The LCR melts to form the new anticapitalist party (NPA)
In those days there was the founding congress of the New French anticapitalist party, preceded by the dissolution of the Revolutionary Communist League, which is the main organization responsible. carry a dispatch on the subject of France, published sul sito della stessa League.
La Plaine-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), February 5, 2009 (AFP) - Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) of Olivier Besancenot was officially dissolved on Thursday after 40 years of existence, to create the New anti-capitalist party (NPA) whose founding congress opens Friday. The dissolution was passed by show of hands, to 87.1% of the votes of some 150 delegates, was a journalist from AFP. 11.5% voted against, the remaining 1.4% abstained. Some timid applause after the vote. "We have already been dissolved twice government (in 1969 and 1973, ed), this time it's us, "amused himself earlier in the day, Alain Krivine, one of the founders of the AFA." It does not dissolve as as we continue the revolutionary struggle with a much more suitable than the CRL because "a party, unlike a cult, not an end in itself", he added, saying " enthusiastic and happy. "face" failure of capitalism "and the decline of the French Communist Party (PCF), the new party, who will not join the Trotskyist Fourth International, is" an essential anti-capitalist force tomorrow, "he assured M . Krivine. Le NPA, dont le congrès fondateur se tient de vendredi à dimanche à la Plaine-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), revendique environ 9.000 militants (contre 3.200 à la LCR). Il s’agit de "prendre le meilleur des traditions du mouvement ouvrier, qu’elles soient trotskistes, socialistes, communistes, libertaires, guévaristes" ou issues de l’écologie radicale, affirme Olivier Besancenot qui n’est "pas venu avec une gerbe de fleurs" et dit ne ressentir "ni émotion ni nostalgie" pour l’"enterrement" de la LCR, créée en 1969. Dans les allées du congrès, la nostalgie n’était en effet pas vraiment palpable même si quelques-uns ont critiqué une dissolution made "within hours", like Christian Picquet, the minority party, which laments a "botched debate, sent in haste" in a "gloomy atmosphere. Wishing to enter the NPA of people who, even if they had any ideas close to the LCR, dared not join "because of its history," Mr. Besancenot, 34, 20 of which passed to the CSF has reported being "very, very proud" of the legacy of the League. Founded in April 1969, the Communist League, LCR become late 1974, marked the left and has trained dozens of men and women politicians, as the Socialists Henri Weber, Julien Dray, François Rebsamen, Pierre Moscovici, Sophie Bouchet-Petersen ou David Assouline. Lors du congrès fondateur, les quelques 600 à 700 délégués du NPA devront notamment décider du nom de la nouvelle formation et de son éventuelle participation à un "front de gauche" avec le Parti communiste français et le Parti de Gauche lors des européennes de juin.
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