Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Is A Knot From Heart Cath

The Constituent Congress of the Parti de gauche: no "oltrismo and Front left the international Trotskyist currents European

Sul recente Congresso costituente del Parti de Gauche riporto quanto scritto da Bruno Steri sul rito di Rifondazione Comunista

di Bruno Steri
(Responsabile Europa Prc-Se)

“Ci dicono: prima di redistribuire, occorre produrre la ricchezza. Them! Multinationals who have put on weight and a handful of rich in the world! "," Fellow citizens, we want to radically change our society are not willing to start to produce no matter what, no matter how ... "" We believe in revolutions where you vote as in Venezuela, like Bolivia, "" Our philosophy is that of the Enlightenment, the Republic, left, with a specific goal: to unite the left to defeat neoliberalism, "or" the Socialist Party say: Do not shake the useful vote . The only useful vote is what will bring in the European Parliament deputies clearly contrary to the Treaty of Lisbon. " These are some jokes with cui Jean-Luc Mélenchon ha concluso il congresso del suo partito: lo ha fatto con una dialettica scaltra e vivace, che coniuga il furore iconoclasta con richiami illuministici e repubblicani (di quelli che scaldano i cuori del patriottismo francese); e che, al contempo, colloca questo transfuga del Ps nel campo della sinistra anticapitalista.

In una struttura periferica situata a sud di Parigi, da venerdì a domenica scorsi, il Parti de Gauche (PdG) ha celebrato il suo “congresso costituente”: una forza politica che, appena nata, conta sul contributo di 4mila militanti (ma il trend è in ascesa) e che, essendosi staccata solo un paio di mesi fa dal Partito socialista, ha trovato un suo spazio nella gauche anticapitalistica French. In the large conference room, the climate is of great moments. But, in general, is the political situation Alps showing clear signs of awakening to the forces of the left and offers substantial opportunities. France has just seen mobilize two million and half people, called the general strike by all the main trade unions, again united against the cuts of Sarkozy and his handling of the crisis: as was also noted in our press, there were squares all sectors of society. Not surprisingly, the explanatory memorandum to the Congress paid tribute to this extraordinary day strike, the unions explicitly thanked for their determination and their unequivocal volontà di lotta. Per comprendere quanto il quadro politico francese sia oggi spostato a sinistra rispetto al nostro, è sufficiente considerare la presenza nel corteo parigino della stessa segretaria del Ps, Martine Aubry. Da noi, al contrario, un pezzo di sindacato firma accordi separati con padroni e governo; e il segretario del maggior partito di centro-sinistra tace davanti ad un’operazione regressiva che tenta di isolare e mortificare il più grande sindacato italiano.

Ma è il tema dell’Europa a marcare la più visibile distanza. Mentre in Italia, al livello dell’opinione diffusa, tale questione è sostanzialmente evanescente, in Francia essa coincide con il nervo scoperto di un referendum tradito. In France has voted, and was voted "No" to the European Treaty. This allowed the forces of the left root of this issue to the heart of political debate. And today, the knowledge gained in the referendum battle is fully available to give backbone to the forthcoming electoral contest ("80% of French laws are transcriptions of European directives"). So - in addition to the proposed policy of the Left Front for the next elections mainland - analytical and programmatic terms, the crisis of capitalism and Europe have quite naturally been the lynchpin of the debate and congressional documents; intransigence rejection of the Lisbon Treaty ("certified copy of the Constitutional Treaty rejected in 2005) has driven the whole debate. Passes here eminently the same criticism of the Socialist Party, "accomplice" in the approval of the said Treaty, photocopy. As mentioned, the radical critique of this Europe, "authoritarian and liberal construction" has become intertwined with that of the existing capitalist system and the historical necessity of his passing: a need made even more imperative by dramatic emergency (social, democratic, environmental ) induced by precipitating the crisis. On this, the position of the GP seemed very clear: "It is not out of the crisis raising capitalism, giving breath to the mechanisms that lead to social disaster and a terrible environmental crisis. " It should offer an alternative to capitalism, another horizon, indicating the transitions that lead. " It will not be a walk: "The left will not convince the financial capital to make what he has extorted through amiable discussion between people of good company." But it must be popular sovereignty to determine the spread of what corresponds to the 'general interest': just as is happening in Latin America, Venezuela, in Bolivia.

Based on these general guidelines, the documents submitted alla discussione hanno articolato il programma del partito (da proporre successivamente ad un’eventuale coalizione elettorale). Innanzitutto, sul versante interno, quello delle concrete risposte alla crisi sociale. La ricchezza c’è: tant’è che le imprese francesi, nel 2007, hanno incamerato 650 miliardi di utili. Contrariamente a quello che fa il Ps, occorre intervenire con decisione e presto sugli squilibri di classe, proponendo misure strutturali a livello nazionale ed europeo. Anche sul versante esterno, il PdG non sembra fare sconti: neanche ad Obama. Gli Stati Uniti - ha infatti osservato la responsabile del dipartimento sui problemi internazionali - si sono resi responsabili dell’azzeramento del diritto internazionale; and the theory of the clash of civilizations and the war on terrorism have actually "made a new dress" imperialism. Although different from Bush, Obama does not deny these pseudo-theories and reinforce its troops in Afghanistan.

the cry of "Unity, unity!", The congress approved the appeal for the Left Front in the forthcoming European. The French CP has already accepted the invitation: el'ovazione bestowed by the delegates to the Communist secretary Marie-George Buffet has symbolically sealed the agreement. The decision is now up to the hitherto reluctant Olivier Besancenot, leader of the new anticapitalist party (NPA), which has collected and refurbished legacy Ligue Communist Révolutionnaire, which will celebrate its congress in the next week-end. A Besancenot has directly addressed Mélanchon: "Do not ask me untie your NPA. You say that there are things that distinguish you from us. Confirmation: we disagree on some things from you. But, in fact, we do not want a merger, but a union between different forces. " Nothing oltrismi, therefore, no overruns. And no divisions. So you try to build unity. And it builds on well-defined points. Mélanchon indicates two, in particular: clear rejection of the Treaty of Lisbon and located on the left of the parliamentary group of the European Ps. Unity in respect of identity and clarity of content: This is the road trying to take the French left. And a survey by the possible ressemblement to 14.5% ...


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