The alternative left is trying to join for Chilean election The last presidential
Il giornale cileno La Segunda ha pubblicato a fine gennaio nel suo sito la notizia della riunione congiunta dei quattro canidati presidenziali della sinistra alternativa cilena, rappresentanti del Partito Comunista, del Partito Umanista, e due gruppi dissidenti del Partito Socialista. L'obbiettivo è di arrivare a presentare un solo candidato per tutta la sinistra, attuale che, per effetto di elettorale's particularly ingiusto system, if Parliament trova dal lock. Left
signs agreement to raise extra-single candidate
Tuesday January 27, 2009
Source: Online Second
In their first joint appearance, the four presidential candidates officially sealed progressive sector pact work in these presidential and future. Called for the completion of a Programmatic Convention, which would be later than the first week of April, for the construction of a platform of government. They are also open to a deal instrumental con el oficialismo para terminar con la exclusión de una vez por todas.
Tras un comunicado leído por la secretaria general de la Izquierda Cristiana, Bernarda Pérez, en el vestíbulo del cine Arte Alameda, los presidenciables Tomás Hirsch, Guillermo Teillier, Alejandro Navarro y Jorge Arrate, rubricaron un compromiso adquirido hace un tiempo con el sector extraparlamentario, levantar un candidato presidencial único del sector.
"Este es un acto de respuesta a una esperanza y aspiración que nos hace el pueblo. Hoy le estamos diciendo al país que la Izquierda continuará trabajando en forma unitaria y va a levantar candidatura presidencial única", señaló Tomás Hirsch, candidato humanist, adding that "we will also work to end exclusion, and there is a representation of this sector in Parliament. We want this be achieved by legal means, but obviously this has been lacking will for reform and end to the binomial system, "he said.
Text We pledge to the people of Chile invited the construction of a popular expression as an alternative to the right and the Government, and summarized the political and social needs of the country to open the path of hope for workers and excluding national majorities. "
also committed to quickly define the mechanism to identify and support the single candidate and unitary "we assume the historical challenge of putting all the wills in pursuit of the unity of left forces, popular and progressive," the letter reproduced closed this morning.
"We will in December, a strong and democratic alternative to the country and the world. Let's have a program that will not only elections, but it will be a fighting tool that identifies the people. We a great future ahead and in December the big winners are going to be us, "said the president of PC, Guillermo Teillier.
As Senator Alejandro Navarro, denied speculations on dissent in the form of selecting a single candidate and endorsed the need to reach an agreement with their counterparts.
"There is a strong political wear, we touch the heart and offer a hand, incorporate and involve, demand commitment of 52% of Chileans who do not identify with either the coalition or with the Alliance. The Left is here to say this, we want a single candidate, a program and an instrument to govern effectively Chile, practical and honest. " Conjectures
also denied Hirsch and Teillier, likely to seek more democratic format, but also may be viable: "Humanists have never said that we are against a primary. We like it because it is participatory, open, democratic and inclusive. It is very interesting possibility, but we also understand that it is tremendously complex and expensive. There is the option of a convention, political agreement and a meeting, and we must not be fear of such possibilities, "said Thomas Hirsch.
Finally, the Socialist Jorge Arrate, attended only a few minutes to the meeting due to the death of a familiar, but it was leaving the stamp of his commitment to the process and their support saying "Whatever the candidate of the Left, if I'm not going to have my strongest support."
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