Nepalese communists: the dispute about the absence a portrait of Lenin
It is concluding the National Convention of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist), currently in government with the Maoists who hold the post of prime minister was in Asia. As reported questo articolo tratto dal sito nepalese Republica , una controversia piuttosto animata ha riguardato l'assenza del ritratto di Lenin (a fianco a quello di Marx) nella sala che ospita la Comvenzione.
Controversy over no Lenin portrait
BUTWAL, Feb 20: Communists sometimes find trivial reasons for stirring up a controversy.
Delegates to CPN-UML convention, who have smelled a rat for not putting the portrait of late Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the wall of the closed-door session hall, made loud noise at the start of closed door meeting Friday morning, further delaying the already delayed session. However, there is a photo of late Karl Marx, a German revolutionary and political theorist.
Leader of the Lumbini-A group, Kamal Shrestha, sought justification from the leadership as to why this was the case and refused to give his presentation for a while. Then, most of the 1800-plus delegates shouted in support of Shrestha. On Thursday too, some of those who gave their presentations had also raised the issue, but it was not raised as intensely as on Friday.
After one of the leaders of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist), Amrit Bohora, said he would clarify on the matter later, Shrestha went ahead with his presentation. In his bid to calm the things down, Bohora told the delegates that it was not a policy decision and it could be a fault of the management. One of the delegates
Said There Was only Marx's photo in a poster prepared for UML party's sixth national convention held-in 1998, because "Marx is the root of communist Most theories." "Lenin just HAD propounded the Russian-style Marxism," he said. Generally, UML used to put five portraits of Revolutionaries in Its Official functions - Marx, Lenin, Friedrich Engels, German, Chinese and Russian Joseph Stalin Mao Zedong.
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