Saturday, February 21, 2009

Eczema, With Active Or Residual Lesions

Israeli elections: the comment of the Communist Party

On the recent Israeli elections the press reporting of the Israeli Communist Party which is part of the Hadash party coalition that has grown from 3 to 4 seats. The text was translated into Italian from the site A New World , edited by the Department of Foreign Affairs of PRC.

Israeli Elections: The Communist Party won 4 seats forward and surpassing the Social Democratic Zionist Meretz party.

The February 10 general elections in Israel have produced a substantial change in the distribution of seats in parliament. A Kadima, the party's center-right, went 28 seats, Likud 27 right, the racist Israel Beiteinu, the third largest party, 15 seats, Labor has obtained only 13, Shas and Meretz only 11 3. Hadash (the Democratic Front Peace and Equality - the Israeli Communist Party), has increased his influence to obtain four seats. The leader of Hadash is Barakeh satisfied with what he called a "remarkable progress".

The Israeli military offensive against Gaza and the large demonstrations organized by the Arab-Palestinians in Israel and the forces for peace and progressive activists led by Hadash, has made that the campaign focuses on two main themes: peace and security policies, and relations between the state and the Arab-Palestinian minority.

This has divided the Israeli population, leading to a shift from the center-left Zionist agenda. According to Israeli law, the creation of a coalition government is granted to the leader of the faction which is more likely to form a coalition majority - in other words, not necessarily the leader of the party that obtained the most votes.

Barakeh said Hadash will not participate in any government. "When we talk with the president, we present our vision for the future state. I think it is smart enough to realize that this vision can not be accommodated in any of the government possible." Barakeh also said: "We have only four seats, but we assume the burden of being the vanguard against Liebermanizzazione. "People were worried that the president racist Yisrael Beiteinu," Yvette "Lieberman, has realized that he should not point to the social-democratic Zionist party Meretz, but the most radical and militant Hadash, "he added.

Congressman Dov Henin said he was optimistic for the support received from his party by voters of the younger generations, and added:" On the one hand, there is a new consensus that Israel clearly rejects further steps in the peace process. In some circumstances this power center will be prepared to continue negotiations with the current Palestinian Authority, but it certainly will not make significant concessions. On the other hand, the Arab-Palestinian minority in Israel has rejected the violent choices that characterize the employment policy of the government. " In addition, Hadash and the Communist Party were able to mobilize a significant proportion of young Jewish-Israelis for their political and social agenda, uprooting the liberal do-gooders from the political map. Meretz has got some political support among the kibbutz and the middle class in Tel Aviv, but for most of the Arab-Palestinian citizens and for the left-wing activists, both Jews and Arabs, brought the message has not been sufficient.

The expected instability of the future coalition government, the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories and the current crisis of capitalism will make the possibility of new elections within the next two years is not so remote. "It 's essential that the face of these elections, the Arab-Palestinian citizens and the leftists unite to present an alternative the growing fascist forces in Israeli society, "said the deputy Khenin." A new generation of young people entered the Israeli policy, "he continued," They are open and critical, and in the communist party Hadash and found a real alternative the old Zionist policy. "


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