Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Whitehall Boats For Sale

An interview with Alexis Tsipras, president of Synaspismos

La rivista della Quarta Internazionale, Inprecor, ha pubblicato la traduzione francese di una intervista rilasciata da Tsipras presidente del Synaspismos greco al giornale Elefterotipia ai primi di gennaio.

Alexis Tsipras, né en juillet 1974 à Athènes, a été élu président de Synaspismos lors du cinquième congrès du parti en février 2008, devenant le plus jeune dirigeant d’un parti politique représenté Parliament. It was during the municipal elections of 2006 that the young engineer has appeared on the front of the political scene, where the list of "open city" of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) won 10.51% of the vote in Athens . In the parliamentary elections of 2007, A. Tsipras refused to stand, saying he could not combine the deputy mandates and city council member. We reproduce here an interview published in the largest Greek newspaper, Eleftherotypia, January 3, 2009.

Eleftherotypia: They accused the new generation to be indifferent, individualistic, run out of dreams, and now she descends into the streets. Do you believe that this revolt will be a sequel?

Alexis Tsipras: In 1972 also was accused youth, giving it the same characteristics. But a few months later, she opened the road with his insurrection of social struggles. I think the same thing will happen now. I believe a new era has begun. The new generation is not only before but also seems to be on his shoulders the whole society. She asked for hope, work, dignity. She asked to live and not survive. The youth movement can defeat. Some on the right and left, trying to isolate it politically and socially. They will not succeed.

Eleftherotypia: This image of a generation to fight Is not marred by outbreaks of violence against police stations and police units? In your opinion, what are they due?

Alexis Tsipras: Protests against police stations, and wherever there were policemen, were a spontaneous explosion. We must seek their cause in the terrible event Exarchia (1). The murder of the young broke the vase. Let us not forget how authoritarian et combien d’arbitraire subit cette génération dans chaque aspect de sa vie. C’est pour cette raison que je ne simplifierai pas la protestation sociale et l’insoumission sociale en les appelant « violence », même quand elles s’expriment de la manière la plus agressive. Et je refuserai de les assimiler à des destructions aveugles. Au contraire, il y a de la violence quand la police arrose des enfants avec des gaz chimiques parce qu’ils ont lancé des oranges amères, des bouteilles en plastique ou des ornements pris de l’arbre de Noël de la place.

Eleftherotypia : En publiant les axes de lutte de Syriza, vous parlez de nouveau de la proportionnelle intégrale mais je n’ai rien vu de votre part sur comment ce pays sera gouverné. N’est-il pas temps que vous affrontiez cette question ?

Alexis Tsipras : Nous commettrions une erreur si nous croyions que ce qui manque au gouvernement est une majorité forte, un gouvernement fort qui appliquera la même politique. La cause de l’ingouvernabilité actuelle n’est pas la faible majorité mais l’impuissance du gouvernement face à la crise sociale. On aura le même problème si le gouvernement actuel est remplacé par un gouvernement du PASOK, ou même par la célèbre « grande coalition », s’ils la tentent. Parce qu’il est impossible de faire face à la crisis by pursuing the same policy that led us up here and went bankrupt. That is why the left does not want to serve today's alibi left perspective manager government, but wants to be an assault force to the future. In short, a force that can ensure the great changes and reforms in view of the excess of economic development models that have failed and therefore, for this reason, as the only force that can lead to a positive outlet for the crisis.

Eleftherotypia: In a few days, you will also submit your alternative political project. Can you we describe its structure?

Alexis Tsipras: There are three basic levels. With the first level we answer the question "What will we do with the crisis?". How we will shield the company, how we will protect workers, the lowest, the next generation. We describe these targets in the "15 points" that Syriza just published in the proposals made by our caucus on the financial system, our proposals on youth and generation to 700 euros. With the second level we present our strategy to exit from the crisis: the obligatory passage of a neoliberal capitalism insatiable economy needs and goods. An economy that will defend full employment, environment, social rights and will have priority social solidarity and the eradication of poverty. At a third level, we canvass the prospect of social transformation. For the world can not change without having a vision. And our vision is socialism based on freedom and democracy.

Eleftherotypia: The different development model of which you speak, how you design it?

Alexis Tsipras: We see it as a model which adopts the basic priorities totally different. In recent decades, the dominant model said that the accumulation of power and wealth by a few multinational companies could lead us to a better world. It failed with a crash. That is to say, he can neither regulate itself nor solve its enormous contradictions with some of Keynesianism. So we need new criteria for what is considered development. These criteria are: that we produce, how the wealth generated is distributed, how public goods are protected and expanded, how much do people live dignity, how the environment is protected?

Eleftherotypia: When PASOK spokesman said his party rejected a partnership with the line because he can not work with those who created the current situation, I guess it does not seem bad. Why can not you talk to PASOK on this basis?

Alexis Tsipras: Yes, it does not seem bad if you look exclusively to the right, if one totally ignores the fact that PASOK had governed the country for almost 20 years and we consider that all the evils began in 2004, when it rose in opposition. Yet people know that the debt in banks, reports elastic labor, depreciation of health and public education are a legacy of the first cycle management "modernizing" Simitis (2). For us, dialogue with other political forces is continuous and public. PASOK must, and we sincerely hope, understand that you can not move forward with the same recipes. He changes position even now. It is positioned relative to the 15 points we have published. Make public its own positions on issues brought to the agenda by life itself. He can not hide forever under the table.

Eleftherotypia: Let it another way. Is not it logical that PASOK has also its place as a partner in an urgent plan of social reconstruction? Or at least some of its strengths?

Alexis Tsipras: The question is not who will be those who will implement the plan of social reconstruction - do not worry, we will be neither sufficient nor sectarian - but most agree on is the need to such a plan. Are we going to agree on a plan for public intervention in the banking system, protecting social security, full employment and permanent, free public education? Do we all see as necessary? Me anyway I do not see PASOK open debate on these issues. Listen, the state of the economy is critical. The big question is who will pay for the crisis? Will we dare generous redistribution or Do We Implement the IMF programs of its kind, with wage freezes, restless Sunday with reports of more elastic labor, as distinguished senior PASOK are trying to propose? Well, with those that can not agree. Instead, we found and we are still together in common struggles with a bunch of people and forces of PASOK. I'm sure that will continue. You know, life and the problems are more stubborn than the staffs and party lines.

Eleftherotypia: Have you in mind of people who could oversee this new venture? Does Synaspismos Syriza and can become the axis of the current construction of a multicolor designed power?

Alexis Tsipras: What we want is to overthrow the existing political framework. And to succeed we need a powerful new pole to the left of the political system. This center will be the epicenter Radical left, but joining forces even wider: socialists, communists, environmentalists, non-inserts. And what is most important, it will integrate social claims ripened into a concrete and achievable in a political alternative. Today Syriza is already aware of social resistance and real opposition grouping multiple sensitivities. You see, this is the first step. We can proclaim all you want, but if we do not all that we can not become a current claim to power. And in the words of the wise saying: "It takes time for the green fruit acquired taste honey ". ■

Translated by GM (Greek).

Notes 1. The Athenian neighborhood of Exarcheia was the scene of the killing by police of young Alexis Gregoropoulos, aged 15, December 6, 2008.

2. Kostas Simitis was born in Piraeus in 1936, former president of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) was Prime Minister of Greece from 1996 to 2004. His government has led the offensive against-neoliberal reforms.


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