Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Christian Songs About Anorexia

Congress Izquierda Unida

In November last year was held at the Congress of Izquierda Unida. Carry on the subject, although with some delay, as written comment from Alfio Nicotra of the PRC on the website A New World. The tone is rather pessimistic. It must be said that after IU was able to elect a coordinator in the shape of Cayo Lara, a militant of the Communist Party. The management is unified, but the political coalition has definitely shifted to the left.

Alfio Nicotra

The only thing clear is that in Spain in recent years, neither in parliament nor in society, this was an alternative to the left. La linea maggioritaria che ha guidato Izquierda Unida è stata molto chiara: associarsi alla vittoria di Zapatero, condizionarlo da sinistra e, da quella posizione, recuperare la forza elettorale di IU.

I risultati sono sotto gli occhi di tutti. IU ha subito un forte arretramento elettorale a causa di una doppia emorragia: il voto utile frutto della polarizzazione bipartitista e l’astensione di una parte importante della sua base elettorale come espressione di rifiuto di una politica subalterna con il governo del PSOE, così come la prolungata smobilitazione a causa dell’assenza di una autentica opposizione di sinistra nelle istituzioni e nelle piazze”. Sembra la fotografia dell’ultimo congresso nazionale del Prc. E’ instead of an excerpt of the document Congress number two, that referring to the English Communist Party, which won a majority on the Ninth Assembly of the Federal Izquierda Unida, celebrated on November 15 and 16, to Vaciomadrid, a common part of the belt red capital.

a Congress that was resolved with no winner and won, he did talk about "bad Italian for IU." The third national political force in the country - hence the bipartisanship is more advanced than here, only scratched here and there by some regional power - is experiencing the most dramatic period of its foundation (1983). Network structure and in a federated, to precipitate the crisis is to IU stato il pessimo risultato dell’elezioni politiche di primavera che hanno reincoronato Zapatero e il suo partito socialista e sconfitto per la seconda volta consecutiva il partito di centrodestra – erede dei falangisti franchismi- del Partito Popolare.

Gaspar Llamazares che aveva ereditato la guida di una IU già in difficoltà e ai minimi storici, non solo non è stato in grado di risalire la china, ma ha accentuato il conflitto interno tra le varie anime con una posizione sostanzialmente governista.

Il rischio della marginalità definitiva è riecheggiato in tutti gli interventi dei congressisti che si sono alternatiti al microfono, così come il termine “rifondazione”. IU infatti, così as we have known in its early decades, no longer exists. Its organizational strength, far from being contemptible, but is likely to be severely weakened by internal paralysis that Congress has not come to solve but even to take pictures. For the first time in its history, immediately after the convention, it was not possible to elect the national coordinator. In the new CPN

IU of fact did not occur with certainty neither side a majority. The three motions to the conference final vote, there are further divided into five lists. That the coordinator has resigned ("For a constitutional process of a United Left Open) that candidates Gaspari Sabanés Inés, stopped at 27, 7%. The "Third Way", composed of ex-Gaspari ("Creemos en el future of Izquierda Unida) 18.8%. The document refers to the PCE ("For an IU anti-capitalist, republican, federal, alternative, organized as a political movement and social) that candidates Cayo Lara current regional coordinator of Castilla-La Mancha 43.3% of the delegates. The two remaining lists the current minority Andalusian Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, representative of the Colectivo de Unidad de Trabajadores and the inside guy, transverse and left-wing intellectual Manolo Monera split respectively 4 and 5 of the representatives of the CPN in relation to an audience total of 90 components.

With the economic crisis that now eats at the bottom of the "miracle" English, with mass layoffs and the thud of the locomotive building, multiplied by the social demands of the management team that IU failed to find a common framework. The session of the NPC, convened at the end of the Federal Assembly took note of the wicked and has not read any coordinator.

is expected now that the 90 elected members of the CPN nell'assise he administered another 90 from various regional and local federations. 13 and Dec. 14 - exactly one month after the Congress-we know what leadership and more than latro which will guide policy IU. Negotiations had no power exist, it is hoped the "wisdom" in the territories and in the most vital forces of the movement. Outside the party headquarters and the company does not wait, however, is organized to respond to the crisis, with the establishment of "popular committees against the crisis" that within hours of the conference have filled the plazas of Spain half.


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