by a desire "infernal "may well give the most accurate idea of \u200b\u200bsomething that has come to the very boundaries of dissolution.
We believe that it is not appropriate to insist more on all these things at the bottom would be little point in detail how the research will consist of the "counter-tradition," and the rest of the previous general recommendations were already almost enough to those who would, on their own, applying them to more specific points, which is not part of our plans. However, we have reached with this at the end of the last anti-traditional that should lead this world to an end, after the reign of the passenger "counter-tradition" can no longer be there, to arrive at the last minute of the current cycle, the "rectification", which, instantly bringing all things to their normal place just as the subversion seemed complete, immediately prepare the 'golden age' of the future cycle.

Note 1 - It 's amazing how far the term "new era" has been widespread in recent times and repeated in all environments, even with apparently very different meanings, but all aimed ultimately at establish the same persuasion in public opinion.
2 - Matthew, XXIV, 24.
3 - On Chakravarti, or "universal monarch", see The Ésotérisme de Dante, cit., P. 76 and Le Roi du Monde, cit., pp. 17-18 (pp. 22-23 EDA. It..) Chakravarti is literally the "one who spins the wheel," which implies that it is placed at the very center of all things, whereas in fact the Antichrist will be the farthest from the center, but he will pretend to "run the wheel in the opposite direction to normal cyclical movement (which "foreshadowed" the rest unconsciously, by the modern idea of \u200b\u200b"progress"), quanro however, in reality, any change in rotation is impossible before the "reversal of the poles," that is, before the "rectification" that only the intervention of the tenth avatar will work, but giust'appunto, if the Antichrist is so designated, it is because, in his way, he parodierà quell'Avatâra end of the function itself, which in Christian tradition is represented as the "second coming of Christ."
4 - It can therefore be considered as the leader of the Awliya esh-Satan, and as will be the last to perform that function, which will feature him in his most important and obvious expression in the world, we can say, according to the Islamic esoteric terminology, that he will be like their "seal" (Khâtem), it is not hard to imagine to what extent can actually go a parody of the tradition in all its aspects.
5 - the same coin, or what will their place, will again have a qualitative nature of this type, as has been said that "nobody can buy or sell unless he has the character or the name of the beast or the number of his name "(Revelation, XIII, 17), so it is implied effective use of the symbols of the inverted" counter-tradition. "
6 - See also here the antithesis of Christ who says: "I am the Truth", or as wali al-Hallaj who also says: "Ana al-Haqq."
7 - "Perhaps not enough has been done if the analogy between real and false doctrine, St. Hippolytus, in his pamphlet on Antichrist, he gives a memorable example, although not surprising for those who have studied the sign: Messiah and the Antichrist are both the lion emblem "(P. Vulliaud, La cabala juive, 2 vols., Paris, 1923, vol. II, p. 373). From the perspective of cabalistic, the underlying reason for this lies in considerations relating to the two sides, light and dark, with Metatron, is for the same reason that the apocalyptic number 666, the "Number of the Beast", is also a number of solar (See Le Roi du Monde, cit., Pp. 29-30, pp. 35-36 Italian edition).
8 - Here we have a double sense untranslatable Masîkh can be taken as a deformation of Masih by simply adding one point to the last letter, but at the same time, this same word also means "deformed", which precisely expresses the character Antichrist.

[Excerpts from a chapter. XXXIX of The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - ed. Adelphi].

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Prelude To Tokugawa Cheats

Freemasons: enemies of the

endorsed and funded before the unification of Italy, now they want to divide it by issues of cost-effectiveness

The only thought that guides the efforts of "aprons" is profit

A superficial examination, the interconnection between Italy and masonry may appear absurd and inextricable. First, when Italy was un'espessione purely geographical, Freemasonry gave you great lengths to help her become a nation, then, became a nation, gave even more to be done to destroy it and return it to geographical expression. But still: What the hell they want, with this apron? I do not even know them?
This may wonder, examiners surface. There is still a category below to examiners superficiali: quelli che non esaminano per niente, e non sanno che ripetere come pappagalli adulti quello che hanno loro inculcato da pulcini. Per loro, non c’è alcun problema. La Massoneria ha prima liberato l’Italia dalla tirannide straniera, e poi l’ha liberata da quella nazifascista: evviva la libertà! Ma rimettiamo il ciuccetto in bocca a costoro e rivolgiamoci ai superficiali, che almeno pensano!
Considerazione generale: nella realtà non esistono contraddizioni. Se uno ce le vede, deve solo tirare fuori il fazzoletto e pulirsi gli occhiali. Fatto?
La Massoneria non è che la versione iniziatica dell’illuminismo e, come quello, è fondata sull’idolatria della Ragione eretta a deity. It is therefore a sworn enemy of all authority based on something other than convenience, and its emergence was facilitated by the fact that all authorities of the genre (ie "the thrones and altars) showed in many ways the rope. but that's another story. There is no need to recall the role that its lodges dressed in the bourgeois revolutions of the late eighteenth century: the French and American. Freemasons were the drafters of the Paris Declaration of Human Rights and directors of the fraud with which it was passed off as approved by the people, and masked by white Masons were the Indians who came out of the lodge of Boston to board the ship and unload crates of tea at sea. Was therefore quite obvious that the Big East for the London reserved for the first proponents of the unification of Italy. Not that that was swept away by sudden love for the boot-shaped peninsula: one was that the formation of the Italian State would be a blow for the empire of the Hapsburgs (and its dependencies Tuscany and Emilia Romagna), and for the kingdom Naples, for the Sardinian, and for the papal throne and altar that was a whole. Moreover, we had already tried several times Napoleon (of the same Enlightenment that represented the military version), and Italian fans rebels wore a cockade of the three colors of which were short-lived republics Francophile e massoniche. Per chi mai avrebbero dovuto “tifare” i fratelli col grembiulino: per il cardinale Ruffo?
Giunti però alla conclusione della prima Guerra Mondiale, con piena soddisfazione dell’autorità massonica, avvenne qualcosa di orribile (dal suo punto di vista). Avvenne che in due nazioni, l’una vincitrice ma tradita dalla pace e l’altra sconfitta ma mai militarmente battuta, lo spirito riprese i suoi diritti e giunsero al potere uomini e idee che, ricollegandosi alle autentiche tradizioni dei due popoli, osarono proclamare la preminenza della fedeltà ad esse sulla gretta “convenienza” economica.
Non che non vi fossero state anche in passato voci in tal senso, rimaste inascoltate. But the fact was that serious, come these "utopias" in power, not only had not been denied by the economy sovereign, but had also achieved economic success so glaring peacefully conquer ever larger sectors of the peoples of which the thought of Freemasonry have held the balance. But there was worse this time were not in front of the fallen waste and emptied of ancient caste, but young and disruptive energies, turned towards the future.
The threat of untimely death of the "immortal principles" walked like an icy terror throughout the land still governed by the emissaries of the Great Wear, disguised as "democratic", all together, as a single control, struck with horror that the "dictatorship" to repress the aspirations of freedom of their peoples.
had no relevance to them that the evil tyrants shalt recover bits of popular consensus that none of them Democrats had ever dreamed, even in the grip of drugs. For those who are in bad faith, in fact, the evidence may not be relevant. It was the great conspiracy against the Tripartite Pact which could result in the second (and much worse) World War II. Where on earth could be placed, given the history, Freemasonry unless one of the most fervent advocates of the conspiracy? And what other measures could be given to their followers in Italy, present and well camouflaged in any environment, including the military high command, but to boycott the Italian defenses in every way, becoming a full service of "anti-fascist powers"?
And this, with absolute consistency, it said, maneuvering vile carrion gallon poltronizzate capable of murder to treason, with their "valuable" information, thousands of young people of their mandates deliberately into the fray. These are the "Article 16" which Dante would have no hesitation in Cocytus stuck between the teeth of Satan. But put yourself in the shoes of the top and Masonic aprons.
Who should use for that infamous necessary, perhaps to gentlemen of exemplary virtue? If then there is no doubt that the abettor of italioti dollaresco novus ordo seclorum rightly deserve to be lined up to decorate the ramparts, turkish impaled use, it is also certain that their fraternal and high hierarchies have always behaved with linear, relentless consistency , always faithful to their declared principles, without altering even a line. It would not be the case that even us to do the same?
Rutilio Sermonti

Article published on year XIII line number 225

Monday, October 11, 2010

Restaurant With Paper Bag Hats Funny Sayings

Behind the scenes of the story - the true face of the Risorgimento.

appropriate, to perform the function that we proposed to invite the attention of readers This blog is a song by Julius Evola on the themes of the Risorgimento, the unification of Italy and the role played by secret societies over the years, behind the veil of official history. A reflection on the sidelines of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy that will certainly be a harbinger of further investigation.

demoliberali and Masonic ideas borrowed to unite Italy, unfortunately, were not put aside after having performed their function purely pragmatic and instrumental.

Dato il presupposto di questa rivista di occuparsi degli aspetti principali del Risorgimento italiano in occasione del ricorrere di uno degli episodi più salienti di esso, e data anche l’intenzione di intraprendere questo esame non per fini accademicamente storici ma per fissare anche l’atteggiamento da assumere di fronte alle rievocazioni che, in questa circostanza, si preannunciano di già negli ambienti democratici e socialcomunisti, non sarà forse inutile dedicare qualche osservazione al modo con cui si presenta il fenomeno del Risorgimento italiano, e al significato che esso ha, dal punto di vista di una storiografia di pura Destra.

Nel far ciò, riprenderemo idee for those who have followed our writings are not entirely new defenses already failing us since the period of fascism. Back on will not be inappropriate due to the fact that the point of view of a real right to be considered is still almost non-existent: it will be a confirmation of the impression that, faced with what we say, not even the members will report to the current democratic and leftist, but also areas of national orientation and "patriotic".

It is that these environments do not stray far from the schedules and formulas that can be called the "patriotic history", which we practically almost the only known and authentic text, but is essentially setting and origin of liberal Enlightenment and Masonic. A history of the Right is still waiting to be written.

So also in this domain devesi finding of our exact position of inferiority in the face of leftist ideologies. Since the crisis of traditional European civilization and the ancient regime, ie from the rise of radicalism and socialism, the left-wing intellectuals has been applied systematically to develop its own history, to serve as background for its share of turmoil social and political subversion. And in that regard, it has been able to bring the look on dimensioni esenziali della storia; di là dagli episodi e dai conflitti politici, di là dalla storia delle nazioni ha saputo scorgere il processo generale e essenziale realizzatosi attraverso i secoli, nel senso del passaggio da un dato tipo di società e di civiltà ad un altro. Che la base dell’interpretazione qui sia stata economica e classista, non toglie nulla all’ampiezza effettiva al quadro d’insieme di tale storiografia, che come realtà essenziale di là da quella contingente e particolare coi indica la fine della civiltà feudale e aristocratica, l’avvento di quella borghese, liberale e capitalistica, e dopo questa, come tendenzialità l’annunciarsi della civiltà marxista e, infine, Communist.

measured by this history, that of the other trends is superficial, episodic, even frivolous. A true history of right hand should embrace the same horizons of Marxist historiography, with the desire to capture the essence and reality beyond the myths, the superstructures and also from the flat record: but, of course, reversing the signs and prospects, seeing the essential processes and converging in the history not the last steps in a process of political and social rather than a general upheaval.

This, then, is the premise. After that, we come to our specific topic, and ask what meaning should ascribed, in the context of a historiography of the Right, to the Italian Risorgimento.

tal'uopo A distinction must first be in the Risorgimento, the appearance of national movement from its ideological aspect, in addition we must separate fact and heroic veterans themselves caught in the meanings beyond the awareness of individual , result in a larger whole, this part of the great political and social currents of Europe at that time.

the Risorgimento to the unity of Italy, and can not be here to do the job the men and movements which, thanks to a very complex set of circumstances, Italy had its unification and its political independence. This is the only aspect highlighted by the "patriotic history", with extensive use of simplified schemes and idealizing. In fact, the major successes of the Italian Risorgimento were due - as is known - more than a policy which is now called the "possibility", that is capable of exploiting the international situation and domestic circumstances, not exclusive direct action by the Italians. The unanimity of the Risorgimento movement was on the same point of view of people, especially in central and southern Europe.

In any case, Risorgimento facts taken in themselves retain their value from the point of view of the terminus ad quem, ie the establishment of the Italian State. The court, however, change if you switch to the second aspect mentioned, that is, if you look at the ideas prevailing in the light of which it acted, and that made possible the attainment of the ideas, which then had to continue to prevail in Italian political life, until the period of fascism.

Here is first of all be noted that the Risorgimento was a national movement only by accident, it is within the revolutionary movement determinatisi around a group of states as a result of the spread of the ideologies of the French Revolution. The 48 for example, had the same face in Italian movements and those who came on in Prague, Hungary, Spain, Germany and the Habsburg Vienna in the same, according to a single password. From an overall point of view, here there were so many of the advance columns of a single international front, driven by the ideology of the Third Estate, that is constitutional ideology demoliberale, Masonic, and basically, anti-traditional: the forehead, which had its management is masked. A wrong to think that today there are only international fronts - "East" and "West" - beyond the individual nations and individual homelands. That it was as early as the period of the French Revolution and in the Risorgimento of the same, this happened even then. Not unlike the communist movements are present in the various nations, only so many aspects of the revolution of the Fourth Estate which started with the Third International, and the action of the network of "cells" in the service of it. And representatives from Europe's traditional liberalism, Mazzini and the rest were, at that time, considered today as liberals and Democrats consider themselves communism, except that we used the myth of national and patriotic, and had the early stages of 'notching action given as "progressivism." Ideologically the Italian Renaissance is, in essence, like an episode of the Revolution in the Third State.

Exist relevant documents (elements of the group to which they belonged began to disclose some period of fascism) which show, to those wishing to explore the third dimension of Italian movements of that period, as they were actually things: the forces that took place behind the scenes and repeat, acting internationally having origins in part to the Freemasons and the Carbonari, the most secret part of other organizations, the unity and independence of Italy were minor things, which constitute more than half not the end. The real purpose, which the Italian patriots and idealists, the martyrs and all the others, did not need to know, was to give it a shot Austria deadly as the representative of the imperial "reactionary" and then to the Church, the continuation Roma.Era whole, the program already made, and came to light through a process of the Holy Office, in a secret international conference held near Frankfurt on the eve of the French Revolution, this indicated that the true "management" as the first phase of a wider plan.

But without taking too much behind the scenes, just look to the writings of the time to see if she spoke willingly of Italy and the fight against the alien, however, had greater emphasis in these writings the exaltation of the principles Jacobins of equality, fight against those who were called "tyrants" is irrelevant that the alleged tyrant was Italian or foreign-in oath of the Carbonari, what was said in clear terms.

Moreover, in this regard Garibaldi himself as a "Hero of Two Worlds" was a typical example: he was ready to fight for the cause of "freedom" and "oppressed people" no matter what their homeland. This confirms, for the ideological side of the Risorgimento, the meaning of that particular form assumed a general phenomenon in Italy, a jet-set who continued the momentum created by the French Revolution for the overthrow of the previous traditional regimes.

Here it is appropriate to emphasize a point, which appear paradoxical to many people today, so you get used to what we consider normal in the general framework of a hierarchical and aristocratic type of civilization is not at all: the character subversive from the point of view and had the right concept of nation and fatherland which was used during the period under discussion, alongside the revolutionary movements. Here too the Marxist historiography has been able to see the reality beyond the superstructure, in recognition of the membership of this concept to the stage of bourgeois revolution, for, as Engels said, to make a breakthrough by apritrice for the revolution socialista. Nel mondo tradizionale,che per noi è quello retto dai princìpi dell’autorità e della sovranità,della gerarchia dell’ordinamento dall’alto e verso l’alto-tutto ciò che è “patria”o “nazione”- ethnos - non ebbe un significato politico ma soltanto naturalistico:si è di una patria o nazione come si è di una data famiglia. L’ordine politico in senso proprio corrispondeva invece al principio dello Stato (in genere, concretizzatesi in monarchie e in dinastie) o dell’impero come unità sovrordinata rispetto a nazione o “popolo”. E’ così che si ebbero formazioni politiche in cui patrie e nazioni ebbero bensì il loro posto,ma not as determinants, but as a simple matter "of the hierarchy as a whole. It did not seem strange, in that same way that, for example, combinations dynastic succession for weddings, a people become a member of a State other , hence it did not feel at all unnatural, precisely because of Raised character of political principle. This situation also had an ethical counterpart: belonging to the state was tied to a loyalty, an act that is assumed free, voluntary (the feudal ties it had already been eminent form). Being a people or a nation is something instead of simply because of nature.

Well, as the term "patriot" made its first appearance as a description of the enfants de la patrie of the period of the French Revolution in their fight against the monarchy and aristocracy, and foreign allies against them, it is also clear that the use of revolutionary in Europe after the French Revolution was given to the idea of \u200b\u200bhomeland and nation: it was assumed according to democratic and collectivist tend to undermine every principle of higher authority, to begin the climb to the State and by the power of the masses-and development through a strict chain of subversive phenomena, through the "the will of the nation" brings to today's "people's democracies" as terminal phase.

Now, you can not deny the part that it is this revolutionary concept of the nation had, as an idea-force, the same Italian Risorgimento. As with similar movements in other nations, hence the "patriotism", the myth of the nation, libertarian idea, constitutionalism, revolutionaries acted in solidarity. In this context also includes the structure antilegittimistica assumed that, due to a fatal combination of circumstances and, also, the limited and non-qualification of conservative elements, the Italian unification .. This is not to make mortgages on "if" history. To indicate the opposite possibility, in terms of morphological however legitimate to draw a parallel with the process of unification that took place in Germany by Bismarck: with the constitution of the Reich - Reich of the second after the Swabian - units of traditional shooting and were kept in a higher unity, by making Prussia center of crystallization and leading state. Something similar was seen in Italy, in places giobertani, however inadequately, by a utopian framework Guelph: the ideological climate and suitable soil to come to something constructive missing altogether. We leave this point aside. A development post-Risorgimento in the sense of right was also possible, in Italy. The comeback and the Savoy monarchy having taken 'initiative movement unity, a unity achieved should have been clearing the myths and ideology, by force majeure, had brought him, giving them a purely pragmatic and instrumental. Would follow a vigorous forming, such as those centered in monarchies, through a tradition of loyalty had created the great European states. The well-known formula, which being made Italy the Italians had to be done, should have been applied more rigorously. None of that. It can be said that Piedmont, the original nucleus of unification, instead of "piemontizzare" Italy in a similar way as Prussia had done with Germany was and articulated in a strong unity, embracing all areas of the peninsula is flaked and lost the traits that still retained by force of its secular tradition. The new Italian state does not match their idea, policy, raised a symbol, a strength trainer, the parliamentary monarchy was presented as little more than a superstructure, with characters almost "private" only a representation. Ideologies borrowed to unify Italy were by no means set aside after having performed their function, they went instead to determine the political and social climate prevailing in Italy, leaving more room to forms of subversion, such as those already occurred nei gravi disordini sociali al tempo della prima guerra d’Africa e che come tragico episodio ebbero l’assassinio di re Umberto.

Infine la pietra di prova la si ebbe nel 1913,con la rottura della Triplice Alleanza(questo patto era stato l’unico passo positivo per un eventuale revirement a destra dell’Italia unificata)e con l’intervento a fianco delle democrazie mondiali contro gli Imperi Centrali. In effetti,a provocare quell’intervento non furono considerazioni realistiche:si sa che mediante alcune negoziazioni diplomatiche l’Italia, anche col semplice restar naturale,avrebbe potuto ottenere una buona parte di ciò che poi i nuovi alleati democratici dovevano concederle through clenched teeth. Actually it was quite decisive ideological legacy of the Risorgimento, the myth was "national (in the revolutionary sense already explained) together with that which was seen in the anti-German Central Powers were almost the" fascists "avant la lettre (hence, the extent to Germany feelings of "patriotic" than that they were justified against Austria).

But even here sits the distinction PEL Risorgimento: the entry into the war was, in itself, a positive phenomenon as "awakening" from climate dell'Italietta bourgeois nineteenth century, and made heroic veterans of the first World War retain their intrinsic value and should be separated from the meaning sovrordinato that had the Italian war as a contribution to the process that had to take a giant step forward at the front of the Third Estate, that democracies, with a very serious blow to our continent that still retained in terms of traditional schemes, in Central Europe.

Data taken with more than summaries, this is the aspect that presents the "Risorgimento tradition" in the context of a history of right. Now, perhaps be interested to examine the problem of the relationship between tradition and the Risorgimento to Fascism closer to a conclusion also valid for the things of today. For reasons of space non potendoci soffermare sull’argomento,ci limiteremo a dire che,dal punto di vista della Destra,il rapporto fra fascismo e Risorgimento è duplice,come duplice -secondo il già detto- è il volto di quest’ultimo. A considerare i fatti eroici e di risveglio nazionale del Risorgimento(continuità ancor più diretta e ben nota è però quella tra fascismo e l’analogo aspetto del combattentismo e dell’interventismo). Considerando però le idee,il fascismo ebbe valore,in quanto,per quel tanto,che esso fu un antiideologismo risorgimentale. Il tratto specifico del fascismo secondo il nostro punto di vista non è infatti il semplice aver ripreso una idea patriottica e nazionale cercando di accrescere la potenza Italian expansion: such processes do not connect it to any special political idea, you may have in democratic states, they will have in the USSR itself. The characteristic feature is the revival of the idea instead of the state, authority and sovereignty together with the drive simply as "patriotic", but loyalists and fidelity: though weakened by the system of "diarchy." The Italian was called to be loyal first to a head and an idea. It is not mere rhetoric could have come from the Roman symbol of recovery.

What there is to be collected by the legacy of fascism seems to us that is essere precisato in questi termini. L’associarvi la “tradizione risorgimentale”è cosa pericolosa. Il “Risorgimento” potrebbe oggi valere soltanto nei termini dell’appello di una minoranza ad una rivolta unanime nazionale contro l’attuale regime,il quale però si trova ad essere l’esponente indiscusso proprio di buona parte delle ideologie del Risorgimento e della successiva Italietta parlamentare. Per una tale rivolta e un tale risveglio, a tutt’ora sembra mancare,purtroppo, sia un centro efficace di cristallizzazione,sia il necessario clima generale. Venendo meno a questo aspetto,in fatto di rievocazioni e di “tradizioni risorgimentali”,oggi non si potrebbe aver the best current polemic against the current ones for which they are based, who spoke of a "bracket fascist", who identified the betrayal and partigianesimo to a "second Renaissance," taking the national anthem with "Brothers of Italy" , doing the same abuse of an idea "patriotic" and generally preparing the national, consciously or unconsciously, even to us the last phase of the subversion-related Fourth-wing revolution with the advance of socialist-communism, as well as the "patriots" of yesterday, while looking and calling for Italy, had worked for the revolution of the Third Estate.

Claiming that the Risorgimento the value of an ideological legacy of an assumption right is impossible. Others must be our reference points are, if you have the courage of a strict doctrine of political and policy action as rigorous.

Julius Evola

March 1959 by the Italian No 3

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Litest Pet Shop Platupus


San Paulo Brazil - Incredible chase between police and a man

selection VIDEOGULP YouTube VIDEO!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dell 924 Cartridge Error

Fall Equinox

Here are excerpts from an article published, sul tema dell'equinozio di autunno a firma di Tradizione Solare. Un ottimo spunto di riflessione sui tempi a venire.

La morte annuale della natura e il risveglio delle forze interiori di volontà si bilanciano nell’equinozio d’autunno. Esso segna un’inversione di polarità nella manifestazione delle forze divine, che nei mesi precedenti si erano espresse principalmente nelle forme della natura, nella luce trionfante del giorno e che ora incominciano a pervadere la volontà dell’uomo. Quando la luce del mondo declina, l’uomo inizia a percepire sé stesso come portatore di una luce invisibile, non soggetta a tramonto. In tal senso il “dramma spirituale” dell’equinozio summarizes and synthesizes the story of Earth history: the end of the golden age, darkening of the divine in nature, rise of self, individual sense of cosmic loneliness and responsibility.

Alfredo Cattabiani, Calendario That feeling of melancholy, as suggested by the leaves that turn yellow and fall, must be firmly banished. The nostalgia of the past, the complaint does not befit the noble man (to the 'Aryan'): he knows that in the cosmos that is offset declines and dies in justice that arises from and is affirmed. Autumn equinox is celebrated on the assertion of the will, the ability to "Faust" to set their own goals and pursue them.

alchemical element of autumn is the iron: the iron material that has forged our techno-industrial civilization must be the iron will of the spiritual, practical - and rationally - exercised.

Gods bless the concrete action, the will states that in well-defined projects, or that he turns to self-formation (Bildung to ).

Solar Tradition

------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Retrieved from " The Varco " IMPERIUM track proposed by the party of 15 years of Raido

In transit from ninth to tenth - new signs of my way to other German Pillar
3:00 to 6:00 my Doric column
the historical dimension - energy gap
real opportunity - to prove myself

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Minidv To Vhs Converter

The Four Pillars of the Year

Close of Autumn Equinox, we should publish this article excerpt from the magazine "Solstitium Year IV No. 3 -4 December 1979. It allows a cyclical approach to the sense of time and a reflection on the rhythms cosmic. essential reading for the man of militia

The four pillars of the year, the solstices and equinoxes. They form the great cross of the year or the zodiac, whose arms surround the seasons. In a small scale are the solar day and the four phases. The four arms divide the circle of the zodiac signs in four groups of three each, giving the characteristics of their respective seasons. Each date marks the beginning of a new period, different from the previous year, when the sun takes a different form and meaning. The four phases will happen regularly and everything takes on a sense of a constant rotation around a center that acts as a pivot to the whole movement. The four stages of the year corrispondono ai quattro elementi ed il sole alla luce che li comprende e li trasfigura. Ogni periodo ha un riflesso esterno e uno interno, creando il presupposto di una stagione interiore che è nostro compito analizzare.
Il primo pilastro è il Solstizio d'inverno, data significativa in ogni tradizione, che segna astronomicamente l'inizio dell'inverno. Corrisponde alla posizione del Sole nel punto più basso dell'orizzonte ed alla maggiore disuguaglianza tra giorno e notte: qui la notte è più lunga del giorno. Il 22 dicembre segna la data ufficiale del calendario "astronomico" dell'anno.1 Da questo momento prende inizio la serie ascendente che porterà in avanti il giorno fino al futuro solstizio estivo, in cui i rapporti si invertiranno. Astrologically, this date marks the passage of the Sun in Capricorn (Earth sign), to be followed by Aquarius and Pisces. In the symbolism of the day instead corresponds to the point where the sun reaches the summit of his descent: the midnight, which is opposite to the zenith meridian.
In ancient Egypt, was symbolized in the form of Khephra, the beetle, clear picture of the sun and hidden underground.
Esotericamente2 this moment is one of the most important and significant. Marks the point at which the outside in the cold and silent in the silence and the inner lives of their own light. The sun has now turned inward consciousness of self and soul at midnight everything is ready for a new survey. E 'in questo istante senza tempo che venivano eseguite le antiche cerimonie di iniziazione ai misteri dell'lo, nel profondo di grotte e caverne, a Mezzanotte in punto. Tramite esse una luce virtuale, occulta, veniva accesa nell'animo dell'adepto, che ora attendeva la nascita del proprio seme. E' in Inverno infatti che il seme, giacendo sotto la neve ed il gelo, dorme e matura i suoi frutti futuri. Ritualmente il nuovo periodo è rivolto alle opere della Terra: alla creazione cioè di basi e realtà concrete che facciano da perno ad ogni futura attività e alla coagulazione di precedenti iniziative. I tre segni invernali del Capricorno, dell'Acquario e dei Pesci suggeriscono un clima di freddezza, di silenzio e umidità che deve essere sciolto prima that the heat of the sun brings with it the Spring. This is
March 21, the second pillar of the annual date of the vernal equinox or bottom-up, in which what was buried back in the light now. In the symbolism marks the point when day equals night that from now on it will always be shorter than the day. The midnight sun is now risen above the horizon and the day is in equilibrium with the night: the Egyptian Ra, the sun hidden now becomes visible. The plan zodiac the sun passes into Aries (Fire Sign), to be followed by Taurus and Gemini.
II esoteric meaning in the light of spring is all that now stands. The occult is made manifest, the earth opens under the thrust of the Fire and kicks to life. The inner light now becomes visible on the outside, which comes alive with its own life. The hidden seed springs from the earth and all nature is covered with greenery and flowers. The interior light is projected on the outside and gives life to the world, now is seen as equipped with its own interiority. Nature already dead is now animated by mysterious meanings that become clearly visible to the conscience. E 'in this period that were performed the rites of initiation into the cosmic creation, with the aim of reducing what was previously separate from Being, but now tend to coalesce with him. Sacred orgies and fertility rites had this purpose, because sex is spiritual.
The purpose was to recognize the external universe, regarded as divine: This is you, according to ancient Eastern wisdom. The exterior and interior are two faces of an identical reality, which dominates them. This ritual is the period of the fire, which launches initiatives of any kind, given that personal creativity is stimulated by this flame that now burns visible. We are driven to act in any case, to move, to grow and flourish in a continuous succession of impulses, ideas and feelings. E 'known as the Spring eros affect animal and human waking up and multiplying like. Less well known as it is, however, goes beyond mere instinctual drive. II sex Life itself and nell'adepto the mysteries of light manifests itself in other ways unknown to the common man. The sex that is released from the low tension and salt, brought by the flame which rises upwards investing ideas, wishes and feelings of a new light and fertility. The adept that is fruitful in the upper rather than lower and sex becomes a way for their liberation from human bonds. The flame that goes up, fed from the air (the Twins) and supported by the Earth (Taurus) rises to its zenith and started the summer.
This begins June 22, the day of the Summer Solstice and third pillar year. Here the day is longer than night and the year and the light is at its peak. E 'on a triumphal che segna la vittoria della luce sull'oscurità e il pieno sole meridiano. Corrisponde infatti all'ora del Mezzogiorno, in cui il sole è allo zenith e irradia al massimo luce e calore. Nel simbolismo egizio è Hathoor, il dio della luce meridiana e pienamente manifesta opposta a quella del Sole di Mezzanotte. Nella volta celeste il sole occupa ora il punto più alto e i suoi raggi arrivano perpendicolari alla luce terrestre. L'arco di luce è massimo e ricaccia la notte nella sua dimora oscura: ora tutto è in pieno sole e chiede di essere completamente manifestato. Astronomicamente il Sole entra nel Cancro (segno dell'Acqua), seguito dal Leone e dalla Vergine. Esotericamente questo periodo segna il momento in cui esterno e interno, Essere e Natura, are perfectly united and harmonized, exalted to the highest degree. Summer is the triumph of sex, life and works undertaken. It 's the time when the wheat is harvested and brown, in which under the heat of the sun takes on a golden hue, a sign of perfection and completion. Summer brings with it a golden crown, which the adept takes as a sign of victory over his lower nature. It 's the time when the matter is that the Red and the rewards are waiting to be plucked from his hand. In the ancient rites of this period was a testimony of victory perhaps formed the media for any coronation ceremony. Summer is the time of the ritual of Water, in which there shall be spread throughout the world as it is perceived and understood in the Spring. Now everything has to take shape in activities with the outside world and bring it in line with what is vibrating inside. Similar in this water, which expands and tends to merge with his surroundings, including all in itself. This reflects the old idea of \u200b\u200bUnity and of the absence of any other beside himself. External reality is illusion precisely because it is unable to experience it as being a part of themselves. In taking a positive sense of the world body expands and comes to include within it all the external nature and the creatures that inhabit it. To limit individual consciousness expands until dissolving into a state of cosmic consciousness that represents perfection dell'Opera. E il Fuoco del Sole allo zenith provvede a fornirgli un aspetto attivo.
Facendo seguito al periodo estivo, l'Autunno avanza come un lento ripensamento. La fiamma della passione si riduce dando luogo ad un periodo di intensa riflessione, in cui il mondo esterno è filtrato attraverso lo schermo dei propri pensieri e si giudica quanto si è fatto. E' il 23 settembre, data dell'Equinozio d'Autunno o discendente e quarto pilastro dell'anno. La notte è ora di nuovo uguale al giorno, ma in forma diversa che in Primavera. La vita ora si ritira lentamente in se stessa e medita sul passato. Astrologicamente il Sole entra nella Bilancia (segno d'Aria), seguita dallo Scorpione e dal Sagittario. Nel giorno corrisponde all'ora del Tramonto, the Egyptian Tum, where the light is balanced with the dark and tends slowly to death. It 'sad hour in which the ghosts of the past and resurrect old and new ideas crowd the mind, which turns to the immediate past and it just reckoning. It 's the time when they reap the rewards and the wheat is sown to be born in the new year. Esoterically the light of Being withdraws from the outside and tends to coagulate in their spiritual origin, such as giving the impression of a slow death that takes the interior and exterior nature. E 'in this period that were practiced rites of purification and abstinence, to get rid of everything and start the new year renewed inwardly. Usually the immediately preceding period of abstinence the date of the Winter Solstice. The evening goes to the night is an hour of purification in which the stronger should the sun shine inside, no longer obscured by the light of day, and dusk is to enter silent. This ritual is the period of the Air: intelligence and understanding of what has been done and what you will. The light now shines clear in his mind and allows an objective opinion on their deeds and misdeeds. You can even smile at him, with patient tolerance, but now everything is behind themselves and should be left aside.
And so we return to the winter. The zodiac circle has taken a new turn and is preparing to light the fires of what will be the beginning of a new year.


NOTE 1: The Solstices, the Equinoxes as correspond to a particular astronomical event. By convention are located in some specific days on the calendar. love, because of the six-hour difference from one year to another (the oath of one year is 365 days and six hours), is determined every four years on February 29 (leap year), so the date they fall into the solstices and equinoxes
is not always the same time and in any case, however, differ from the previous year.

2: Esoteric, means teaching to a "knowledge" (esoteric) which, by its special nature and strength, not given to the scope of all. The teaching of traditional doctrine, which is directed indiscriminately, as compared to the qualification of the individual, is called exoteric;
teaching, which is aimed at people most qualified and able to be sensitive and receptive to certain messages, it says esoteric. Be noted that there is very esoteric teaching can not be understood by those who did not in itself the conditions for their learning.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fotos Desnudos De Paty Nadad

Starting over after the summer Recess

During the summer camp we have replaced the comments

the analysis and the rhetoric,
farming, training doctrinaire

and healthy outdoor activities.
Moments of capital importance, an oasis of recreation,

community life.

Helots Let's pursue only their own interests.

leave the whistleblowers and infamous spies, 70's dossier on our behalf.

improve ourselves, with the militancy and sacrifice,
improve the city, improve the state. How
yesterday in Sparta, here today!

Be like the promontory against which the waves break incessantly:

remains immobile, and around it subsides the boiling water.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Best Homemade Point To Point Antenna

suspend the operations of updating the blog until August 15.

As every year, take advantage of this time to reinvigorate the spirit and the body in recreational and educational.

Because you know: the military goes on vacation! Happy Holidays

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Color Rug Should I Get For Bathroom

set in stone!

"Life is a moment of transition,

transit where man

must carry out the mission entrusted by God



Advantages Of Heavy Slowpitch Bats

called them ... Brigands!

A delegation of the CS Aurhelio was invited at the opening of Santa Marinella film festival, the day when it was shown the film by Pasquale Squitieri "Briganti called them ..." . We consider necessary for the signaling function of revisionist film about the process of unification of the nation state, on the occasion of the anniversary of 150 years after that event. Many insist on justifying the revival as a function of coincidence with the unification of Italy. On the contrary there seems to be underlined as was Julius Evola was specifically stated that: '... the resurgence was not by accident that a national movement, it is within the revolutionary movement determinatisi around a group of states as a result of the importation of ideas from the Jacobin revolution. The '4 ... 8 and '49, for example, had an identical face in Italian movements and those who came on in Prague, Hungary, Germany, Habsburg Vienna in the same, according to a single password. Here there were just one indication of how many columns in front International, controlled by ideology liberal and Masonic, which also had his face masked officers. "

review by Emmanuel Little

film not politically correct, but criticized the director level ever does is describe the truth. I would urge the film critics to read the history of Italy before we criticize a genre film "historic" as the story into film is neither more nor less than that of Carmine Crocco, the most famous and great robber post-unification. To invent, in there is very little biographical and historical films in Squires. Sorry but certainly not surprising that has had more luck with the theme and the perspective from which we look at the processes occurring in Italian unification is still capable of easy and simplistic judgments. From a technical standpoint the film is essential and direct, perhaps limited to just being too tied to the vicissitudes of Crocco, but at the cultural level is a sort of Italian Dances with Wolves, shows us another angle on a story historical still cumbersome, this should be seen and distributed ...[..]...!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Resorts In Ecr Chennai

Raido: A Handbook of Traditional Living

After the original edition in Italiano e la traduzione in Tedesco, ora i Quaderni della Comunità Militante RAIDO sono tradotti anche in Inglese...

This book consists of two texts originally published by the Italian cultural organisation Raido, translated here for the first time: The World of Tradition and The Front of Tradition. The first is a comprehensive summary of the principal ideas of Julius Evola. The esoteric history of the world, the nature of the Primordial Tradition, and the crisis of the modern world are discussed. The second, while also steeped in the Evolian worldview, presents a more practical guide for living as a traditionalist. Guidelines for life as an individual living in detachment from modernity, as well as for developing and being a member of an organisation dedicated to the restoration of Tradition, are outlined. This book argues that ideology and strategy are not enough by themselves. The individual who desires a revolt against the modern world must first internalise and conduct all of one’s actions in accordance with the way of life of Tradition. Also included are methods for doing this.

Whether the reader is an Evolian, a traditionalist or is merely seeking a means for survival in a degraded age, this handbook will be inspiring to them all.

Translator’s Foreword
A Note from the Editor
From the Preface to the Second Italian Edition

1. From the Origins to the Modern World
2. Tradition & the Sacred
3. Metaphysics
4. The States of Being: Archetype-Soul-Spirit-Body
5. Esotericism & Exotericism
6. Authority
7. Castes
8. Civilisation
9. Holy War: Vita est militia super terram
10. Decadence & Subversion
11. Initiation
12. Contemplation & Action
13. Law
14. Rite
15. Myth
16. Symbolism
Appendix I: The Symbolism of the Cross
Appendix II: The Symbolism of the Sun

1. Ignis Fatuus
2. Each in His Place
3. Interiorising the Doctrine
4. Beyond Ideology
5. Lifestyle
6. Firm Foundations
7. The New Man: Existential Guidelines for Members of an Operating Unit
8. A Fighting Vanguard
9. The Rectification of the Individual
10. Action
11. The Community
12. The Operative Unit
13. Before the Movement
14. The Future is Now

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tech Dechs Wooden Collector Sieries

to seek the good life ........

present anew an old article that appeared last summer on this blog, given the situation prevailing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coast north of Rome, there seems to be repeated.

Occasionally, we would a digression from the issues that we intended to propose on this Blog. One of the features of this diary is to look after as little as possible of local events and disarticulation of that in a more or less suffer from the so-called area of \u200b\u200bthe radical right (in addition to the characters who assume the right of representation) land. Just consider that area to the right of a PDL and engulfs everything and everything in a minced meat loaf indigestible. The indications and prefigurations reported from this part last year are appearing one by one. Disintegration, internal strife, the presumption in wanting to be alone, returns Canossa in the PDL, retreats into the private sphere, are clear demonstration of how the militancy to be aware of when ideas are deeply felt, than the "good life" is seductive. Pearls before swine. The action of Aurhelio, faithful to the promise of many years ago, keeps the same style of conduct, even the refined, enriched with the values \u200b\u200bof the traditional doctrine.
result of sacrifice - body, soul and spirit - by making time and wallet, the action is pursued relentlessly. Those who now portrays the fighting line is not indifferent, is complicit.

"It 's important, it is essential that they constitute an elite which, in a collection intensity, defined according to a rigorous intellectual and absolute intransigence of the idea, according to which one must be united, and affirms this idea, especially in the form of the new man, the man of strength, straight man in the ruins. If you will be given to go beyond this period of crisis and order shaky and unrealistic, it will be the only man in the future. But even if the fate of the modern world was created, and is now overwhelming, should not be content, at such locations within the premises will be maintained: in any case what can be done will be done to that country and apparterremo , that no enemy will ever be neither occupied nor destroyed. "

Julius Evola - Orientamenti

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Birthdaytitle For Facebook

Viola Berard, the Diocletian Gardens

Il brigantaggio nella Marsica e nel Cicolano.

Rapporti con il sanguinario Candido Vulpiani. La lotta contro il brigantaggio.

Berardo Viola (brigante) statura bassa, corporatura giusta, capelli castani, ciglia castane, occhi castani. Il brigantaggio, senza scendere nei minimi dettagli, ha avuto in Abruzzo due fasi: la prima sotto la dominazione spagnola nel XVI sec. , e la seconda negli anni dell'unità d'Italia nel XIX sec. L'Abruzzo era per sito geografico il più idoneo per il proliferare del brigantaggio, infatti il suo aspetto aspro e montuoso, il confinare direttamente con lo Stato Pontificio, permetteva more easily move from one place to another depending on the situation.

Our people chose the road banditry MicrosoftMicrosoft forced by poor living conditions where they were, and political reasons, disliked those who had delivered them (the Piedmont) and were in favor of someone who always had oppressed them (the Bourbons), and then sided with the Restoration and in this aspiration were supported by the faithful Bourbon and even if not openly, the Papal States that he preferred the Piedmontese Bourbons (who preached the unity of Italy, and the abolition of the Papal State). Historians have given many interpretations of the reasons for and because of banditry, I stop here, and I tell you with the help of documents the story of one of these many robbers who operated in the circulation and in Marsica: Berardo Viola. The character of the novel "Fontamara" Ignazio Silone, Berardo Viola, was none other than the grandson of the robber.

Berardo's mother, the novel is about an old family curse, "God wants robber. It 's the fate of Viola." Among the peasants Fontamara was heard: "What will end up like his grandfather, the famous bandit Viola, Viola Berado So not only existed in the imagination of the writer pescinese, but also in reality or Berardino Berardo Viola Viola Taglieti, born November 24, 1838 Vallesecca at the border between the Marsi and Cicolano, by Father Angelo guard and customs from the mother spinner Marianna Rossetti. Young enlisted among the National Guards, and was made a 'brutal repression in Fiamignano, where the people rebelled because of hunger and injustice, he deserted and went with the rebels. Thus began a career as a robber of our Berardino who was so involved in the new "job" which quickly became one of the "best". In 1862, the robber stabbed to death Berardino Colombo, later participated in the looting of Pagliara, he took as a trophy of the "triumph" the head of a caretaker Vallecupola skewered on a crude spear. In the months that followed established a relationship "work" with the bloodthirsty bandit Candido Vulpiani, the association led to many killings and robberies in the Cicada, and the Marsi in the bush. Soon, however, this relationship ended, our Berardino fact during one of the many quarrels with the Vulpiani wounded him to death.

Berardo In 1865 he was arrested but was not executed, because he had become the first-repentant robber. On February 26, 1866 is locked up in prison in Tivoli, with colleague Micarelli Achilles, so we read in an extradition request from the Attorney General of the Court of Appeal of Aquila, a few months later, on 23 September 1866 the application for extradition is dismissed from the Papal State. In a manifesto of the Prefecture of the province of Abruzzo Additional 2nd (L'Aquila), the ruler G. Coffaro dated November 26, 1866, published the results in the fight against banditry, listing the robbers arrested were set up and also checked with their respective sizes, among the names there is also Viola Berard, listed as prisoners awaiting trial . Del18 with a letter in May 1867, the Minister of the Interior, informed the Prefect of the Eagle that the steamer "Earl Boniacchi" were arrested in April in Marseille, along with the ringleaders Antonio Cozzolino said Pilone, Mary Carmine Crocco and Donatello said Berardino Viola, other individuals with papal passport under the name of Firicano Dominic Spera Giovanni, Satalmi Nicola, Pasca Antonio, Pizzoni Ferdinando, Piccirilli Luigi e Mazzero Giuseppe. Quindi se Berardino il 26 Febbraio 1866 risulta rinchiuso nel carcere di Tivoli e il 18 maggio 1867 si attesta che è stato arrestato in aprile, risulta evidente che era stato scarcerato oppure era evaso.

Nuove incursioni sanguinarie in Avezzano, Petrella Salto, nel Rovetano e nella Marsica segnano i periodi di libertà tra un'arresto ed una scarcerazione (o evasione). Viene nuovamente arrestato nel maggio del 1868 e in una lettera del 29 luglio che il Prefetto dell'Aquila invia al Ministero dell'Interno, Segretariato generale di Firenze, così si legge, insieme al numero dei componenti della banda Viola (N06 cells) to describe the characteristics of the head band Berardino Viola, age 29, stature, body fair, brown hair, brown eyebrows, brown eyes. In its reply of 23 August 1868, the Minister announced that the "Viola racking presently detained for charges of robbery, in the prisons of the Baths of Diocletian and the other two Crocco Pilone, we know only that the Pontifical decanting. The Government is working to obtain the extradition, but has reason to doubt the outcome in favor of its practices, at least for now, having no right to demand otherwise than in official channels, since the three-band leaders such as these are considered political compromises. " The letter concludes with the provisions to be adopted at the borders of the kingdom with the Papal States to stop the robbers in the case of entry. The sub-prefect of Cittaducale a letter to the Prefect of the Eagle 23. 11. 1868 states that as the attached letter from the mayor of Petrella Salto, the notorious gang leader Viola, currently in prison in Rome to ask to form our authorities. In response, the Prefect approved the request on a personal level, but does not guarantee ere be borrowed at the constitutional level, however, undertakes to grant him safe conduct to the process and then prepare a report to the Government asking for clemency for the sovereign Viola, but perhaps not persuaded by Berardo response.

On March 6, 1869, together with Antonio Cozzolino said Pilone escapes from prison in Rome, do! The letter, the Prefect of Naples to the Prefects of the Eagle, Grosseto, Perugia, the official in Avezzano and Cittaducale informs Viola that he was injured during the escape . Robbery, murder, harassment, assault mark this flight. Was arrested again and imprisoned in the Papal States March 30, 1869, his friend managed to escape even if Prop with a broken leg. Among denials, affirmations and visions of the Viola, you know for sure until the end of 1869 and 1870 is locked up in prison Pontifical Palermo. This year we lose track of Berardino Viola in official documents. You will enter the history written in the news historians and everything is easily debatable.

Of course I can also say that Berardino Viola has been and will remain a robber "Good" (although in some circumstances, it was cruel and barbaric, it was the "job" or the "Company"). Since its first appearance (as deserter) helps the people against their oppressors, tyrants and this will always be grateful to him (hiding and helping).

Wipe the bowl or a robber of the people by the people. He in his raids and robberies, he liked to sign his "work" with a flower "viola" and a holy card with the image of S. Berard (Berard Viola). And so I leave it to remember: Brigante - Death and destruction the viola - and death nature santina - repentance and desire to change their lives.

REFERENCES 1) State Archives-Eagle Envelopes various acts of the Cabinet and various issues on banditry.
2) Archive Diocletian Gardens Pescina-Folder No. 5 and various issues on the robber Berardo Viola.
3) L. Braccili-robbers stories abrurzesi-Ed.M. Ferri-AQ-1983.
4) Ignazio Silone-Fontamara-Ed. Rizzoli Bur-May 1989.
5) The Way We Were - 180011900 - The Centre - additional files.

Adapted from RADAR ABRUZZO

Fulvio D'Amore

Il libro di Fulvio D’Amore, che segue una estesa letteratura sull’argomento “brigantaggio”, giunge in un momento storico in cui l’autore riesce ad individuare con una linea di interpretazione “forte” una più profonda verità su vicende già largamente note. Gli avvenimenti sono pressoché sconosciuti e rievocano, con dovizia di particolari inediti, le imprese memorabili di Berardino Viola, massimo rappresentante di quel ribellismo postunitario che la storia dei vincitori condannò alla criminalizzazione.

Brossura, pag. 254

Stampato da Controcorrente

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Friday, July 2, 2010

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